(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part I, Line 1 The Society for Imaging Science and Technology ( is a professional international organization dedicated to keeping members and others apprised of the latest scientific and technological developments in the field of imaging through conferences, educational programs, publications, and its website. IS&T encompasses all aspects of imaging science, with particular emphasis on digital printing, electronic imaging, color science, image preservation, photofinishing, pre-press technologies, hybrid imaging systems, and silver halide research.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 6 IS&T offers three levels of individual membership (Regular, Students, and Emeritus), three levels of corporate memberships (Sustaining, Supporting, and Donor). IS&T has more than 750 members and more than 5,000 customers from more than 35 countries throughout the world.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7a The IS&T Nominations Committee deliberates and puts worth a slate of nominees to the Board of Directors, who approve the slate as defined in the bylaws. The slate is then voted on by the membership of IS&T, as defined in the bylaws (Article IV). The President and Director of each chapter shall transmit an annual report of chapter activities, attendance at meetings, and results of chapter elections to the Executive Director by July 1, or at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following July 1. The chapter Treasurer shall transmit a year-end financial statement to the Executive Director promptly after December 31.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7b The membership votes on the election of officers and approval of the auditors.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11 The draft 990 is prepared by the outside accountants and reviewed by senior management. It is then sent to the Executive Director for review and signature before it is filed with the IRS.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c Each officer and board member is required to sign the conflict of interest disclosure form each year and submit it to the Executive Director prior to July 1, which is the start date of the terms of the IS&T officers and board members. Whenever any issue comes to the Board of Directors for discussion or decision on whether an officer or board member has an actual or potential conflict of interest, that officer or board member may take the initiative to voluntarily refrain from activities that lead to the possible conflict. If that officer or board member does not take this initiative, and one or more board members feels they should, the Board shall decide by majority vote whether action is needed in order to eliminate the real or perceived conflict, and what specific action is required on the part of the individual. The affected board member will not be eligible to participate in the vote or to be present during the vote. In the case of a tie, the President will cast the deciding vote.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15a IS&T CEO/Executive Director: The salary of the IS&T CEO/Executive Director is reviewed in January each year by the current president, in consultation with other members of the Executive Committee. The last compensation review process took place in February, 2014. Compensation is determined in part using salary indices for comparable organizations in the DC area, as well as prevailing salary adjustment rates for a particular year. IS&T Staff: The salary of the IS&T staff is determined/reviewed by the CEO/Executive Director and presented to the Board as part of the salary and benefits budget discussion. Salary determinations are based on performance, the health of the organization during a specific year (to meet budgetary needs), and prevailing cost of living index for a particular year.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 All governing and policy documents are sent to members/others as requested. In addition, IS&T publishes an annual report within its newsletter (The Reporter), which includes the audited financial statements from the previous year. The newsletter is sent to all members and is available to the public on the website.
Form 990, Part XII, Line 2c: The Board of Directors assumes responsibility for the oversight of the audit and selection of an independent accountant. This process is consistent with previous years.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2014

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