SCHEDULE H (Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
MediumBullet Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, question 20.
MediumBullet Attach to Form 990. MediumBullet See separate instructions.
OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public Inspection
Name of the organization
Copley Hospital Inc
Employer identification number

Part I
Financial Assistance and Certain Other Community Benefits at Cost
Did the organization have a financial assistance policy during the tax year? If "No," skip to question 6a ...
If "Yes," was it a written policy? .......................
If the organization had multiple hospital facilities, indicate which of the following best describes application of the financial assistance policy to its various hospital facilities during the tax year.
Answer the following based on the financial assistance eligibility criteria that applied to the largest number of the organization's patients during the tax year.
Did the organization use Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) as a factor in determining eligibility for providing free care?
If "Yes," indicate which of the following was the FPG family income limit for eligibility for free care:
Did the organization use FPG as a factor in determining eligibility for providing discounted care? If "Yes," indicate
which of the following was the family income limit for eligibility for discounted care: .........
If the organization used factors other than FPG in determining eligibility, describe in Part VI the income based criteria for determining eligibility for free or discounted care. Include in the description whether the organization used an asset test or other threshold, regardless of income, as a factor in determining eligibility for free or discounted care.
Did the organization's financial assistance policy that applied to the largest number of its patients during the tax year provide for free or discounted care to the "medically indigent"? ..............



Did the organization budget amounts for free or discounted care provided under its financial assistance policy during the tax year? ............................



If "Yes," did the organization's financial assistance expenses exceed the budgeted amount? ......
If "Yes" to line 5b, as a result of budget considerations, was the organization unable to provide free or discountedcare to a patient who was eligibile for free or discounted care? ..............
Did the organization prepare a community benefit report during the tax year? ..........
If "Yes," did the organization make it available to the public? ..............
Complete the following table using the worksheets provided in the Schedule H instructions. Do not submit these worksheets with the Schedule H.
Financial Assistance and Certain Other Community Benefits at Cost
Financial Assistance and
Government Programs
(a) Number of activities or programs (optional) (b) Persons served (optional) (c) Total community benefit expense (d) Direct offsetting revenue (e) Net community benefit expense (f) Percent of total expense
a Financial Assistance at cost
(from Worksheet 1) ..
    603,698 0 603,698 1.130 %
b Medicaid (from Worksheet 3,
column a) ....
    11,580,241 6,640,051 4,940,190 9.220 %
c Costs of other means-tested
government programs (from
Worksheet 3, column b) .
d Total Financial Assistance
and Means-Tested
Government Programs .
    12,183,939 6,640,051 5,543,888 10.350 %
Other Benefits
    195,920 53,238 142,682 0.270 %
e Community health
improvement services and
community benefit operations
(from Worksheet 4) ..
f Health professions education
(from Worksheet 5) ..
g Subsidized health services
(from Worksheet 6) ..
h Research (from Worksheet 7)            
i Cash and in-kind
contributions for community
benefit (from Worksheet 8)
    57,500   57,500 0.110 %
j Total. Other Benefits ..     253,420 53,238 200,182 0.380 %
k Total. Add lines 7d and 7j .     12,437,359 6,693,289 5,744,070 10.730 %
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat. No. 50192T Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Part II
Community Building Activities Complete this table if the organization conducted any community building activities during the tax year, and describe in Part VI how its community building activities promoted the health of the communities it serves.
(a) Number of activities or programs (optional) (b) Persons served (optional) (c) Total community building expense (d) Direct offsetting
(e) Net community building expense (f) Percent of total expense
1 Physical improvements and housing            
2 Economic development            
3 Community support            
4 Environmental improvements            
5 Leadership development and training for community members            
6 Coalition building            
7 Community health improvement advocacy            
8 Workforce development            
9 Other            
10 Total            
Part III
Bad Debt, Medicare, & Collection Practices
Section A. Bad Debt Expense
Did the organization report bad debt expense in accordance with Heathcare Financial Management Association Statement No. 15? ..........................
Enter the amount of the organization's bad debt expense. Explain in Part VI the methodology used by the organization to estimate this amount. ......
Enter the estimated amount of the organization's bad debt expense attributable to patients eligible under the organization's financial assistance policy. Explain in Part VI the methodology used by the organization to estimate this amount and the rationale, if any, for including this portion of bad debt as community benefit. ......
Provide in Part VI the text of the footnote to the organization’s financial statements that describes bad debt expense or the page number on which this footnote is contained in the attached financial statements.
Section B. Medicare
Enter total revenue received from Medicare (including DSH and IME).....
Enter Medicare allowable costs of care relating to payments on line 5.....
Subtract line 6 from line 5. This is the surplus (or shortfall)........
Describe in Part VI the extent to which any shortfall reported in line 7 should be treated as community benefit.Also describe in Part VI the costing methodology or source used to determine the amount reported on line 6.Check the box that describes the method used:
Section C. Collection Practices
Did the organization have a written debt collection policy during the tax year? ..........
If "Yes," did the organization’s collection policy that applied to the largest number of its patients during the tax year contain provisions on the collection practices to be followed for patients who are known to qualify for financial assistance? Describe in Part VI.......................



Part IV
Management Companies and Joint Ventures(owned 10% or more by officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and physicians—see instructions)
(a) Name of entity (b) Description of primary
activity of entity
(c) Organization's
profit % or stock
ownership %
(d) Officers, directors,
trustees, or key
employees' profit %
or stock ownership %
(e) Physicians'
profit % or stock
ownership %
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Part VFacility Information
Section A. Hospital Facilities
(list in order of size from largest to smallest—see instructions)
How many hospital facilities did the organization operate during the tax year?1
Name, address, and primary website address
Licensed Hospital General-Medical-Surgical Children's Hospital Teaching Hospital Critical Hospital Research Facility ER-24Hours ER-Other Other (Describe) Facility reporting group
1 Copley Hospital Inc
528 Washington Highway
X X     X   X      
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Part VFacility Information (continued)

Section B. Facility Policies and Practices

(Complete a separate Section B for each of the hospital facilities or facility reporting groups listed in Part V, Section A)
Copley Hospital Inc
Name of hospital facility or facility reporting group  
For single facility filers only: line Number of Hospital Facility (from Schedule H, Part V, Section A) 1
Yes No
Community Health Needs Assessment (Lines 1 through 8c are optional for tax years begining on or before March 23, 2012)
1 During the tax year or either of the two immediately preceding tax years, did the hospital facility conduct a community health needs assessment (CHNA)? If "No," skip to line 9.................... 1 Yes  
If “Yes,” indicate what the CHNA report describes (check all that apply):
2 Indicate the tax year the hospital facility last conducted a CHNA: 20 12
3 In conducting its most recent CHNA, did the hospital facility take into account input from representatives of the community served by the hospital facility, including those with special knowledge of or expertise in public health? If “Yes,” describe in Part VI how the hospital facility took into account input from persons who represent the community, and identify the persons the hospital facility consulted .................... 3 Yes  
4 Was the hospital facility’s CHNA conducted with one or more other hospital facilities? If “Yes,” list the other hospital facilities in Part VI................................ 4   No
5 Did the hospital facility make its CHNA report widely available to the public? ............. 5 Yes  
If “Yes,” indicate how the CHNA report was made widely available (check all that apply):
6 If the hospital facility addressed needs identified in its most recently conducted CHNA, indicate how (check all that apply to date):
7 Did the hospital facility address all of the needs identified in its most recently conducted CHNA? If “No,” explain in Part VI which needs it has not addressed and the reasons why it has not addressed such needs ........ 7   No
8a Did the organization incur an excise tax under section 4959 for the hospital facility's failure to conduct a CHNA as required by section 501(r)(3)? ........................... 8a   No
b If "Yes" to line 8a, did the organization file Form 4720 to report the section 4959 excise tax? ...... 8b    
c If "Yes" to line 8b, what is the total amount of section 4959 excise tax the organization reported on Form 4720 for all of its hospital facilities? $  

Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Part VFacility Information (continued)

Financial Assistance Policy Yes No
9 Did the hospital facility have in place during the tax year a written financial assistance policy that:
Explained eligibility criteria for financial assistance, and whether such assistance includes free or discounted care? 9 Yes  
10 Used federal poverty guidelines (FPG) to determine eligibility for providing free care?........... 10 Yes  
If "Yes," indicate the FPG family income limit for eligibility for free care: 250.000000000000%
If "No," explain in Part VI the criteria the hospital facility used.
11 Used FPG to determine eligibility for providing discounted care?................. 11 Yes  
If “Yes,” indicate the FPG family income limit for eligibility for discounted care: 400.000000000000%
If "No," explain in Part VI the criteria the hospital facility used.
12 Explained the basis for calculating amounts charged to patients?................. 12 Yes  
If “Yes,” indicate the factors used in determining such amounts (check all that apply):
13 Explained the method for applying for financial assistance?................... 13 Yes  
14 Included measures to publicize the policy within the community served by the hospital facility?....... 14 Yes  
If “Yes,” indicate how the hospital facility publicized the policy (check all that apply):
Billing and Collections
15 Did the hospital facility have in place during the tax year a separate billing and collections policy, or a written financial assistance policy (FAP) that explained actions the hospital facility may take upon non-payment?....... 15 Yes  
16 Check all of the following actions against an individual that were permitted under the hospital facility's policies during the tax year before making reasonable efforts to determine the patient’s eligibility under the facility’s FAP:
17 Did the hospital facility or an authorized third party perform any of the following actions during the tax year before making reasonable efforts to determine the patient’s eligibility under the facility’s FAP?.......... 17   No
If “Yes,” check all actions in which the hospital facility or a third party engaged:
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Part VFacility Information (continued)

18 Indicate which efforts the hospital facility made before initiating any of the actions listed in line 17 (check all that apply):
Policy Relating to Emergency Medical Care
Yes No
19 Did the hospital facility have in place during the tax year a written policy relating to emergency medical care that requires the hospital facility to provide, without discrimination, care for emergency medical conditions to individuals regardless of their eligibility under the hospital facility’s financial assistance policy?.......... 19 Yes  
If “No,” indicate why:
Charges to Individuals Eligible for Assistance under the FAP (FAP-Eligible Individuals)
20 Indicate how the hospital facility determined, during the tax year, the maximum amounts that can be charged to FAP-eligible individuals for emergency or other medically necessary care.
21 During the tax year, did the hospital facility charge any FAP-eligible individuals to whom the hospital facility provided emergency or other medically necessary services, more than the amounts generally billed to individuals who had insurance covering such care? ............................ 21   No
If “Yes,” explain in Part VI.
22 During the tax year, did the hospital facility charge any FAP-eligible individuals an amount equal to the gross charge for any service provided to that individual? ......................... 22 Yes  
If “Yes,” explain in Part VI.
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Part VFacility Information (continued)

Section C. Other Health Care Facilities That Are Not Licensed, Registered, or Similarly Recognized as a Hospital Facility
(list in order of size, from largest to smallest)
How many non-hospital health care facilities did the organization operate during the tax year?  
Name and address Type of Facility (describe)
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Part VI
Supplemental Information
Complete this part to provide the following information.
1 Required descriptions. Provide the descriptions required for Part I, lines 3c, 6a, and 7; Part II; Part III, lines 4, 8, and 9b; Part V, Section A; and Part V, Section B, lines 1j, 3, 4, 5c, 6i, 7, 10, 11, 12h, 14g, 16e, 17e, 18e, 19c, 19d, 20d, 21, and 22.
2 Needs assessment. Describe how the organization assesses the health care needs of the communities it serves, in addition to any needs assessments reported in Part V, Section B.
3 Patient education of eligibility for assistance. Describe how the organization informs and educates patients and persons who may be billed for patient care about their eligibility for assistance under federal, state, or local government programs or under the organization’s financial assistance policy.
4 Community information. Describe the community the organization serves, taking into account the geographic area and demographic constituents it serves.
5 Promotion of community health. Provide any other information important to describing how the organization’s hospital facilities or other health care facilities further its exempt purpose by promoting the health of the community (e.g., open medical staff, community board, use of surplus funds, etc.).
6 Affiliated health care system. If the organization is part of an affiliated health care system, describe the respective roles of the organization and its affiliates in promoting the health of the communities served.
7 State filing of community benefit report. If applicable, identify all states with which the organization, or a related organization, files a community benefit report.
8 Facility reporting group(s). If applicable, for each hospital facility in a facility reporting group provide the descriptions required for Part V, Section B, lines 1j, 3, 4, 5c, 6i, 7, 10, 11, 12h, 14g, 16e, 17e, 18e, 19c, 19d, 20d, 21, and 22.
Identifier ReturnReference Explanation
    Part I, Line 7: A cost accounting system was used to calculate the amounts reported in the table. The cost accounting system addresses all patient segments. A cost-to-charge ratio was used. The ratio was derived from Worksheet 2.
    Part III, Line 4: Patient accounts receivable are reduced by an allowance for doubtful accounts. In evaluating collectibility of accounts receivable, the Hospital analyzes its past history and identifies trends for each of its major payor sources of revenue to estimate the appropriate allowance for doubtful accounts and provisions for bad debts. Management regularly reviews data about these major payor sources of revenue in evaluating the sufficiency of the allowance for doubtful accounts. For receivables associated with services provided to patients who have third-party coverage, the Hospital analyzes contractually due amounts and provides an allowance for doubtful accounts and a provision for bad debts, if necessary (for example, for expected uncollectible deductibles and copayments on accounts for which the third-party payor has not yet paid, or for payors who are known to be having financial difficulties that make the realization of amounts due unlikely). For receivables associated with self-pay patients (which includes both patients without insurance and patients with deductible and copayment balances due for which third-party coverage exists for part of the bill), the Hospital records a significant provision for bad debts in the period of service on the basis of its past experience, which indicates that many patients are unable or unwilling to pay the portion of their bill for which they are financially responsible. The difference between the standard rates (or the discounted rates if negotiated) and the amounts actually collected after all reasonable collection efforts have been exhausted is charged off against the allowance for doubtful accounts.The Organization utilized a cost to charge ratio as the costing methodology used to determine the amount of bad debt expense at cost.
    Part III, Line 9b: Financial Assistance is available to guarantors who meet the eligibility requirements. Income level, household size, residency status, etc, determine eligibility. Federal Poverty Level guidelines are utilized to determine the amount of assistance a household may be eligible for. For the patient's convenience, all statements have an abbreviated version of the Financial Assistance Application on the back. Copley personnel also help patients review and apply for appropriate state-sponsored programs.
Copley Hospital, Inc.   Part V, Section B, Line 3: In March 2011, Copley Hospital engaged Toby Knox and Associates, LLC (TKA) to conduct a formal Community Healthcare Needs Assessment. The assessment process invited feedback from community stakeholders as well as reviewing relevant data and publications published by government and non-profit agencies from within the Copley community and statewide. A survey tool designed to ascertain the most pressing health and wellness needs in the Copley community was distributed by mail and email to 153 individual stakeholders representing the broad interests of the community served by Copley Hospital, including:School NursesStaff or local non-profit organizationsVermont Health Department staffAuxiliary BoardCopley Foundation CommitteeCopley Health System TrusteesTown Health OfficersCopley Medical StaffA second survey was administered at the 2011 town meetings in the towns of Morristown, Cambridge, Hyde Park, Wolcott, Waterville and Stowe. In September 2011, Copley created a multidisciplinary advisory committee, called the Community Assessment Steering Committee (CASC), consisting of the hospital's community health team, community leaders and members of the Extended Community Health Team of the Copley Service Area Blueprint for Health Program. This team includes representatives from:Lamoille Home Health & HospiceBlueprint Community Health Team LeaderBlueprint Program Area FacilitatorBehavioral Health & Wellness (CHSLV)Copley Hospital Patient & Family Services, Wellness Center and VP of Community RelationsVermont Department of Health, including Field Services Director, Public Health Specialist, and Substance Abuse Prevention ConsultantLamoille Family CenterLamoille Community Food ShareThe Manor (Long Term Care)Lamoille Regional Chamber of CommerceDepartment of Vermont Health AccessCentral Vermont Council on AgingNorthern Counties Health CareBlue Cross Blue Shield of VTLamoille County Mental HealthIn February 2012, an updated survey tool was created based on the CASC's recommendations. It was distributed by mail and email and also administered in person to clients of:Hardwick Food ShareJohnson Food ShareLamoille Community Food ShareCentral Vermont Community Action Council Central Vermont Adult Basic EducationHardwick Area Health CenterMorrisville Family HealthcareStowe Family PracticeLeadership LamoilleCopley Hospital staff conducted a secondary data review in Spring 2012 based on benchmarking guidelines suggested by the Vermont Department of Health and CASC. Data sources reviewed included:Center for Rural Studies, UVMVermont Department of Labor Economic Demographic Profile 2011U.S Bureau of Labor StatisticsU.S Census Bureau 2000 and 2010American Community Survey 2005-2009Vermont Department of Health: Health and Healthcare Trends in Vermont 2010Vermont Department of Health: Physician Survey 2010Vermont Department of Health: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 2010VPQHC: Vermont Health Care Quality Report 2010Vermont Office of Health Access: Study of the Uninsured and Underinsured 2011AHEC: The Primary Care Workforce 2011 SnapshotVermont Department of Health: 2009 Dentist Survey Statistical ReportCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, Nat'l Center for Health StatisticsKaiser Family Foundation: 2010 dataVermont Agency of Human Services Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independence: State of Vermont 2006-2014 Shaping the Future of Long Term Care and Independent LivingVermont Housing Finance AgencyVoices for Vermont Kids, 2007-2009Copley Hospital Quality Reports2011 Hospital Report Card, www.copleyvt.org2012 County Health Ranking from the University of Wisconsin Population Health InstituteNational Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control: Vital Statistics Reporting System, Community Health Status Report 20092012 County Health Rankings, Dartmouth Atlas of HealthVermont AHEC Search Handbook 2012Vermont Department of Health, Health Status of Vermonters, Appendix, 2008EPA Air Quality DatabaseVermont Department of Health, Health Disparities/Health Status Report 2008
Copley Hospital, Inc.   Part V, Section B, Line 5c: A copy of Copley Hospital's 2012 Community Healthcare Needs Assessment is available on the hospital's website, The public was invited to learn more about our assessment and implementation plan at a Community Forum held in September, 2013.
Copley Hospital, Inc.   Part V, Section B, Line 7: The Hospital adopted an implementation strategy to address the top three needs of the community, as recommended by the CASC. Other needs are being addressed by the hospital without being specifically addressed in the implementation strategy. The Hospital is not treating Obesity and Nutrition as a separate priority as obesity is included in our Blueprint integrated health system goal of "improving residents' self management of chronic conditions." Our Healthier Living Workshops, the Workforce Wellness Program and the Pediatric Outreach Programs currently underway all address obesity. Copley Hospital does provide a health recipe in each edition of the Copley Courier, the hospital's newsletter distributed through community newspapers (circulation ~25,000 quarterly). In addition, healthy living tips are shared quarterly with the HOPE Health Newsletter, distributed to Copley's 475 employees, and 400 friends of Copley; it is also available in the hospital's common areas. In addition, a Copley Hospital employee serves on the Lamoille Fit and Health Council and Copley Hospital has advocated to town officials for the adoption of a Town Wellness Plan crafted by the Fit and Healthy Council. The Town Wellness Plan encourages community development and zoning policies that encourage pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure, mixed-use development that provides opportunities for people to be physically active as part of their daily routine, and access to safe, well-maintained parks and recreation facilities. Mental Health and Substance Abuse are being addressed separately, because of the work being done in the community by Lamoille County Mental Health (the Vermont Department of Mental Health Designated Agency), CHSLV's Behavioral Health and Wellness and independent practitioners and Copley Hospital. Work is being done to improve access to behavioral health resources for all residents. Copley Hospital is contributing to this by having our Diabetes Educator and Registered Dietitian screen all Wellness Center referrals for depression and refer to a behavioral health professional as needed. We also have a program in place in our Emergency Department to refer patients without a primary care physician to a Care Coordinator for assistance in securing a primary care physician. Our Emergency Department works closely with Lamoille County Mental Health emergency response staff. We helped this organization establish A.S.A.P. public inebriate program, which provides a safe environment to sober-up followed by next day assessment and counseling.Although not part of the CASC discussion, Copley Hospital is also instrumental in assisting the state of Vermont in opening and operating the 8-bed Green Mountain Psychiatric Care Center (GMPCC) in Morrisville. The GMPCC was built due to the destruction of the Vermont State Hospital during Hurricane Irene, leaving the state in dire straits in trying to meet the need of in-patient psychiatric care. The Center opened in 2013, with the hospital providing key services including pharmacy, medical management, linen, environmental services, and food services.
Copley Hospital, Inc.   Part V, Section B, Line 20d: Financial assistance applications must be completed to determine eligibility for assistance and therefore applicability of the limitation on charges under 501(r)(5). If not eligible, discount is granted for prompt payment similar to the average negotiated commercial discount rate for prompt payment of a clean claim.
Copley Hospital, Inc.   Part V, Section B, Line 22: If patients do not pay promptly, then the discount on gross charges is waived, as it would be under contractual arrangements with commercial insurers if they did not pay promptly.
    Part VI, Line 2: Copley Hospital is part of an Extended Community Health Team in our community. Together we are working to address community healthcare needs. Reaching out to the community to achieve meaningful public participation is integral to Copley's mission and to inform the Extended Community Health Team. Copley completed a Community Healthcare Needs Assessment in 2012.For our assessments, Copley gathers and analyzes information about the greater Lamoille Valley community and its healthcare needs through various means including: analyzing and responding to health trends in our patients, through aggregate data from our Quality and Wellness initiatives and the Copley Service Area Blueprint for Health Program. We also review relevant data published by the Vermont Department of Health, Green Mountain Care Board, Vermont Department of Health's Blueprint for Health Program, and Federal Centers for Disease Control. Our community based advisory committee informs a Board of Trustee-approved implementation plan. The Hospital reports out on the implementation plan to the Extended Community Health Team and Board of Trustees annually. The Hospital is governed by a volunteer board of trustees made up of local citizens representing a cross section of the community served. We maintain involvement in a number of community groups within our service area. Copley continues to work collaboratively with other organizations to identify and address community health needs. Our collaborations include but are not limited to the Extended Community Health Team of the Copley Area Blueprint for Health Initiative (primary care practices) Lamoille Home Health and Hospice, The Manor (long term residential care), Lamoille County Mental Health, CHSLV Behavioral Health & Wellness, Lamoille Prevention Campaign (substance abuse), the Morrisville district office of the Vermont Department of Health, United Way, Lamoille Valley Fit & Health Council, Lamoille Valley Tobacco Task Force, and Leadership Lamoille through the Chamber of Commerce.
    Part VI, Line 3: Information about Copley's Charitable Care policy, which includes helping patients apply for assistance under federal, state or local government programs, is posted by each registration desk (Main Lobby and Emergency Department). It is also available, along with the application form, online on the Hospital's website in addition to the "Hospital Report Card" website of the Green Mountain Care Board. Details are also included in the Patient Guide for inpatients, families and visitors.Copley's Charitable Care program is also promoted in our philanthropy efforts as many donors give to the program. All care providers may refer patients to the Hospital's Patient Financial Services counselors or to Patient and Family Services to connect them to assistance.
    Part VI, Line 4: Copley Health Systems (CHS) is an essential health care resource in the rural greater Lamoille County area of Vermont. Our services include a 25-bed Critical Access community hospital, low-income elderly housing and an independent living facility. Copley Hospital's services include 24 hour/7 days a week emergency services, women's and children's services, general surgery, primary care including laboratory services and diagnostic imaging; and an excellent orthopaedic service given our proximity to major ski areas. Our patients are largely the elderly and low-income families in a rural area. Nearly a third are below 200% of poverty level. We serve all patients, regardless of ability to pay. Chronic health conditions impact many adults in our area. We are working to increase access to healthcare and work with members of our community to improve their self management of chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma and obesity. We are also helping people quit tobacco. Copley provides services for residents whose next nearest hospital may be an hour away in good weather.
Schedule H (Form 990) 2012
Additional Data

Software ID:  
Software Version: