Return Reference | Explanation |
Form 990-EZ, Header, Line B | Two contributions in the amount of $25,000 and $1,000, and an expense of $94.20, were omitted in posting prior to closing of the books in FYE 05/31/2015 causing the revenue and expenses for the year to be understated. These omissions were not discovered until after the tax return for that year had been submitted. This amended return is being submitted to correct these omission errors and report the correct amount of revenue and expenses for FYE 05/31/2015. |
Form 990-EZ, Part I, Line 16 | Description;Amount^Campus Beautification and Improvements;571|Classroom Enhancement and Teacher Appreciation;7699|Membership Fees;130|Student Educational Enhancement and Awards Program;21680|Special Events and Activities;4952|Other Miscellaneous Expenses;378^Total;35410^ |
Software ID: | 14000267 |
Software Version: | v1.00 |