Form 990, Part III, Line 4d: Other Program Services Description |
OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 4: MINISTRY TEAM PROJECTS including Block parties, Medical, Vacation Bible School, Food, Clothing, Housing and School Supplies. OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 5: COOK STOVE MINISTRY: Installation of efficient "rocket" stoves designed to use one forth of the wood used in a traditional open fire allow Guatemalan women to cook using their traditional methods. The stoves vent from the interior of the house resulting in a more comfortable and healthy environment in the household. In 2015, 250 rocket stoves were installed. OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 6: HOUSING MINISTRY: Clubhouse Ministries is providing shelter for Guatemalan families by helping them build homes. In 2015, building materials, supplies and volunteer labor were provided to assist in constructing 15 block homes. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 2: Description of Business or Family Relationship of Officers, Directors, Et |
Mike Parker,Executive Director and Carla Parker, Administrator are husband & wife working together in the ministry. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 11b: Form 990 Review Process |
A copy of the completed form 990 will be provided via email to all current directors of the organization. No formal review procedures have been adopted by the organization. However, directors are requested to read through the document and submit any questions, comments, or suggestions to Mike Parker, President. All input will be reviewed and changes/clarifications will be made as deemed necessary. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 18: Explanation of Other Means Forms Available For Public Inspection |
The organization will make available, upon request, copies of current form 990. Requests should be submitted in writing to |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 19: Other Organization Documents Publicly Available |
The organization will make available, upon request, copies of its Corporate Charter and Conflict of Interest Policy. Requests should be submitted in writing to mike |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Block Party Ministry: Column (A) - Total = $5321; Column (B) - Program Services = $5321; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Business Meeting Expense: Column (A) - Total = $1457; Column (B) - Program Services = $0; Column (C) - Management & General = $1457; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Camp Calvery Maint.&Utilities: Column (A) - Total = $5841; Column (B) - Program Services = $5841; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Camp Calvery Project Materials: Column (A) - Total = $9882; Column (B) - Program Services = $9882; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Chicken Coop Expense: Column (A) - Total = $1648; Column (B) - Program Services = $1648; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Financial Service fees: Column (A) - Total = $4778; Column (B) - Program Services = $0; Column (C) - Management & General = $4778; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Food&Clothing Family ministry: Column (A) - Total = $3601; Column (B) - Program Services = $3601; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
House Construction Ministry: Column (A) - Total = $11914; Column (B) - Program Services = $11914; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Medical & Dental Ministry: Column (A) - Total = $3073; Column (B) - Program Services = $3073; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Printing and Publications: Column (A) - Total = $1657; Column (B) - Program Services = $1160; Column (C) - Management & General = $497; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Rocket Stove Constr. Ministry: Column (A) - Total = $7455; Column (B) - Program Services = $7455; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Training / Education: Column (A) - Total = $1443; Column (B) - Program Services = $0; Column (C) - Management & General = $1443; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
US Ministry Projects: Column (A) - Total = $7518; Column (B) - Program Services = $7518; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses |
Wire transfer Fees: Column (A) - Total = $359; Column (B) - Program Services = $0; Column (C) - Management & General = $359; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0 |