Identifier | Return Reference | Explanation |
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 1 | All Board members have the same voting rights. When there is a tie, the Board President's vote is the deciding factor. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Board and the Executive Director. It shall act as the Steering Committee to plan the regular Board meetings and set the agenda. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to meet and act separately from the Board to transact necessary and urgent business during intervals between regular Board meetings. The Chairperson of the Board shall be the ex-officio Chairperson of this committee. All actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be fully explained to the attending Board members at the next regular Board meeting. No significant policy change or controversial action shall be taken by this committee without approval of the full Board. | |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11 | The Director of Finance reviews the completed 990 and presents any issues to the Executive Director. After the 990 is approved by the Director of Finance an electronic copy is sent to all the board members prior to filing of the 990. | |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c | The conflict of interest policy covers all board members, officers, and employees. The Executive Committee reviews the conflict of interest statements for any disclosed conflicts. If a conflict exists the involved parties abstain from voting on matters relating to the conflict. | |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15a | The Board determines compensation for the Executive Director. Salary comparisons are obtained from the state of North Dakota, Catholic Charities USA, and other similar non-profit organizations to provide comparability data for use in the process of determining compensation. The compensation for the Executive Director was last reviewed in 2013. Compensation for the Director of Finance is decided by the Executive Director. Any changes in compensation are primarily based on what is available in related budgets. Compensation figures for both the Executive Director and the Director of Finance are also compared to figures provided by Catholic Charities USA, ND Association of Non-profits, and ND Job Service. | |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 | The governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial statements of the organization are available to the general public upon request. |
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