(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
MediumBullet Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, question 20.
MediumBullet Attach to Form 990.
MediumBullet Information about Schedule H (Form 990) and its instructions is at
OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public Inspection
Name of the organization
Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital Inc
Employer identification number

Part I
Financial Assistance and Certain Other Community Benefits at Cost
Did the organization have a financial assistance policy during the tax year? If "No," skip to question 6a . . . .
If "Yes," was it a written policy? .......................
If the organization had multiple hospital facilities, indicate which of the following best describes application of the financial assistance policy to its various hospital facilities during the tax year.
Answer the following based on the financial assistance eligibility criteria that applied to the largest number of the organization's patients during the tax year.
Did the organization use Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) as a factor in determining eligibility for providing free care?
If "Yes," indicate which of the following was the FPG family income limit for eligibility for free care:
Did the organization use FPG as a factor in determining eligibility for providing discounted care? If "Yes," indicate
which of the following was the family income limit for eligibility for discounted care: . . . . . . . .
If the organization used factors other than FPG in determining eligibility, describe in Part VI the criteria used for determining eligibility for free or discounted care. Include in the description whether the organization used an asset test or other threshold, regardless of income, as a factor in determining eligibility for free or discounted care.
Did the organization's financial assistance policy that applied to the largest number of its patients during the tax year provide for free or discounted care to the "medically indigent"? . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Did the organization budget amounts for free or discounted care provided under its financial assistance policy during
the tax year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



If "Yes," did the organization's financial assistance expenses exceed the budgeted amount? . . . . . .
If "Yes" to line 5b, as a result of budget considerations, was the organization unable to provide free or discountedcare to a patient who was eligibile for free or discounted care? . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Did the organization prepare a community benefit report during the tax year? . . . . . . . . .
If "Yes," did the organization make it available to the public? . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Complete the following table using the worksheets provided in the Schedule H instructions. Do not submit these worksheets with the Schedule H.
Financial Assistance and Certain Other Community Benefits at Cost
Financial Assistance and
Government Programs
(a) Number of activities or programs (optional) (b) Persons served (optional) (c) Total community benefit expense (d) Direct offsetting revenue (e) Net community benefit expense (f) Percent of total expense
a Financial Assistance at cost
(from Worksheet 1) . . .
    428,229 0 428,229 1.83 %
b Medicaid (from Worksheet 3, column a) . . . . .     2,204,466 1,656,923 547,543 2.34 %
c Costs of other means-tested government programs (from Worksheet 3, column b) . .     0 0 0 0 %
d Total Financial Assistance and Means-Tested Government Programs . . . . . 0 0 2,632,695 1,656,923 975,772 4.17 %
Other Benefits
e Community health improvement services and community benefit operations (from Worksheet 4).     12,490 0 12,490 0.05 %
f Health professions education (from Worksheet 5) . . .     37,911 0 37,911 0.16 %
g Subsidized health services (from Worksheet 6) . . . .     0 0 0 0 %
h Research (from Worksheet 7) .     0 0 0 0 %
i Cash and in-kind contributions for community benefit (from Worksheet 8) . . . .     286,985 179,081 107,904 0.46 %
j Total. Other Benefits . . 0 0 337,386 179,081 158,305 0.68 %
k Total. Add lines 7d and 7j . 0 0 2,970,081 1,836,004 1,134,077 4.85 %
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat. No. 50192T Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Part II
Community Building Activities Complete this table if the organization conducted any community building activities during the tax year, and describe in Part VI how its community building activities promoted the health of the communities it serves.
(a) Number of activities or programs (optional) (b) Persons served (optional) (c) Total community building expense (d) Direct offsetting
(e) Net community building expense (f) Percent of total expense
1 Physical improvements and housing     0 0 0 0 %
2 Economic development     0 0 0 0 %
3 Community support     0 0 0 0 %
4 Environmental improvements     0 0 0 0 %
5 Leadership development and training for community members     0 0 0 0 %
6 Coalition building     0 0 0 0 %
7 Community health improvement advocacy     0 0 0 0 %
8 Workforce development     924 0 924 0 %
9 Other     0 0 0 0 %
10 Total 0 0 924 0 924 0 %
Part III
Bad Debt, Medicare, & Collection Practices
Section A. Bad Debt Expense
Did the organization report bad debt expense in accordance with Heathcare Financial Management Association Statement No. 15? ..........................
Enter the amount of the organization's bad debt expense. Explain in Part VI the methodology used by the organization to estimate this amount. ......
Enter the estimated amount of the organization's bad debt expense attributable to patients eligible under the organization's financial assistance policy. Explain in Part VI the methodology used by the organization to estimate this amount and the rationale, if any, for including this portion of bad debt as community benefit. ......
Provide in Part VI the text of the footnote to the organization’s financial statements that describes bad debt expense or the page number on which this footnote is contained in the attached financial statements.
Section B. Medicare
Enter total revenue received from Medicare (including DSH and IME).....
Enter Medicare allowable costs of care relating to payments on line 5.....
Subtract line 6 from line 5. This is the surplus (or shortfall)........
Describe in Part VI the extent to which any shortfall reported in line 7 should be treated as community benefit.Also describe in Part VI the costing methodology or source used to determine the amount reported on line 6.Check the box that describes the method used:
Section C. Collection Practices
Did the organization have a written debt collection policy during the tax year? ..........
If "Yes," did the organization’s collection policy that applied to the largest number of its patients during the tax year
contain provisions on the collection practices to be followed for patients who are known to qualify for financial assistance? Describe in Part VI .........................



Part IV
Management Companies and Joint Ventures(owned 10% or more by officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and physicians—see instructions)
(a) Name of entity (b) Description of primary
activity of entity
(c) Organization's
profit % or stock
ownership %
(d) Officers, directors,
trustees, or key
employees' profit %
or stock ownership %
(e) Physicians'
profit % or stock
ownership %
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Part VFacility Information
Section A. Hospital Facilities
(list in order of size from largest to smallest—see instructions)
How many hospital facilities did the organization operate during the tax year?1
Name, address, primary website address, and state license number (and if a group return, the name and EIN of the subordinate hospital organization that operates the hospital facility)
Licensed Hospital General-Medical-Surgical Children's Hospital Teaching Hospital Critical Hospital ResearchGrp Facility ER-24Hours ER-Other Other (Describe) Facility reporting group
1 Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital Inc
1151 N Rock Road
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Part VFacility Information (continued)

Section B. Facility Policies and Practices

(Complete a separate Section B for each of the hospital facilities or facility reporting groups listed in Part V, Section A)
Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital Inc
Name of hospital facility or letter of facility reporting group  
Line number of hospital facility, or line numbers of hospital facilities in a facility
reporting group (from Part V, Section A):
Yes No
Community Health Needs Assessment
1 Was the hospital facility first licensed, registered, or similarly recognized by a State as a hospital facility in the current tax year or the immediately preceding tax year?.......................... 1   No
2 Was the hospital facility acquired or placed into service as a tax-exempt hospital in the current tax year or the immediately preceding tax year? If “Yes,” provide details of the acquisition in Section C............... 2   No
3 During the tax year or either of the two immediately preceding tax years, did the hospital facility conduct a community health needs assessment (CHNA)? If "No," skip to line 12...................... 3 Yes  
If "Yes," indicate what the CHNA report describes (check all that apply):
4 Indicate the tax year the hospital facility last conducted a CHNA: 20 13
5 In conducting its most recent CHNA, did the hospital facility take into account input from persons who represent the broad interests of the community served by the hospital facility, including those with special knowledge of or expertise in public health? If "Yes," describe in Section C how the hospital facility took into account input from persons who represent the community, and identify the persons the hospital facility consulted ................. 5 Yes  
6a Was the hospital facility’s CHNA conducted with one or more other hospital facilities? If "Yes," list the other hospital facilities in Section C.................................. 6a Yes  
b Was the hospital facility’s CHNA conducted with one or more organizations other than hospital facilities?” If “Yes,” list the other organizations in Section C. ............................. 6b Yes  
7 Did the hospital facility make its CHNA report widely available to the public?.............. 7 Yes  
If "Yes," indicate how the CHNA report was made widely available (check all that apply):
8 Did the hospital facility adopt an implementation strategy to meet the significant community health needs
identified through its most recently conducted CHNA? If "No," skip to line 11. ..............
8 Yes  
9 Indicate the tax year the hospital facility last adopted an implementation strategy: 20 14
10 Is the hospital facility's most recently adopted implementation strategy posted on a website?......... 10   No
a If "Yes" (list url):  
b If "No," is the hospital facility’s most recently adopted implementation strategy attached to this return? ...... 10b Yes  
11 Describe in Section C how the hospital facility is addressing the significant needs identified in its most recently conducted CHNA and any such needs that are not being addressed together with the reasons why such needs are not being addressed.
12a Did the organization incur an excise tax under section 4959 for the hospital facility's failure to conduct a CHNA as required by section 501(r)(3)?............................... 12a   No
b If "Yes" to line 12a, did the organization file Form 4720 to report the section 4959 excise tax?........ 12b    
c If "Yes" to line 12b, what is the total amount of section 4959 excise tax the organization reported on Form 4720 for all of its hospital facilities? $  

Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Part VFacility Information (continued)

Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital Inc
Name of hospital facility or letter of facility reporting group  
Financial Assistance Policy (FAP) Yes No
Did the hospital facility have in place during the tax year a written financial assistance policy that:
13 Explained eligibility criteria for financial assistance, and whether such assistance included free or discounted care? 13 Yes  
If “Yes,” indicate the eligibility criteria explained in the FAP:
14 Explained the basis for calculating amounts charged to patients?................. 14 Yes  
15 Explained the method for applying for financial assistance?................... 15 Yes  
If “Yes,” indicate how the hospital facility’s FAP or FAP application form (including accompanying instructions) explained the method for applying for financial assistance (check all that apply):
16 Included measures to publicize the policy within the community served by the hospital facility?........ 16 Yes  
If "Yes," indicate how the hospital facility publicized the policy (check all that apply):
Billing and Collections
17 Did the hospital facility have in place during the tax year a separate billing and collections policy, or a written financial assistance policy (FAP) that explained all of the actions the hospital facility or other authorized party may take upon non-payment?.................................. 17 Yes  
18 Check all of the following actions against an individual that were permitted under the hospital facility's policies during the tax year before making reasonable efforts to determine the individual’s eligibility under the facility’s FAP:
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Part VFacility Information (continued)

Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital Inc
Name of hospital facility or letter of facility reporting group  
Financial Assistance Policy (FAP) Yes No
19 Did the hospital facility or other authorized third party perform any of the following actions during the tax year before making reasonable efforts to determine the individual’s eligibility under the facility’s FAP?............ 19   No
If "Yes," check all actions in which the hospital facility or a third party engaged:
20 Indicate which efforts the hospital facility or other authorized party made before initiating any of the actions listed (whether or not checked) in line 18. (check all that apply):
Policy Relating to Emergency Medical Care
21 Did the hospital facility have in place during the tax year a written policy relating to emergency medical care that required the hospital facility to provide, without discrimination, care for emergency medical conditions to individuals regardless of their eligibility under the hospital facility’s financial assistance policy?.................. 21 Yes  
If "No," indicate why:
Charges to Individuals Eligible for Assistance Under the FAP (FAP-Eligible Individuals)
22 Indicate how the hospital facility determined, during the tax year, the maximum amounts that can be charged to FAP-eligible individuals for emergency or other medically necessary care.
23 During the tax year, did the hospital facility charge any FAP-eligible individual to whom the hospital facility provided emergency or other medically necessary services more than the amounts generally billed to individuals who had insurance covering such care? ............................... 23   No
If "Yes," explain in Section C.
24 During the tax year, did the hospital facility charge any FAP-eligible individual an amount equal to the gross charge for any service provided to that individual? ........................... 24   No
If "Yes," explain in Section C.
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Part V
Facility Information (continued)
Section C. Supplemental Information for Part V, Section B. Provide descriptions required for Part V, Section B, lines 2, 3j, 5, 6a, 6b, 7d, 11, 13b, 13h, 15e, 16i, 18d, 19d, 20e, 21c, 21d, 22d, 23, and 24. If applicable, provide separate descriptions for each hospital facility in a facility reporting group, designated by facility reporting group letter and hospital facility line number from Part V, Section A (“A, 1,” “A, 4,” “B, 2,” “B, 3,” etc.) and name of hospital facility.
Form and Line Reference Explanation
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 5 Facility , 1 Facility , 1 - Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.. A random sample of 7,300 Sedgwick, Butler, Harvey, Reno and Sumner County households was selected. Pre-survey postcards were mailed via first class mail on January 7, 2013 informing potential respondents about the CHNA, asking them to watch for and complete their surveys, and giving them the opportunity to request the survey in Spanish or Vietnamese, if preferred. In addition, in an effort to draw upon the recognition and reputation of individuals in Sedgwick, Butler, Harvey, Reno and Sumner counties, community leaders were identified by nonprofit health and human services agencies by asking each executive director to identify up to ten community leaders they believed should be surveyed "to gauge the community's pulse as it pertains to the area's health and human service needs." All community leaders identified by at least two agency executive directors were included in the survey research. Nonprofit health and human services agencies executive directors, as well as presidents/chief executive officers of the area's largest employers, local elected and appointed government officials and public school district superintendents and board presidents were invited to participate. Surveys were mailed out to 511 community leaders, and the response rate was 28.1 percent. To get a feeling of real community needs that are being addressed by local not-for-profit and government agencies, using the United Way of the Plains 2-1-1 database, United Way of Reno County contact list, and the membership list, of the Coalition of Community Health Clinics for Wichita-Sedgwick County, 262 executive directors of programs dealing with poor and/or vulnerable populations were asked to participate in the survey effort. The response rate from this target group was 32.6 percent. Specific people involved with the survey included: Sonja Armbruster, former Community Health Planning and Performance Improvement Division Director for the Sedgwick County Health Department; Renee M. Hanrahan, Director of Community Benefit from Via Christi Health, Inc.; and Gloria Summer, Director of Research for The United Way of the Plains.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 6a Facility , 1 Facility , 1 - Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.. The 2014 CHNA was conducted in partnership with Via Christi Health, Inc., Via Christi Hospital Wichita St. Teresa, Inc., Via Christi Hospitals Wichita, Inc. and Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 6a Facility , 2 Facility , 2 - Via Christi Hospital Wichita St. Teresa, Inc.. VCH-ST is located on the west side of Wichita, Sedgwick County on a 120-acre campus. The 144,000 square-foot hospital features: - 68 private patient suites - 24/7 emergency room - 6 state-of-the-art operating rooms - Diagnostic imaging and laboratory services - Inpatient pharmacy - Critical care unit - Orthopedics and inpatient rehab - Cardiovascular care
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 6a Facility , 3 Facility , 3 - Via Christi Hospitals Wichita, Inc.. VCH-W covers the campuses of St. Francis, St. Joseph and the Behavioral Health Center. Via Christi Hospital - St. Francis includes the following services: - 24/7 Emergency room and trauma care - Pediatric care - Cancer care - Via Christi Cancer Institute in Wichita, CyberKnife System, da Vinci Robotic Surgery and Cancer Center in Wichita - Heart care - Cardiac Rehabilitation Program, Chest Pain Center, Heart Valve Clinic, Hybrid OR, MitraClip, TAVR - Blood and bone marrow transplant program - Joint Replacement Center - Via Christi Regional Burn Center - Neurology care - Epilepsy monitoring unit and Neurocritical care unit and stroke center Via Christi Hospital - St. Joseph Campus features: - NewLife Center for labor and delivery - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Senior Behavioral Health - Forensic Nursing for victims of sexual assault and violence Via Christi Behavioral Health Center provides comprehensive behavioral and mental health treatment options in Wichita, Kansas in partnership with the psychiatrists from the University of Kansas School of Medicine. There are four levels of inpatient care: - Acute pychiatric care for patients with acute symptoms including thoughts of suicide, severe depression or psychosis. - Adult psychiatric care, where structured individual and group treatment is provided for patients with less acute symptoms and medical detoxification for chemically dependent patients is available. - Adolescent care, designed to meet the unique clinical and educational needs of 12 to 17 year-old patients in need of crisis stabilization and short-term hospitalization. - Care for chronically mentally ill patients. All services require a referral. Patients may be admitted directly to any of the behavioral health units, or may access inpatient services through the ER at VCH in Wichita.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 6b Facility , 1 Facility , 1 - The United Way of the Plains. The three focus areas of The United Way of the Plains is education, income and health. They have been conducting community needs assessments since 1985 and are seen as the leader in assessments in the South Central Kansas area. It seemed like a natural choice to join forces with them and the Sedgwick County Health Department in conducting our CHNA.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 6b Facility , 2 Facility , 2 - Sedgwick County Health Department. In 2009, The Sedgwick County Health Department started an annual data book and health priorities report looking at access to health care, obesity and diabetes, mental health, oral health and health disparities. Instead of having three separate reports, colleagues got together to establish one CHNA for the area. Sedgwick County Health Department only focuses on Sedgwick County whereas, the CHNA covers multiple counties in and around Wichita, Kansas.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 6b Facility , 3 Facility , 3 - Via Christi Health, Inc.. Via Christi Health, Inc.'s rich history of serving the people of Kansas and the surrounding region dates back more than 100 years to the healing ministries of our founding congregations. Today, Via Christi Health, Inc. is the largest provider of healthcare services in Kansas. We serve Kansas and northeast Oklahoma through our doctors, hospitals, and health services.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 11 Facility , 1 Facility , 1 - Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.. Three major problems selected from the 2013 CHNA were anti-bullying, preparing young people to join the workforce, and mobility for individuals physically challenged. VCRH collaborated with USD259 in developing a plan to educate coaches, counselors and nurses through the use of sports medicine trainers to help assess bullying prevalence, identify processes for prevention, support children subjected to bullying, and redirecting the behavior of children who bully others. VCRH partnered with the Chisholm Life Skills Learning Center (USD#259) to enhance their program offerings to help differently-abled students find employment opportunities in their communities. Development of relationships with Via Christi ministries or client employers of Via Christi Occupational Medicine can provide a broader range of learning/training opportunities which will assist these individuals in obtaining optimal independence and become more productive members of the community. VCRH partnered with Sedgwick County Department of Aging in establishing the 1st Mobility Fair at the Sedgwick County Extension Office. The purpose of the fair was to invite those in need of using mobility equipment to come and see what was available, check to see if their current equipment was in need of repair, and cleaning them to make them more serviceable. This fair enabled both the disabled and their caregivers to have up-to-date knowledge of how to evaluate their equipment and resources where they can go to gain assistance in their navigation needs.
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Part VFacility Information (continued)

Section D. Other Health Care Facilities That Are Not Licensed, Registered, or Similarly Recognized as a Hospital Facility
(list in order of size, from largest to smallest)
How many non-hospital health care facilities did the organization operate during the tax year?12
Name and address Type of Facility (describe)
1 Via Christi Therapy Center - East Shannon
10100 Shannon Woods
2 Via Christi Therapy Center - Carriage Parkway
625 Carriage Parkway 110
3 Via Christi Therapy Center - Cheney
126 N Main
4 Via Christi Therapy Center - Derby
1410 N Woodlawn Suite E
5 Via Christi Therapy Center - Hutchinson
1500 E 11th Hutchinson Mall
6 Via Christi Therapy Center - North Rock
1551 N Rock Road
7 Via Christi Therapy Center - Socora
854 N Socora
8 Via Christi Therapy Center - West 13th
3725 W 13th Street
9 Via Christi Therapy Center - Cessna
6600 Southwest Blvd
10 Via Christi Therapy Center - Maize
501 N Maize Road
Occupational Therapy
11 Via Christi Occupational Medicine - E Lincoln
2535 E Lincoln
Occupational Therapy
12 Via Christi Therapy Center - Andover
308 E Central
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
Part VI
Supplemental Information
Provide the following information.
1 Required descriptions. Provide the descriptions required for Part I, lines 3c, 6a, and 7; Part II and Part III, lines 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9b.
2 Needs assessment. Describe how the organization assesses the health care needs of the communities it serves, in addition to any CHNAs reported in Part V, Section B.
3 Patient education of eligibility for assistance. Describe how the organization informs and educates patients and persons who may be billed for patient care about their eligibility for assistance under federal, state, or local government programs or under the organization’s financial assistance policy.
4 Community information. Describe the community the organization serves, taking into account the geographic area and demographic constituents it serves.
5 Promotion of community health. Provide any other information important to describing how the organization’s hospital facilities or other health care facilities further its exempt purpose by promoting the health of the community (e.g., open medical staff, community board, use of surplus funds, etc.).
6 Affiliated health care system. If the organization is part of an affiliated health care system, describe the respective roles of the organization and its affiliates in promoting the health of the communities served.
7 State filing of community benefit report. If applicable, identify all states with which the organization, or a related organization, files a community benefit report.
Form and Line Reference Explanation
Schedule H, Part VI, Line 7 States with which the organization files a community benefit report. The state of Kansas does not require hospitals to file community benefit reports; but VCH distributes our community benefit totals and activities annually in press releases, as well as, in our annual report.
Schedule H, Part I, Line 6a Community Benefit Report Via Christi Health, Inc. produces a consolidated annual report for all ministries in their periodical magazine called "Via Christi Life". Within the report, several pages describe the Community Benefit activities that have taken place over the last year and the monetary value to the Wichita area. Community Benefit Report: Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc. ("VCRH") is a member of Via Christi Health, Inc. ("VCH"). As a Catholic health system, VCRH has its origins in faith-based responses to health needs of our communities, with a particular concern for those living in poverty and who are vulnerable. The obligation to reach out to those in need and improve community health flows directly from our identity as a faith-based healing ministry. As a mission-driven organization, we provide community benefit because we are committed to our core values of: - Service of the Poor - Generosity of spirit, especially for persons most in need. - Reverence - Respect and compassion for the dignity and diversity of life. - Integrity - Inspiring trust through personal leadership. - Wisdom - Integrating excellence and stewardship. -Creativity - Courageous innovation. - Dedication - Affirming the hope and joy of our ministry. According to the VCRH mission statement, "As a part of Via Christi Health, Inc., we share this mission: Inspired by the Gospel and our Catholic tradition, we serve as a healing presence with special concern for our neighbors who are vulnerable." The financial information in this report was prepared in accordance with the Catholic Health Association's (CHA) A Guide for Planning and Reporting Community Benefit Guidelines (2012). Per these guidelines, we report the net expense for community benefit services (e.g. the total community benefit expense minus any associated revenue from patients, residents, payers and other external sources). The CHA guidelines reflect a conservative approach to reporting quantifiable community benefit. The goal of the guidelines is to produce community benefit financial reports that reflect true costs and that describe community benefit activities that increase access to health care and improve community health for all. The following are VCRH's definitions for quantifiable community benefits reports. Charity Care - free or discounted health services provided to persons who cannot afford to pay and who meet VCH's criteria for financial assistance. Charity care is reported in terms of costs, not charges. Charity care does not include bad debt. Government Sponsored Means-Tested Health Care - includes unpaid costs of public programs for low-income persons. The shortfall created when VCH receives payments that are less than the cost of caring for public program beneficiaries. This payment shortfall is not the same as a contractual allowance, which is the full difference between charges and government payments. For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 Community Benefit (VCRH): 1. Charity Care, at cost: $46.2 million 2. Government Sponsored Health Care, net expense: Unpaid cost of public indigent care programs (includes Medicaid, SCHIP and other safety net programs; does not include Medicare shortfall): $15.5 million 3. Community Benefit programs, net expense: $20.8 million 4. Total Quantifiable Community Benefit: $82.5 million
Schedule H, Part III, Line 1 BAD DEBT IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATEMENT NO. 15 VCRH reports bad debt in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Healthcare Financial Management Statement No. 15 is followed to the extent that it aligns with the guidelines set forth by GAAP.
Schedule H, Part I, Line 7 Costing Methodology used to calculate financial assistance The cost of providing charity care, means tested government programs, and community benefit programs is estimated using cost data and is calculated in compliance with Catholic Health Association (CHA) guidelines. The best available data was used to calculate the amounts reported in the table. For the information in the table, a cost-to-charge ratio was calculated and applied.
Schedule H, Part II Community Building Activities As active members of the chamber and other networking coalitions, staff is in position to assist in the recruitment of new health care providers wanting to move into the geographic area resulting in more access to healthcare providers for all residents. In addition, engaging in community building organizations that increase economic development in the area, providing community support, providing leadership development and training for community members, and promoting workforce development also helps to encourage young professionals to look at the variety of health care career options available to them through area colleges and technical schools. Via Christi Hospitals offer youth an opportunity to shadow health care professionals on the job as a way to enlighten and encourage more health care career choices.
Schedule H, Part III, Line 2 Bad debt expense - methodology used to estimate amount Bad debt expense at cost is determined using the same cost-to-charge ratio that is used for charity care and Medicaid shortfall. VCRH follows the guidance from CHA and does not consider bad debt as a community benefit.
Schedule H, Part III, Line 3 Bad Debt Expense Methodology VCRH has a very robust financial assistance program; therefore, no estimate is made for bad debt attributed to financial assistance eligible patients.
Schedule H, Part III, Line 4 Bad debt expense - financial statement footnote From the audited financial statements of Ascension Health Alliance (which include the activity of Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.): The provision for doubtful accounts is based upon management's assessment of expected net collections considering historical experience, economic conditions, trends in healthcare coverage, and other collection indicators. Periodically throughout the year, management assesses the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts based upon historical write-off experience by payor category, including those amounts not covered by insurance. The results of this review are then used to make any modifications to the provision for doubtful accounts to establish an appropriate allowance for doubtful accounts. After satisfaction of amounts due from insurance and reasonable efforts to collect from the patient have been exhausted, the System follows established guidelines for placing certain past-due patient balances with collection agencies, subject to the terms of certain restrictions on collection efforts as determined by the System. Accounts receivable are written off after collection efforts have been followed in accordance with the System's policies. The methodology for determining the allowance for doubtful accounts and related write-offs on uninsured patient accounts has remained consistent with the prior year. VCRH's bad debt deduction was $123,149 at charges and $52,322 at cost (after the cost to charge ratio was applied to the amount of charges).
Schedule H, Part III, Line 8 Community benefit & methodology for determining medicare costs VCRH follows the CHA guidelines regarding Medicare and does not include it as community benefit. However, the methodology described in the instructions to Schedule H, Part III, Section B, Line 7 for reporting Medicare shortfall does not take into account all costs incurred by VCRH and does not represent the total Medicare shortfall. The Medicare shortfall reported on Schedule H, Part III, Section B, Line 7 was determined using information from the organization's Medicare cost report (using the Medicare cost report step-down methodology of allocating costs). However, utilizing an internal cost accounting system actually results in a smaller Medicare surplus of $222,336. The most common reason for a difference between the Medicare shortfall reported on Schedule H and the actual shortfall reported above include - inclusion of Medicare advantage revenue and expenses; inclusion of Medicare Part B revenue and expenses; inclusion of other fee schedule revenue; other timing issues; and costs that are considered unallowable on the Medicare cost report that are, in fact, related to Medicare Patient care.
Schedule H, Part III, Line 9b Collection practices for patients eligible for financial assistance It is the policy of VCRH to promote socially just practices for billing and collections for all patients receiving care. The policy is intended to further VCRH's mission by requiring ethical conduct in billing and collecting self-pay balances from patient/guarantor's regardless of ability to pay. The policy ensures that prior to turning an account over to a Third Party Collection Agent (Agent) for collection activity, VCRH will perform a reasonable review of each account to verify that the patient/guarantor is not potentially eligible for any government assistance program (e.g.: Medicaid, Medicare, etc.) and would likely not qualify for charity care. VCRH will direct its staff and Agents to periodically assess each patient/guarantor's ability to pay or to determine eligibility for charity care. The review and assessment should include but may not be limited to the following: a. Ensure the patient/guarantor has been notified of VCRH's financial assistance policy; b. Ensure the patient/guarantor was offered a financial assistance application; c. Ensure documentation of any known extraordinary financial circumstances of the patient/guarantor or if they are medically indigent.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 16b FAP Application website - Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.: Line 16b URL:;
Schedule H, Part VI, Line 2 Needs assessment In addition, to the CHNAs conducted every 3 years by the hospital, VCRH makes use of other research conducted in the community, for example, Sedgwick County Health Department's annual plan, the United Way's Environmental Scan, up-to-date downloads from the Census Bureau, as well as Kansas University's Institute for Policy and Social Research. Specific research may be conducted when applying for grants and targeted research focusing on patients who come into our ERs and/or other departments are useful in looking at population health trends.
Schedule H, Part VI, Line 3 Patient education of eligibility for assistance All patients registered at Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc. receive a Patient Admissions Brochure which includes information on the financial assistance policy and how to contact a financial counselor. Signage is also posted in each registration area. Financial assistance information is also provided on the Via Christi website. The information included in the brochure is: "At Via Christi Hospital, patients receive necessary medical care regardless of their ability to pay. Services are provided without regard to culture, age, gender, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status, language or disability. Trained financial counselors are available to discuss individual needs. We will review your eligibility for financial assistance and assist you in making payment arrangements".
Schedule H, Part VI, Line 4 Community information The primary counties for Via Christi Hospitals in Wichita include Sedgwick and Butler Counties. Sedgwick County has a land area of 998 square miles with an estimated 2014 population of 508,803. Butler County has a land area of 1,430 square miles with an estimated 2014 population of 66,227. Sedgwick County's population includes 81.0% white, 9.5% Black, 1.4% American Indian, 4.4% Asian and 13.9% persons of Hispanic or Latino origin. The diversity of the population in Sedgwick County is greater than for either Butler County or the State of Kansas as a whole. Racial breakout for Butler County includes: 93.6% white, 1.9% Black, 1.1% American Indian, 1.0% Asian persons, and 4.5% persons of Hispanic or Latino origin. It was reported by 13.6% of the Sedgwick County and 3.2% of the Butler County residents that a language other than English is spoken at home. When it comes to education, 88.6% of Sedgwick County residents completed high school and 28.7% had a bachelor's degrees or higher. This compares to 92.8% for high school graduates and 26.7% for bachelor's degrees for Butler County. Median household income for Sedgwick County residents between the years of 2009-2013 was $49,865 compared to $56,454 for Butler County. The median value of owner- occupied housing units during the same time period in Sedgwick County was $124,000 compared to $127,800 for Butler County residents. Sedgwick County reports 15.3% of its residents are below poverty level compared to 8.4% for Butler County. The Statewide poverty level is around 13.7%.
Schedule H, Part VI, Line 5 Promotion of community health VCRH enriches the Wichita area through a community board, open medical staff, and taking care of patients regardless of their ability to pay. Community representation on the Governing Body The Board of Trustees is the governing body of VCRH. The majority of its members are external members comprised of persons who reside in or around Sedgwick County and have overall responsibility for the charitable mission of the organization as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. These trustees represent areas of expertise in healthcare, finance, education, and local government. The Board actively debates and sets policy and strategic direction for the ministry, but does not get involved in issues related to daily operations. The Board takes a balanced approach when addressing community and business/financial concerns. The Board is also the primary group for determining the use of surplus funds generated by the organization which are reinvested in the ministry in order to allow the ministry to sustain its mission and prepare for the future. Open Medical Staff The medical staff is open with over 1,100 physicians having medical privileges at Via Christi Hospitals in Wichita, including VCRH. Approximately 300 of these physicians are employed through Via Christi Clinics. Primary care physicians are providing medical home services to Medicare and Medicaid patients, especially those with multiple chronic diseases. Community Boards/Committees/Coalitions VCRH staff participates in the community on boards and committees of other not-for-profit organizations, government entities, foundations, area colleges and university committees, state-wide coalitions and national healthcare related not-for-profit organizations. Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc. has representatives who regularly serve in some capacity to fulfill the missions of the following organizations located in Sedgwick County - Safe Kids Wichita Area Coalition, South Central Regional Trauma Council, Drowning Prevention Coalition, American Heart Association, StepStone and Dear Neighbor Board, Butler Community College Nursing Advisory Council, Central Plains Regional Healthcare Foundation, Kansas High School Athletic Association Sports Medicine Advisory Committee, YMCA Board, American Lung Association/COPD Committee, Family Life/Natural Family Planning Committee, Grace Med Clinic, Guadalupe Clinic, Wichita Center for Graduate Medical Education, Independent Living Resource Center and more. VCRH encourages participation of outside non-profit groups to use their ministries to promote their missions such as the Newman University and Wichita State University nursing students, employees of the State's Medicaid enrollment program, University of Kansas Psychiatry clerkship, American Red Cross blood donation program and others. Not-for-profit groups needing space to hold their meetings, trainings and/or routine work are encouraged to use conference room facilities for no cost at VCRH. VCRH staff present numerous educational talks during the course of the year on various topics dealing with health related issues for news media wanting to inform the public about specific illnesses, brain injuries, new mobility aids, and technology, which is improving the quality of life for many who have suffered losses due to accidents and other tragedies.
Schedule H, Part VI, Line 6 Affiliated health care system Via Christi Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc. (VCRH) is an affiliate of Via Christi Health, Inc. (VCH) and Ascension Health. VCH's affiliates are large multi-faceted, integrated, not-for-profit ministries including hospital and non-hospital ministries (physician group practices, hospital organizations, research, home health, durable medical equipment, and senior facilities). These ministries work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy of serving as a healing presence with special concern for our neighbors, especially those who are vulnerable. This community benefit happens through its focus on patient care, education and research. The organizations work together to serve their communities at the local, state, and national level. Ascension Health Alliance, d/b/a Ascension (Ascension), is a Missouri nonprofit corporation formed on September 13, 2011. Ascension is the sole corporate member and parent organization of Ascension Health, a Catholic national health system consisting primarily of nonprofit corporations that own and operate local healthcare facilities, or Health Ministries, located in 23 states and the District of Columbia. Ascension is sponsored by Ascension Sponsor, a Public Juridic Person. The Participating Entities of Ascension Sponsor are the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise Province; the Congregation of St. Joseph; the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet; the Congregation of Alexian Brothers of the Immaculate Conception Province, Inc. - American Province; and the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother of the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi - US/Caribbean Province. Mission: The System directs its governance and management activities toward strong, vibrant, Catholic Health Ministries united in service and healing, and dedicates its resources to spiritually centered care which sustains and improves the health of the individuals and communities it serves. In accordance with the System's mission of service to those persons living in poverty and other vulnerable persons, each Health Ministry accepts patients regardless of their ability to pay. The System uses four categories to identify the resources utilized for the care of persons living in poverty and community benefit programs: - Traditional charity care includes the cost of services provided to persons who cannot afford healthcare because of inadequate resources and/or who are uninsured or underinsured. - Unpaid cost of public programs, excluding Medicare, represents the unpaid cost of services provided to persons covered by public programs for persons living in poverty and other vulnerable persons. - Cost of other programs for persons living in poverty and other vulnerable persons includes unreimbursed costs of programs intentionally designed to serve the persons living in poverty and other vulnerable persons of the community, including substance abusers, the homeless, victims of child abuse, and persons with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. - Community benefit consists of the unreimbursed costs of community benefit programs and services for the general community, not solely for the persons living in poverty, including health promotion and education, health clinics and screenings, and medical research. Discounts are provided to all uninsured patients, including those with the means to pay. Discounts provided to those patients who did not qualify for assistance under charity care guidelines are not included in the cost of providing care of persons living in poverty and other community benefit programs. The cost of providing care to persons living in poverty and other community benefit programs is estimated by reducing charges forgone by a factor derived from the ratio of each entity's total operating expenses to the entity's billed charges for patient care. Certain costs such as graduate medical education and certain other activities are excluded from total operating expenses for purposes of this computation.
Schedule H (Form 990) 2014
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