(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

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Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 11B Form 990 and all of the schedules are prepared by an outside Certfied public accounting firm, which annually audits the financial statements of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey. The draft Form 990 is then reviewed by the finance staff at JFNNJ and then forward to members of the audit committee and board of trustees for their review. Schedule B was not provided for their review in order to respect the privacy of our major donors. After the comments and suggestions of the committee and board are addressed, the return is submitted to the US Tramieeasury.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 12C Conflict of interest questionnaires are distributed to all members of the board of trustees, officers, board committee members, key employees and those employees in a position of management. the questionnaires are reviewed for issues of conflict and presented to the officers group of the board for determination whether there is a conflict and resolution. all new trustees or personnel complete a questionnaire upon assuming a new position. questionnaires are updated at the beginning of each new term or upon situational changes to board members or personnel. Because board positions are generally two years in length, bi-annual updates and reviews of board members have been appropriate.
From 990, part VI, Section B, Line 15 Under the auspices of the JFNNJ Board of trustees, the personnel committee, which is made up of volunteers and assisted by people with expertise in the area of executive compensation, reviews surveys and studies all pertinent information from other federations as a benchmark for the salary and benefits of all key employees. compensation changes are reviewed and authorized by the personnel committee. All changes are then approved by the JFNNJ board of trustees. See schedule J for additional information regarding the organization's review and approval process for key employees.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, Line 19 Information is made available to the public upon request.
Form 990, Part XI, Reconcilation of net assets, line 9, other changes Included as an other change in net assets is the change in value of the charitable gift annuties of $231,488.
Form 990, Part III, Line 4d, Program descriptions Council on Older Adults - JFNNJ operates services for older adults by which the Federation directly supports local programs, including Cafa@Europa (a socialization program for Holocaust survivors), care and case management at Jewish Family Service of Bergen County and North Hudson and Jewish Family Service of North Jersey, congregate meal sites at Bergen County Y, a JCC, Daughters of Miriam Apartments and the Kaplan JCC on the Palisades supports home-delivery, through Kosher Meals-on-Wheels, which is coordinated by the two Jewish family services. In 2014 NEED NUMBEr, Kosher meals were served to community senior adults. Synagogue Leadership Initiative ("SLI") - is funded by a partnership between the Federation and the Henry and Marilyn TAub Foundation. It addresses shared challenges and opportunities through its many initatives and works with synagogue leaders (lay and professional) to transform synagogues, build communities and to create a dynamic Jewish future. SLI programs include Shalom Baby, which reaches out to young Jewish families, helping to socialize with other young jewish families and bring them closer to the organized jewish community. Synagogue Next and ATID (Addressing Transformative Innovation Design) in Jewish Education and other community outreach programs. In 2014, SLI is focusing on the areas of membership, financial sustainablitiy, change management and leadership. Jewish Educational Services ("JES") is dedicated to promoting and enhancing Jewish education in northern New Jersey. As part of Federation's Synagogue leadership initiative, JES acts as a catalyst for educational improvement and Jewish continuity. JES also offers the Florence Melton Adult Mini-school, working in close collaboration with a consortium of synagogues and JCC's. In cooperation with the foundation for Jewish Camps's One happy camper program, Federation provides incentive stipends to first-time campers at Jewish non-profit overnight camps. Hillel - JFNNJ supports the Hillel organization at four local college campuses, Ramapo College of New Jersey, Fairleigh Dickinson University/Metropolitan Campus, william paterson University and Bergen Community college. Hillel fosters Jewish identity, provides social activities, volunteer opportunities, educational programs, as well as Israel trip options, counseling services and a lending library for the more than 2,000 students who attend school at these four campuses. Kehillah Cooperative - is a group purchasing initiative that lowers costs, allowing its member institutions - day schools, synagogues, community centers and nursing homes - to spend less on overhead and more on mission. As of June 2014 - NEED NUMBER participating organizations have realized a savings of NEED NUMBER since the inception of the program in February 2010. the cooperative offers savings in the following areas: electric adn natural gas supply, shipping, office supplies, credit card processing, telecommunications, janitorial supplies, waste removal and a tax exempt bond program. Currently membership in the cooperative is available to agencies that serve the local jewish community. In the future, all northern New Jersey area non-profits can participate in the cooperative. Community Market Study - Community Market Study was a survey of the Jewish community within the catchment area with the goal of uncovering critical information that will serve to guide future programs and services of Federation. Berrie Leadership Initiatives - Berrie Leadership Initiatives are intensive programs ranging from 18 months to 3 years focusing on leadership skills and Jewish culture including an overview of the history and current challenges facing the northern New Jersey community. The program provides exposure to leading Jewish philanthropists and thinkers. Graduates of the program are expected to intensify their commitment to Jewish life and to assume significant leadership positions in the community and beyond. The program has expanded to include future philanthropists and professionals of Jewish agencies. Two Berrie Fellows, for example, have created the Klene-Up Krewe which brings groups to New Orleans to help that community rebuild from the devistation caused by Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. There have been eleven trips to New Orleans to date. Chaplaincy and Pastorage - Provides chaplaincy services to area hospitals. One Happy Camper -
Form 990, Part III, Line 4B Israel Engagement provides educational programming about Israel to schools and institutions in the community. IPC programs cover a range of topics and information about Israel to thousands of local residents. The Center coordinates Jewish Federation's signature Israel Culture and Film festival. IPC also manages adult Ulpan courses, beginner to advanced, which help hundreds of people improve their Hebrew language skills, whether to smooth the way to making Aliyah or for conversational purposes. IPC oversees Federations Partnership2Gether initiative, bringing members of northern New Jersey's Jewish community together with residents of Federation's sister city in northwestern Israel, Nahanya. the northern New Jersey-Nahanya relationship has built a strong connection between the two communities. There have been many wonderful exchanges between different segments of the communities including between first responders, artists, prosecutors, physicians and teachers.
Form 990, Part III, Line 4C Jewish Community Relations council ("JCRC") serves as the Federation's public policy and advocacy arm. It provides a forum for discussion and action on issues of concern to the Jewish community with elected officials at all governmental levels. JCRC involves members of the Jewish community in social action initiatives and promotes mutual understanding and harmonious relations among northern New Jersey's diverse racial, religious, civic and ethnic groups. It strengthens Israel-Diaspora relations and engages in advocacy and education relating to Israel and world affairs, legislative priorities, coalition building, anti-Semitism, genocide, intra-Jewish dialogue and separation of religion and state.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2013

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