SCHEDULE H, Part VI, line 1
Provide the description required for Part I, lines 3c, 6a, 7g, 7, column (f), 7; Part II; Part III, lines 2, 3, 4, 8, 9b: Part I, Line 3c Assets will be considered along with the patients income to determine eligibility for the Financial Assistance Program. To be eligible, reportable assets may not exceed $15,000 for a household of one (1), or $25,000 for a household of two (2) or more. Assets may include, but are not limited to, such items as checking and savings accounts, IRAs, 401(k)s; value of additional cars that exceed the number of working members in the household, equity in recreational vehicles and additional property, etc. Part I, Line 6a Essentia Health Adas community benefit information is consolidated into the Essentia Health community benefit information which is included in the Essentia Health annual report. The annual report is made available to the public at Essentia Health, headquartered in Duluth, Minn., is an integrated health system serving patients in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Idaho and is Essentia Health Adas parent corporation. Part I, Line 7g Not Applicable. Part I, Line 7, Column (f) Bad debt expense that was subtracted from total expense to obtain the % of community benefit to total expense amounted to $249,828. Part I, Line 7 The cost to charge ratio derived from Worksheet 2, Ratio of Patient Care Cost-to-Charges was used to calculate the costs for the following community benefits: Charity Care and Unreimbursed Medicaid. Actual costs were used for the remainder of the community benefits reported. Part II Not applicable, no community building activities listed. Part III, Line 2 Discounts, charity care, and bad debt expense are accounted for as reductions to revenue. Bad debt expense on patient accounts would be identified as any balance on the account, less any previous payments and discounts, that has aged and is absent of any payments. If, during the collection process, it becomes known that the patient qualifies for charity care, the amounts included within bad debt expense would be reclassified to charity care. Part III, Line 3 Essentia Health Ada is a part of a larger organization, Essentia Health. Essentia Health and its member organizations incorporate the cost of bad debt as a community benefit. As a tax exempt hospital, we must provide the necessary services regardless of the patients ability to pay for that care. In doing so, Essentia Health makes quality patient care available to all in our community, regardless of their economic means. Part III, Line 3 Essentia Health Ada provides both full and partial charity care through its traditional application process. Full charity care is a complete write-off of eligible gross hospital and clinic charges while "partial" is a portion of eligible charges. Each are determined respectively based on the patient's income in relation to the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Essentia Health also recognizes that it is not feasible, or sometimes necessary, for all patients to complete financial assistance applications and provide documentation required through the traditional process. Essentia Health Ada implemented an alternative documentation and presumptive process using a tool that identifies accounts that automatically qualify for charity care and reclassified those accounts to charity care allowance. As a result, we estimate $0 of patient accounts written off to bad debt would qualify for charity care. Part III, Line 4 Page 13 of the audit contains the footnote describing the organizations bad debt expense. Part III, Line 8 The methodology used in determining the reported Medicare Allowable Cost begins with the hospital's general ledger system. The costs are obtained from the general ledger and then adjusted and reported in accordance with Centers for Medicare Services (CMS) "cost finding" guidelines as published in their Provider Reimbursement Manual. Once the Medicare allowable costs are determined from the hospital's cost report, any costs attributed to subsidized health services, and Medical Education, are removed and reported separately. Part III, Line 8 Each Essentia Health hospital is required to file a Medicare cost report 5 months after the close of their fiscal year. The cost report provides Medicare with information that is used to determine utilization and spending trends but also is used to set future payment rates for most Medicare services. If the interim payments paid to a hospital are higher or lower than the filed cost report allowable reimbursement there will be a settlement for that fiscal year. This can be due to changes in utilization or cost of providing services for Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) or differences between interim and final payment factors for Disproportionate Share, Bad Debts, or Indirect Medical Education for non-CAH hospitals. An estimate for these settlements is recorded at the close of the fiscal year. If the estimate varies from the final settlement received 6-7 months after the fiscal year ends then these amounts are recorded as prior year Medicare revenue. Part III, Line 8 Essentia Health Ada is a part of a larger organization, Essentia Health. Essentia Health and its member organizations incorporate the full value of the Medicare shortfall as a community benefit. The rationale for the organization's opinion is providing care for the elderly and serving Medicare patients is an essential part of the community benefit standard. Medicare, like Medicaid, does not pay the full cost of care and it is likely to get worse. Many Medicare beneficiaries are poor and are eligible for Medicaid in addition to Medicare. Medicare underpayment must be shouldered by the hospital in order to continue treating the communitys elderly and poor. These underpayments represent a real cost of serving the community. Part III, Line 9b The policies and procedures for internal and external collection practices take into account the extent to which the patient qualifies for the Financial Assistance Policy (FAP) and financial assistance, a patients good faith effort to apply for a governmental program or for financial assistance from Essentia Health Ada and the patients good faith effort to comply with his/her payment agreements. Essentia Health Ada offers extended payment plans to eligible patients and will not impose liens on primary residences nor will we report patients to a credit rating agency for outstanding patient bills. Essentia Health Ada will not charge a patient gross amount of charges for any uninsured treatment. Uninsured discounts will be applied to the gross charges prior to any FAP or other discounts. At any time Essentia Health Ada recognizes that a patient may be eligible for State or Federal programs, a representative will assist the patient in obtaining information about those programs or provide contact information for those programs. Essentia Health Ada contracts with an outside patient advocacy agency, which may provide assistance to the uninsured patient in applying to certain State and Federal programs. At any stage of the patient experience and up through the collection process, the patient may express a concern that they are unable to pay their bill in full or meet the payment plan requirements. At that time, the patient will be given every opportunity to complete and submit an application for financial assistance. Essentia Health Ada trains its outside debt collection agencies and attorneys about the Financial Assistance Policy and how a patient may obtain more information about the FAP or submit an application for financial assistance. Essentia Health Ada requires its outside collection agencies and attorneys to refer patients who may be eligible for financial assistance to Essentia Health Ada. If a patient has submitted an application for financial assistance after an account has been referred for collection activity, Essentia Health Ada and its outside debt collection agencies suspend all collection activity until the patients financial assistance application has been processed and Essentia Health Ada has notified the patient of its decision.
Part VI, line 2
Needs assessment. Describe how the organization assesses the health care needs of the communities it serves, in addition to any needs assessments reported in Part V, Section B: We assess and respond to the health care needs of the communities we serve through many ways including the following: Marketing research - The Essentia Health Marketing Research Department conducts surveys, focus groups and reviews internal data to better understand the needs and use(s) of our services. This includes access to service areas (e.g. Primary Care), payor information (e.g. Essentia Care) and overall gaps in services. Assessments have resulted in internal changes both in staffing and processes. Population Care Management We use their analysis of multiple populations, one specific example are ACO populations. The analyses done include the identification of patients who have uncontrolled asthma, uncontrolled diabetes, are pre-diabetic or who have depression and results in targeted outreach by the Population Care Team. Targeted outreach has proven to lead to better outcomes for these populations. Patient and Family Advisory Councils - Each month, several patients in each of the 5 hospital areas come together to share their insights, experiences, and ideas to help Essentia Health design a health care system that is patient and family centered. They provide high quality, cost-effective, and safe care, which helps patients achieve the best possible health outcomes. Planned interaction with various community health, healthcare and social welfare groups - This includes gathering their perspective on community needs and the role Essentia Health can play in addressing those needs as a collaborative partner. Internal Quality Indicators - They track data that lead to the improved care and treatment of patients with chronic diseases, tobacco use and mental health conditions. This includes patient activity and outcomes, allowing for Essentia Health to better identify the needs of the patients, which can be utilized to assess the overall health of the communities we serve. Health data provided by payor organizations, namely government and commercial health insurers - This health data typically involves medical treatment and outcomes that reflect trends of unhealthy lifestyles and behaviors. Our objective is to understand these relationships and to develop action steps to intervene on the front end to prevent such medical situations from occurring. Human Resources Department Their analysis of current staffing trends aides in providing healthcare access appropriately to the communities we serve. Essentia Institute of Rural Health (EIRH) EIRH provides research of patient data, community data and the outcomes associated with current clinical practices as well as prevention strategies (e.g. falls prevention, diabetes prevention).
Part VI, line 3
Describe how the organization informs and educates patients and persons who may be billed for patient care about their eligibility for assistance under federal, state, or local government programs or under the organization's Charity Care policy: Essentia Health Ada makes information on its Financial Assistance Policy (FAP) readily available to the patient. Information about financial assistance programs is available on the Essentia Health (parent company) website ( where the Information and application is easily accessible to be viewed, downloaded and printed at no charge to the patient. Notices on the availability of financial assistance are conspicuously posted in emergency room departments. Financial assistance information is available during the pre-admission financial screening, at the time of registration and prior to a hospital discharge. Information about the FAP is in all collection letters and patient statements. FAP information and/or applications are made available to appropriate community health services agencies and other organizations that assist people in need. Essentia Health Ada educates staff members who work closely with patients providing direct patient treatment and who work in admissions, billing and collections, about the existence of the FAP and how a patient may obtain more information. Annual education/awareness of the FAP is provided to ensure all employees with patient contact are aware of the program and how patients can obtain additional information. Clinical and hospital staff who provide direct patient care have knowledge of the FAP and know to direct patients to a Registration Interviewer or Business Office Representative. Registration staff have an understanding of the policy, knowledge of where the related documents are located and where to direct the patient for more information on the FAP. Designated employees (Financial Counselors; Patient Accounts Representatives) have a thorough understanding of the FAP and offer the information on the FAP to those patients who make an inquiry about the program or are determined through a financial screening that the patient may be eligible for this program. Patient advocacy services also inform the patient about the availability of assistance. A request for financial assistance may be made by the patient, a patients guarantor, a family member, close friend, or associate of the patient, subject to applicable privacy laws. Essentia Health Ada responds to any oral or written requests for more general information on the FAP made by a patient or any interested party.
Part VI, line 4
Community information. Describe the community the organization serves, taking into account the geographic area and demographic constituents it serves: Essentia Health Ada is located in Ada, MN. Essentia Health Ada is a part of the larger Essentia Health system, which is defined in Part VI, line 6. Essentia Health Ada operates 1 hospital and 1 clinic that serves the communities of Norman, Cass, Polk and Mahnomen counties. The overall community is classified as Rural. Essentia Health Ada and its related clinic cover a service region of approximately 2,000 people. The service region age distribution is 20% under the age of 18; 60% between the ages of 18 and 65; and 20% over the age of 65. The racial makeup of the service region is 92% Caucasian; 1% Asian; 5% Hispanic; and 2% other, predominantly Native American. The gender split ratio is 52% women and 48% men. The average income for the service area is approximately $46,000. Approximately 11.1% of the population falls below the federal poverty guidelines. Essentia Health Ada, along with Essentia Health is committed to serve patients regardless of their ability to pay. 2.5% gross revenue dollars were from self pay patients. In addition, approximately 18.8% of their gross revenue dollars were Medicaid recipients. Norman County, where Essentia Health Ada is located, is in a Health Professional Shortage Area with a Primary Care shortage severity score of 15. Norman County is currently designated as a Medically Underserved Area. As mentioned above, Essentia Health Ada is part of a larger system, Essentia Health. Essentia Health staffs hospitals and clinics in federally-recognized underserved areas and supports the health of its communities through an active outreach program that brings specialists like oncologists, cardiologists, neurologists and others into its smaller communities. This eliminates barriers to care for many patients, particularly those who are elderly, living on low incomes, or are faced with other challenges that make it difficult to travel long distances for care. There are no other hospitals outside of the Essentia Health umbrella that service the community.
Part VI, line 5
Provide any other information important to describing how the organization's hospitals or other health care facilities further its exempt purpose by promoting the health of the community: Essentia Health Ada's governing body is comprised of five local non-Essentia employed residents and a non-local Essentia President. Essentia Health Ada has an open Medical Staff, so any qualified physician of the community is allowed to apply. All applicants that apply must meet the credentialing standards and be approved by our governing board in order to provide services in our system. As a not-for-profit entity, Essentia Health Ada reinvests profits within the organization to support our Mission, "We are called to make a healthy difference in people's lives." Reinvestment into services and equipment for the improvement of patient care typically includes either new or enhanced programs or new or replacement equipment. Some of the projects undertaken by the hospital facility include the following: Preventative care is being addressed through EH athletic trainers providing service to three area schools for prevention of injury as well as treatment. This has been an ongoing service and relationship with the community since 2011. Additionally, the hospital has partnered with Norman-Mahnomen Public Health to provide a free family planning clinic in the community, which is open to all, once per month. To reduce tobacco use, Essentia Health Ada Clinic, which shares a location with the hospital, is now registered to refer patients to the Call It Quits program. The hospital and clinic are also planning to send staff for smoking cessation specialist training in the upcoming fiscal year. Immunizations compliance is being tracked and compliance is going up. With the implementation of electronic medical records, tracking and screening tools are available for patients. Access to mental health services has been a concern. Essentia Health Ada has increased the availability of their clinical licensed social worker from half a day to full days. The clinical child psychologist has also increased the frequency of services provided in the community. The hospital and clinic have launched the Community Paramedic program to provide specific services within the home for patients and community members. The hospital has partnered with LifeLink Air to expedite emergency helicopter transport with a one call system. The hospital and clinic have telehealth services available including wound care and therapeutic weight loss. Additional telehealth services such as psychiatric, nephrology, medication management and cardiology are being explored. To improve screenings, the hospital works collaboratively with community health partners to conduct an annual Health Fair in the fall. This includes a blood screening event and reached more than 150 individuals within the community. The hospital is currently working in partnership with others on a Minnesota Department of Health grant aimed to better share electronic communications of shared clients to ensure the coordination of care and services. Essentia Health Ada is a part of Essentia Health, a fully integrated health system with facilities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Idaho. As a non-profit organization, Essentia Health reinvests surplus revenues into medical training, programs and technology that improve patient care. Essentia Health provides services predominantly in rural communities and is committed to eliminating geographic barriers to care. We strive to provide high-quality, patient-centered care close to home for the communities we serve. We continue to upgrade facilities and technology, such as MRIs, CT scanners and surgery suites, to ensure patients in rural communities have nearby access to these services. In addition, we have recently completed several major construction projects, which include a new $50 million wing for our Fargo hospital and several rural community clinics. Essentia Health was one of the first Accountable Care Organizations in the country to receive the highest level of accreditation from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). As an ACO, Essentia Health is committed to meeting the Triple Aim of improving care and population health, while reducing the overall costs for patients and society as a whole. The formation of our ACO, along with ongoing management and process improvement, represents a significant investment for Essentia Health. Since a majority of healthcare costs are directly related to caring for patients who have chronic conditions, Essentia Health has developed medical homes, which are designed to improve health outcomes for patients, especially those with chronic diseases. Much of this work is not fully reimbursed by state or federal programs. Essentia Health supports the health of our communities through active research and clinical trials through the Essentia Institute of Rural Health. The Institute conducts clinical, translational and health services research with a primary focus on the needs of rural Americans. Various Essentia Health organizations contributed approximately $4.25 million in support to the Institute during the past year.
Part VI, Line 6
If the organization is part of an affiliated health care system, describe the respective roles of the organization and its affiliates in promoting the health of the communities served: Essentia Health Ada is part of Essentia Health, an integrated health system with 16 hospitals, 68 clinics, eight long-term care facilities, two assisted living facilities, five independent living facilities, five ambulance services and one research institute in four states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Idaho. The health system serves a predominantly rural population whose median incomes generally fall below averages of the states where they live. The presence of our clinics and hospitals ensures that people with few economic resources dont have to drive an hour or more to receive basic (and in some cases life-saving) medical care. In addition to staffing hospitals and clinics in federally recognized underserved areas, we support the health of our communities through an active outreach program that brings specialists like oncologists, cardiologists, neurologists and others into our smaller communities. This eliminates barriers to care for many patients, particularly those who are elderly, living on low incomes, or faced with other challenges that make it difficult to travel long distances for care. Our size and integrated structure allow us to offer patients services often found only in larger urban settings. Services ranging from chemotherapy to congestive heart failure management and hospice are available to patients in many of the rural communities we serve. Essentia Health also supports the health of our rural communities through active research and clinical trials by the Essentia Institute of Rural Health. The Institute conducts clinical, translational and health services research with a primary focus on the needs of rural Americans. Essentia Health is also serving patients through the use of our electronic health record (EHR). The vast majority of Essentias hospitals and clinics are using a fully-integrated EHR for patient care. Technology like the electronic health record and Essentias telehealth program allows health clinicians to share test results and consult with colleagues in real time across great distances. Medical information is no longer lost in the shuffle of paper records an important consideration in a region where patients must often be transferred to a larger Essentia facility for complex surgeries or medical care. Essentia is also actively working with government agencies and insurers to develop innovative and cost-effective approaches to care that will improve health outcomes while reducing overall costs to patients and insurers. This innovation can be found in our use of remote home monitors for patients with congestive heart failure and our focus on using a team-based approach to helping patients manage chronic diseases. Essentia Health is committed to helping patients and their families lead active and fulfilling lives in the small and large communities where they live. We hope to become a model of healthcare delivery, particularly in rural areas, in the years to come.
Part VI, Line 7
If applicable, identify all states with which the organization, or a related organization, files a community benefit report: Essentia Health Ada files a community benefit report in Minnesota.