Return Reference | Explanation |
Review of Form 990 | Part VI, Line 11B The COO/CFO, working with the Business Manager/Bookkeeper, has primary responsibility for review of the 990 during the course of its preparation. Any issues that are identified as needing additional Board input are referred to the appropriate Board member(s). The entire 990 is made available to the Board for review via e-mail transmission when the documents have been completed. |
Compensation Determination | Part VI, Line 15A Overall review of data from a Maryland Non-profit Association for comparable positions to include the Executive Director & COO/CFO, as well as new salaried employee positions -- justified and determined pay rates. |
Document Availability | Part VI, Line 19 The organization makes its governing documents and financial statements available upon request. |
Meeting Documentation | Part VI, Line 8B The Organization does not have any committees with authority to act on behalf of the governing body. |
Conflict of Interest Policy | Part VI, Line 12C The Organization implemented a formal Conflict of Interest Policy in 2011. In order to regularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance, it is periodically discussed and all are encouraged to provide updates of any potential changes. Members re-sign the conflict of interest document annually. |
Other changes in net assets | Part XI, Line 9 In 2014, an audit adjustment totaling ($30,000) was recorded subsequent to filing the 2014 form 990. Therefore, beginning net assets is adjusted to agree with the final 2014 audited financial statements. |
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