Issue Price |
Schedule K, Part I, Column E, Line B After the close of its 2008/09 fiscal year, the university discovered that the issue price, of $43,735,000, shown on the originally filed Form 8038 was incorrect. The university discussed this error with both Bond Counsel and the Illinois Finance Authority (IFA), issuer of the bonds. Subsequently, on October 9, 2009, IFA filed an amended Form 8038 with the IRS. The issue price for this line item was originally revised on the university's 2009 form 990 Schedule K. From that reported on the University's 2008 form 990 schedule K to reflect the corrected amount, of $46,579,779, as reflected on the above referenced amended Form 8038. |
Description of Purpose |
SCHEDULE K, PART I, COLUMN F, LINE A The Series 2004A Bonds were issued to provide funds to refund the Series 2000 bonds, which had an original issue date of November 2, 2000. The University contributed $1,600,043 from its own funds to the escrow funds relating to the refunding of the Series 2000 Bonds and to pay Underwriter's compensation, legal fees and expenses, Trustee's fees and expenses and other costs of issuance. No amount is listed on Part II, line 6 for this issue because all the refunding escrow amounts have been spent and the escrow account has expired. |
Description of Purpose |
SCHEDULE K, PART I, COLUMN F, LINE B Proceeds of the Series 2005A Bonds were used to currently refund a portion of the outstanding Series 1992 bonds, which had an original issue date of February 11, 1992, to advance refund a portion of the outstanding series 1997 bonds, which had an original issue date of January 29, 1997, and to pay the premium for a bond insurance policy. No amount is listed on Part II, line 6 for this issue because all the refunding escrow amounts have been spent and the escrow account has expired. |
Description of Purpose |
SCHEDULE K, PART I, COLUMN F, LINE C Proceeds of the Series 2008 Bonds were used to provide funds to acquire title to certain educational facilities for a price sufficient to currently refund all outstanding MJH Series 1998C-D Bonds, which had an original issue date of October 21, 1998, and MJH 2003A-D Bonds, which had an original issue date of June 26, 2003. All costs of issuance incurred in connection with the Series 2008 Bonds were paid directly by the University. No amount is listed on Part II, line 6 for this issue because all the refunding escrow amounts have been spent and the escrow account has expired. |
Description of Purpose |
SCHEDULE K, PART I, COLUMN F, LINE D The Series 2011A bonds were issued to provide funds to finance the costs of acquisition, construction, renovation, improvement, furnishing and equipping certain of the University's educational facilities at its Lincoln Park and downtown campuses. All proceeds were disbursed as of December 15, 2012. |
Description of Purpose |
SCHEDULE K, CONTINUATION SHEET PART I, COLUMN F, LINE A The Series 2011B bonds were issued to provide funds to currently refund the University's Series 2005B and 2005C bond issues, which both had original issue dates of March 16, 2005. The Series 2005B bonds refunded a portion of the Series 1992 Bonds. The Series 2005C Bonds refunded a portion of the Series 1997 Bonds. No amount is listed on Part II, line 6 for this issue because all the refunding escrow amounts have been spent and the escrow account has expired. |
Description of Purpose |
Schedule K, Continuation Sheet Part I, Column F, Line B The Series 2013 bonds were issued to provide funds to fund a refunding escrow to defease the Series 2004C Bonds. The Series 2004C Bonds were used to provide funds to acquire title to certain educational facilities for a price sufficient to currently refund all outstanding MJH Series 1999D-G Bonds |
Amount of Bonds Legally Defeased |
SCHEDULE K, Part II, Column B, Line 2: The Series 2005A bonds were fully defeased with the issuance of Series 2015 Taxable Bonds on May 28, 2015. |
Total Proceeds |
Schedule K, Part II, Line 3 The amounts shown on this line include all investment earnings while in escrow. |
Other Spent Proceeds |
Schedule K, Part II, Line 11 The Amounts shown on this line relate to the refunding proceeds of the respective bond issue. |
Private Business Use Not Reported |
Schedule K, Part III, Columns A, B Continuation Sheet Column A The issues represented in these columns are post-December 31, 2002 refunding issues that refunded pre-January 1, 2003 bonds. Therefore, due to the special transitional rule, the private business use for these issues is not required to be reported on Schedule K. |
Private Business Use Percentages |
Schedule K, Part III, Column C, D, and Continuation Sheet Column B The private business use percentages shown relate to the portion of the original issue still outstanding as of June 30, 2014 and subject to private business use reporting. |
Rebate Computation Date |
Schedule K, Part IV, Column A, Line 2C Rebate computation performed 02/02/2009 and 01/17/2014. |
Rebate Computation Date |
Schedule K, Part IV, Column B, Line 2C Rebate computation preformed 03/10/2010 and 02/03/2015. Schedule K, Part IV, Column B, Line 2C Rebate computation preformed 03/10/2010 and 02/03/2015. |
Rebate Computation Date |
Schedule K, Part IV, Column C, Line 2C Rebate computation preformed 03/01/2013. |
Rebate Computation Date |
Schedule K, Part IV, Column D, Line 2C Rebate computation preformed 04/27/2015. |
Rebate Computation Date |
Schedule K, Part IV, Continuation Sheet Column A, Line 2C Rebate computation not due until 02/02/2016. |
Rebate Computation Date |
Schedule K, Part IV, Continuation Sheet Column B, Line 2C Rebate computation not due until 05/15/2018. |