Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11 |
Distributed to all board members. Reviewed in detail by Finance Committee and presented to the board. Board approves Form 990. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c |
Administration reminds the Board of issues that could create a conflict when such issues arise. Finance Committee regularly reviews cash disbursements. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15 |
Executive Director Review Committee reviews executive director's performance and recommends compensation to the full board annually. Lionsgate Academy performs an annual compensation review for all positions against similarly situated and sized organizations in its home metro area. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 |
The organization makes its governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial statements available to the public upon request and on website. |
990 Page 12, Part XII, Line 2C: |
The board assumes the same responsibility for the financial statements it has in the past. The selection process and procedures have not changed from the prior year. The financial statements are prepared by an independent accounting firm. The statements are reviewed and approved by the board before being issued. |
Form 990, PART VI, SECTION A, LINE 1B: |
Several members of the board are teachers at Lionsgate Academy. Minnesota State statute 124D.10 subd. 4(g) requires the board to have at least one member that is an employed/contracted teacher. |
Authorizer |
Lionsgate Academy is required to have an Authorizer to monitor its operations in order to maintain its charter. Lionsgate Academy's approved Authorizer during the fiscal year 2014 was the Novation Education Opportunities. |
Form 990, PART I, LINE 8 and 9 Part VIII Lines 1(e) and 2(a): |
Lionsgate Academy is a non-profit corporation according to Minnesota Statutes and in the past has recognized Federal and State revenues as Government Grants on Form 990 Part I Line 8 and Part VIII Line 1 (e). In the current year the Federal and State revenues that are received on a per pupil basis have been reported on Form 990 Part I Line 9 and Part VIII Line 2(a) to more accurately reflect the program service of the organization. The prior year numbers on Form 990 Part I Line 8 and Part VIII Line 1(e) have been adjusted to reflect the change. The change has no effect of final outcome from operations. |