(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on
Form 990 or 990-EZ or to provide any additional information.
MediumBullet Attach to Form 990 or 990-EZ.
MediumBullet Information about Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its instructions is at
OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part VI, Line 11b: Form 990 Review Process No review was or will be conducted.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 19: Other Organization Documents Publicly Available No documents available to the public.
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Adoption fee: Column (A) - Total = $1633; Column (B) - Program Services = $1225; Column (C) - Management & General = $408; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Bank Fees: Column (A) - Total = $795; Column (B) - Program Services = $596; Column (C) - Management & General = $199; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Bets for Pets: Column (A) - Total = $2952; Column (B) - Program Services = $0; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $2952
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Dog Licensing: Column (A) - Total = $2146; Column (B) - Program Services = $1610; Column (C) - Management & General = $536; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Dues/Subscriptions: Column (A) - Total = $40; Column (B) - Program Services = $30; Column (C) - Management & General = $10; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Kennel Expenses: Column (A) - Total = $7432; Column (B) - Program Services = $5574; Column (C) - Management & General = $1858; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Licenses/Permits: Column (A) - Total = $397; Column (B) - Program Services = $298; Column (C) - Management & General = $99; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Meals & Entertainment: Column (A) - Total = $116; Column (B) - Program Services = $87; Column (C) - Management & General = $29; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Merchant Account Fees: Column (A) - Total = $4324; Column (B) - Program Services = $3243; Column (C) - Management & General = $1081; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Other: Column (A) - Total = $312; Column (B) - Program Services = $234; Column (C) - Management & General = $78; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Payroll service fee: Column (A) - Total = $520; Column (B) - Program Services = $390; Column (C) - Management & General = $130; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Postage and Shipping: Column (A) - Total = $415; Column (B) - Program Services = $311; Column (C) - Management & General = $104; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Printing and Publications: Column (A) - Total = $1447; Column (B) - Program Services = $1085; Column (C) - Management & General = $362; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Process fee: Column (A) - Total = $839; Column (B) - Program Services = $629; Column (C) - Management & General = $210; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Professional Fees: Column (A) - Total = $1037; Column (B) - Program Services = $778; Column (C) - Management & General = $259; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Project Pet: Column (A) - Total = $9762; Column (B) - Program Services = $7322; Column (C) - Management & General = $2440; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Senior Asst Program: Column (A) - Total = $10187; Column (B) - Program Services = $7640; Column (C) - Management & General = $2547; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Spay/Neuter Voucher Program: Column (A) - Total = $9935; Column (B) - Program Services = $7451; Column (C) - Management & General = $2484; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Special events: Column (A) - Total = $344; Column (B) - Program Services = $258; Column (C) - Management & General = $86; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Telephone: Column (A) - Total = $1965; Column (B) - Program Services = $1474; Column (C) - Management & General = $491; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Uniforms: Column (A) - Total = $3283; Column (B) - Program Services = $2462; Column (C) - Management & General = $821; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Vaccine Clinic: Column (A) - Total = $662; Column (B) - Program Services = $497; Column (C) - Management & General = $165; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2014

Additional Data

Software ID: 14000265
Software Version: 2014v6.0