Return Reference | Explanation |
FORM 990, PART VI, LINE 11B | FORM 990 REVIEW PROCESS: Prior to filing, accounting firm responsible for completion of Form 990 sends draft to President/CEO of organization for review. If needed, both parties meet to clarify questions. Return is then prepared by accounting firm for final review and signature by President. |
FORM 990, PART VI, LINE 12C | CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY: Members of the Governing body are required to sign the formal Conflict of Interest Policy at the start of their Board term stating that they understand the policy. Members of the governing body are required to disclose relationships that they or persons related to them have with companies doing business with the organization. |
FORM 990, PART VI, LINE 15B | PROCESS FOR DETERMINING COMPENSATION: Compensation for the President/CEO is determined after an annual job performance review by the H/R Committee. H/R Committee requests, on regular basis, updates to a job classification and compensation management plan available through Boys & Girls Clubs of America to guide compensation decisions. H/R Committee establishes the salary of the President/CEO and VP of Operations, and determines a pool of funds available for merit increases for remainder of fulltime positions. Both the actual compensation of the President/CEO and VP of Operations and the pool of funds available for other staff positions is reported to and approved by the Board of Directors. |
FORM 990, PART VI, LINE 19 | MAKING DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC: The organization's audits, 990s, other financial statements, Conflict of Interest policy and other governing documents are available for the public to see. Persons asking to review 990s are asked to come to the Administrative office; other documents have been distributed by either mailed hard copies or by electronic mail. 990s are routinely presented to the United Way and funding sources as part of an application process. Some financial statements are also on the organization's website. |
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