Dayton Children's Hospital is a pediatric hospital located in downtown Dayton, Ohio. The hospital and its staff are committed to serving as an advocate for the children and their families in the Miami Valley through a variety of different programs. It offers inpatient, outpatient and ancillary services to the children in the surrounding 20 counties. Services are provided to patients without regard to their ability to pay. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, the hospital's mix of patients was 50.4% Medicaid, 39.8% Commercial, 8.7% Other Government Programs and 1.1% Self Pay. The hospital provides a Level III neonatal nursery for premature newborns as well as critical care and general pediatric inpatient beds. A 24 hour emergency department is available to all children in the area. Some of the specialties offered at the hospital are neurosurgery, hematology/oncology, pulmonary, gastroenterology, neurology, urology, developmental disorders, psychology, psychiatry, endocrinology, genetics, cardiology, orthopaedics and general surgery. Without Dayton Children's Hospital, many children in the area would have to travel a good distance to receive these services. The hospital also offers a Pediatric Residency Program that trains new pediatricians who will care for the next generation of children. Dayton Children's also sponsors many community events where children's health and safety are promoted. Some statistics for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 are as follows: # of beds: 155, Inpatient days: 26,891, Admissions: 6,466 Average length of stay: 4.24 days. Average daily census: 74, Occupancy rate: 47.8%, Surgeries performed: 10,393, X-Ray studies: 63,076, Lab Test: 798,035, Respiratory therapy procedures: 86,251, Pharmacy doses dispensed: 3,300,465, cardiology procedures: 35,882, Neurology procedures: 3,998, Urgent care visits: 13,097, Emergency department visits: 71,362, Outpatient clinics: 68,098. Form 990, Part VI, Line 11B The CFO reviews key disclosures with appropriate committees of the Board of Trustees. Then prior to filing, the Form 990 is electronically loaded to a secure website for the entire Board of Trustees to review. An email is sent to all members notifying them that the form is available for their review and that it will be filed on or before 05/15/15. Form 990, Part VI, line 12C - Monitoring Conflict of Interest At the beginning of each meeting, the chairman of the Board asks each member to identify and disclose any potential conflicts of interest based on the agenda or any changes in their business practice that might be relevant. If there are any conflicts, the member(s) recuse themselves and do not participate in the discussion and do not vote on the item. This then is noted in the minutes of that meeting. Board members annually agree to abide by written conflict of interest and confidentiality policies. Board members also work to represent and balance the interests of Dayton Children's Hospital's many constituents. The board annually evaluates its own performance. |
Form 990, Part VI, lines 15a & 15b |
Compensation for the hospital's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is set by an Executive Compensation Committee (the Committee) made up of three independent trustees who are also officers of the Board. This Committee also approves compensation levels, incentive plan payouts and executive benefits for each executive employed by the hospital. The Committee operates under a formal charter and keeps contemporaneous minutes of its proceedings. The Committee uses a total compensation philosophy to guide all decisions related to executive compensation at Dayton Children's Hospital (DCH), and as such determines and approves all aspects of the CEO's total compensation package, including benefits and expense allowances. These are detailed in a written employment agreement for the CEO. The Committee uses an outside consultant to conduct periodic reviews of the executive compensation levels of the organization versus those of similarly sized and situated organizations using published surveys. These survey results are used by the Committee in setting executive levels and the CEO's compensation in particular. The Committee follows a formal calendar of meetings and the chairman of the Committee reports to the Board of Trustees at least annually on the Committee's activities and on details of the CEO's compensation and benefits package. The Committee also reviews and approves disclosures related to executive compensation made as part of IRS Form 990. Availability of Financial statements, conflict of interest, organizing documents Form 990, Part VI, Line 19 Dayton Children's Hospital's conflict of interest policy is made available on our website. The financial statements and the organizing documents are made available as required by the extent of the law. Form 990, Part VII -Jeffrey Christian MD works 40 hours per week for the subsidiary, Children's Care Group. -Elizabeth EY MD is employed by Dayton Pediatric imaging. Dayton Children's Hospital contracts with Dayton Pediatric imaging for Dr. EY to provide services at Dayton Children's Hospital as the Medical Director of Radiology. Dr. Ey is also paid to be chairperson of our medical staff. -Arthur Pickoff MD is employed by Wright State University. Dayton Children's Hospital contracts with Wright State University for Dr. Pickoff to provide services at Dayton Children's Hospital as the chairman of the department of pediatrics. |
Form 990, Part XI |
Transfer to Dayton Children's Hospital Foundation (7,318,732) Restricted net assets used for purchase of pp&e 3,407,541 Temporarily restricted net assets (5,243,811) Change in pension benefit obligation and plan assets (4,762,111) Other 29 Total adjustment (13,917,113) |