Part I, Line 3c - Charity Care Eligibility Criteria (FPG Is Not Used)
SVH uses 150% over the FPG and reviews each patient information on a case by case basis.
Part I, Line 6a - Related Organization Community Benefit Report
Leadership: Teresa P. Vieira,CEO and Michael Gallagher,ChairEmployees: 402Community Benefit Report: SVH is a Twenty-five bed critical access hospital with a womens health center; medical/surgical, special care, and swing bed units; rehabilitation centers with therapy services in Pittsfield and Newport; occupational health services; diagnostics; cardiopulmonary services; primary care in Clinton, Newport, and Pittsfield, with same-day appointments and access to specialists and surgeons at the Pittsfield and Detroit locations; diabetes and nutrition clinic; sleep study center; community health and education services; 24/7 emergency department; a courtesy van for outpatients; and more. LOCATIONS: Pittsfield, Clinton, Detroit, Newport Received the Top Rural Hospital in Maine honors from The Leapfrog Group, making Sebasticook Valley Health (SVH) the first hospital in Maine to be recognized five years in a row for quality excellence by a national organization Designated as a 2015 Best Places to Work in Maine Recognized for the third year as a winner in the seventeenth annual Health Cares Most Wired Survey, conducted by Hospitals & Health Networks, which assesses hospital performance in four facets of information: infrastructure, business and administrative management, clinical quality and safety, and clinical integration Awarded a three-year patient navigator grant from the Maine Cancer Foundation for the SVH Patient Navigation and Outreach Program, which is intended to improve access to and utilization of preventive health service delivery for early detection and treatment of cancer Launched a comprehensive collaboration with member organizations: CA Dean Memorial Hospital, Inland Hospital, and TAMC, involving shared specialized services, such as neurology, rheumatology, endocrinology, diabetes, general surgery, nutrition, and wound care
Part I, Line 7 - Explanation of Costing Methodology
Ratio of Patient Care Cost-to-Charges is used in calculation
Part I, Line 7, Column F - Explanation of Bad Debt Expense
$3,202,919 of bad debt expense, $1,965,577 of charity care, $21,027,034 of contractual allowances is included on Form 990, Part IX, line 24, column (A)
Part III, Line 2 - Methodology Used To Estimate Bad Debt Expense
The costing methodology used to determine the amount reported on line 2 is cost to charge ratio.
Part III, Line 4 - Bad Debt Expense
Patient accounts receivable are stated at the amount management expects to collect from outstanding balances. Management provides for probable uncollectible amounts through a charge to earnings and a valuation allowance based on its assessment of the current status of individual accounts. Balances that are still outstanding after management has used reasonable collection efforts are written off through a charge to the valuation allowance and a credit to the applicable patient accounts receivable. Credit is extended without collateral.
Part III, Line 8 - Explanation Of Shortfall As Community Benefit
Medicare losses should be treated as a community benefit because the losses are incurred in performing an important public service, and Maine hospitals experience one of the lowest Medicare reimbursement rates in the country.
Part III, Line 9b - Provisions On Collection Practices For Qualified Patients
All account guarantors who express an inability to pay inpatient and outpatient services will be screened for eligibility for charity care using an application and guidelines established by Sebasticook Valley Hospital. An account may be reconsidered for charity care at any time when new information is available about a patient's inability to pay.
Part VI - Needs Assessment
Sebasticook Valley Health utilizes the EMHS Community Health Needs assessment data from the Healthy Maine Partnership/Healthy SV Community Data Profile, and produces an annual environmental needs analysis every year. The SVH community Health data,and information gleaned from AVATAR International patients surveys and quality measurement website data.
Part VI - Patient Education of Eligibility for Assistance
Sebasticook Valley Health provides information about financial assistance and the contract information for SVH Billing is included in patients bills and is available at the Patient Accounts Office, Central Registration, and in all primary care locations. Our Patient Accounts staff work directly with each patient to educate, determine eligibility and assist in applying for assistance. In addition, information is posted to the public at our website. They are knowledgeable in a wide variety of programs and services that can help patients.
Part VI - Community Information
Sebasticook Valley Health, a critical access hospital located in Somerset County, is a member organization of Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems and is the only hospital located in Sebasticook Valley region.The towns of Sebasticook Valley are culturally quite similar in terms of race (97% white), socio-economic factors, rural nature, and small town lifestyle. It is a region that was once founded and thrived on a booming manufacturing industry, but in recent years these same employers have shuttered their doors or relocated out of state and in some cases oversees.The median household income for Somerset County is $38,141, compared to the state average of $48,219. Equally troubling, the 2010 Census data indicates that 18.2% of Somerset County residents are living below the poverty level, which is substantially more than the state average of 13.3%. We know that only 14.8% of residents have earned a Bachelors Degree or higher and that the average travel time to work for residents is 25-minutes.
Part VI - Community Building Activities
Coalition Building Since 1999, SVH has served as the fiscal agent for the HealthySV Coalition. HealthySV is the local Healthy Maine Partnership serving the Sebasticook Valley area. In 2015, SVH supported the sustainability of the coalition by applying for continued state funding as well as Drug Free Communities Support Program grant funding through SAMHSA. SVH is an active member of the coalition, and assists with membership recruitment. Currently, twelve sectors are represented on the coalition Steering Committee. The Steering Committee meets bi-monthly and is responsible for several SVH implementation strategies and plays a key role in leading the community health improvement process for SVH.In addition to the HealthySV Coalition, SVH continues to coordinate and facilitate Little Beacon, which meets monthly. Little Beacon is a community and clinical collaborative, convened to address the health priorities of Sebasticook Valley residents. Little Beacon members include, but are not limited to social services, behavioral health, healthcare, public health, home health, hospice, area agencies on aging, pharmacy, alternative medicine, senior housing and long-term care, faith-based community, and community representatives.
Part VI - Explanation Of How Organization Furthers Its Exempt Purpose
Sebasticook Valley Health provides a wide range of services to the community including support groups for cancer, diabetes, and hosting for caregivers. SVH partners with school districts to provide tobacco prevention education, implement evidence-based substance abuse prevention curriculum, and deliver nutrition education to students and staff. SVH also works in collaboration with a number of other area organizations, such as law enforcement and worksites, to help deliver programs and services that address the need for improved nutrition and fitness, and elimination and reduction of tobacco and substance abuse. SVH continues to coordinate and deliver a lunch-and-learn education series for our local business leaders. Lunch-and-learn topics in 2015 included workplace tobacco policy, domestic violence, and ergonomics. This year marked the 21th anniversary for the hospitals Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and the hospital held its third annual Community Health Fair in partnership with the local high school. 200 community members attended the community health fair, which provided the general public with information about local health and social services. During the fair, SVH staff provided free preventive health screenings, had billing staff available to answer inquiries specific to healthcare insurance, and administered the influenza vaccine. Both Sebasticook Valley Health and EMHS, the system, is a member of the Wellness Council of America - SVH with Platinum status and EMHS with Platinum status for employee health. To promote and provide community wellness programs, SVH must walk the walk with employees. As SVH brings system-wide or local programs into the communities, it is done with an understanding of the work needed to help create healthy workplaces and healthy communities. See also Schedule 0
Part VI - Affilated Health Care System Roles and Promotion
The 2014 Community Health Needs Assessment was conducted by Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems (EMHS) in collaboration with several member/affiliated hospitals and the many public health and community organizations across eight Maine counties. The Community Health Needs Assessment informs initiatives to promote community health across the system as well as within each member hospital local service area. Each member hospital adopts a local implementation strategy and community health improvement plan, tailored to meet local needs.As an EMHS member organization, Sebasticook Valley Health serves on the EMHS Community Health System Team that is charged with leading a collaborative systematic approach to improve population health across the systems service area. Sebasticook Valley Health also serves on Maines Central Public Health District Coordinating Council. The work on both committees provides the hospital with opportunities to partner with other community-based agencies serving the local service area, ensure the hospital service area health priorities are considered when district and EMHS health improvement plans are discussed and drafted, and advocate for increased access to services for Sebasticook Valley residents.
Part VI - States Where Community Benefit Report Filed
Part V - Explanation of Number of Facility Type