Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11 |
Prior to the document's filing, the Organization's finance department reviews the initial draft. After any necessary changes, the Organization's board members are presented with a copy. The finalized document is subject to the board's approval. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c |
Each board member is required to sign a conflict of interest disclosure form on an annual basis. In connection with any actual or possible conflicts of interest, an interested individual must disclose the existence of his or her conflict annually and whenever the conflict arises for action at a meeting. After receiving all annual attestations, the CEO will provide the signed statements to the Hospital's attorney for review. After review, the attorney will determine if a conflict exists and inform the CEO and Board chair of the conflicted individuals. There is a listing of Board, Medical Staff and Manager conflicts available at all meetings for reference. The Agenda for every Board, Medical Staff or Department meeting will clearly list the discussion items that require action during the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, the President will ask the members to review the list of action items and declare whether or not they have a conflict. All conflicted members will be required to excuse themselves and leave the room during the discussion and vote. If the board or committee has reasonable cause to believe that a member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the member of the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15 |
The Organization works with an independent compensation consultant to determine appropriate compensation levels. The Organization's executive committee reviews data used to determine compensation for its respective members. Any compensation related changes must be approved by the board of directors or the executive board. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 |
The Organization makes its governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial statements available to the public upon request. |
Form 990, Part IX, line 11g |
Purchased Services: Program service expenses 1,391,778. Management and general expenses 595,779. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 1,987,557. Service Contracts: Program service expenses 356,035. Management and general expenses 0. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 356,035. Professional Services: Program service expenses 477,982. Management and general expenses 0. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 477,982. Outside Services: Program service expenses 13,353. Management and general expenses 0. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 13,353. |