Return Reference | Explanation |
Pt VI, Line 11b | Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Corporation (The Corporation) |
Pt VI, Line 11b | engages in external accountant to prepare the Form 990. |
Pt VI, Line 11b | The external accountant provides the 990 to the corporations |
Pt VI, Line 11b | management for review and changes are made when necessary. |
Pt VI, Line 11b | Once management is satisfied with the Form 990, it is filed with the IRS. |
Pt VI, Line 19 | The organizaitons governing documents and financial statements |
Pt VI, Line 11b | are available upon request. |
Schedule K, Part I | Bond Issues: |
Schedule K, Part I | (A) Issuer Name: Massachusetts Development Finance Agency |
Schedule K, pART i | (B) Description of Purpose: Facility purchase and renovation. |
Software ID: | 13000178 |
Software Version: |