TY 2014 IRS 990 e-File Render
Software Version:
Description |
Revenue and Expenses per Books |
Net Investment Income |
Adjusted Net Income |
Disbursements for Charitable Purposes |
Artifact exhibits |
15,433 |
15,433 |
Coaching education |
153,395 |
153,395 |
Computer equipment and supplies |
17,493 |
17,493 |
Computer maintenance and support |
117,510 |
22,262 |
95,248 |
Insurance |
169,172 |
169,172 |
Internet charges |
7,675 |
7,675 |
Library operations |
5,061 |
5,061 |
Marketing and development |
146,542 |
146,542 |
Middle school program |
5,001 |
5,001 |
Miscellaneous |
324 |
324 |
Office and facility supplies |
27,939 |
27,939 |
Payroll service and benefit admin |
6,110 |
6,110 |
Photocopying |
9,370 |
9,370 |
Shipping and postage |
9,185 |
9,185 |
Storage |
21,851 |
21,851 |
Subscriptions and dues |
18,333 |
1,549 |
16,784 |
Summer Swim |
405,241 |
405,241 |
Support materials |
8,175 |
8,175 |
Website |
68,804 |
68,804 |
Youth run |
23,324 |
23,324 |