Return Reference | Explanation |
Pt VI, Line 11b | CPA prepares and submits Form 990 to organization. Business |
Pt VI, Line 11b | Director and Executive Director review and provide copy |
Pt VI, Line 11b | to Board for their review. Return is signed by Director. |
Pt VI, Line 15a | The compensation for key employees is determined by the |
Pt VI, Line 15b | Board with consideration for: Comp for comparable positions in |
Pt VI, Line 15b | similar organizations, personnel review, budgetary restrictions, |
Pt VI, Line 15b | and merit. |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24f | DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 11967. 10770. 1077. 120. MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 32554. 31219. 1201. 134. MISCELLANEOUS 3700. 2428. 466. 806. REFERENCE MATERIALS 802. 722. 72. 8. TAX & LICENSE 2526. 2273. 228. 25. ACCREDITATION EXPENSE 1000. 1000. 0. 0. EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2952. 2686. 236. 30. CONTINUING EDUCATION 26077. 22976. 2791. 310. |
Software ID: | 13000178 |
Software Version: |