Atlanta Braves Foundation Inc 755 Hank Aaron Drive Atlanta,GA30315
58-2071299 |
501(c)(3) |
10,000 |
League Development |
Boys & Girls Club 1275 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta,GA30309
13-5562976 |
501(c)(3) |
39,000 |
Best Buddies International Inc 100 SE 2nd Street Miami,FL33131
52-1614576 |
501(c)(3) |
25,000 |
Brewers Charities Inc One Brewers Way Milwaukee,WI53214
39-1970152 |
501(c)(3) |
6,000 |
General Contr. |
Cal Ripken Sr Foundation 1427 Clarkview Rd Baltimore,MD21209
52-2310500 |
501(c)(3) |
50,000 |
General Contr. |
Carolinas Metro Inc 3303 Valerie Drive Charlotte,NC28216
27-3569966 |
501(c)(3) |
15,322 |
RBI Grant |
Chicago White Sox RBI 333 W 35th Street Chicago,IL60616
36-3719918 |
501(c)(3) |
8,453 |
RBI Grant |
Cincinnati Reds Community Fund Great American Ballpark Cincinnati,OH45202
31-1790195 |
501(C)(3) |
50,000 |
General Contr. |
Cincinnati Riverbats Baseball 9456 Amber Ln West Chester,OH45069
86-1093021 |
501(c)(3) |
20,000 |
RBI Grant |
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens 3400 Vine St Cincinnati,OH45220
31-0537171 |
501(c)(3) |
40,000 |
General Contr. |
Claflin University 400 Magnolia Street Orangeburg,SC29115
57-0314374 |
501(c)(3) |
10,000 |
General Contr. |
Cleveland Indians Baseball Co 2401 ONTARIO ST CLEVELAND,OH44115
34-1547452 |
501(C)(3) |
15,000 |
RBI Grant |
Coastal Carolina University Student Accounts/JRunyon Conway,SC29528
57-0977955 |
501(c)(3) |
7,500 |
General Contr. |
Diabetes Foundation 13 Sunflower Ave Paramus,NJ07652
22-3551926 |
501(c)(3) |
20,000 |
General Contr. |
Do It For Durrett 3000 South Hulen St Suite 124 Ft Worth,TX76109
47-3858030 |
501(C)(3) |
119,828 |
General Contr. |
Eastern Kentucky University 521 Lancaster Avenue Richmond,KY40475
61-1131682 |
501(c)(3) |
10,000 |
General Contr. |
Entertainment Industry Foundation 1250 6th Street Suite 201 Santa Monica,CA90401
95-1644609 |
501(c)(3) |
62,069 |
General Contr. |
Faith Academy of Mobile Inc 8650 Tanner Williams Road Mobile,AL36608
58-1898405 |
501(c)(3) |
10,000 |
General Contr. |
Giants Community fund 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco,CA94107
94-3200061 |
501(C)(3) |
10,000 |
CAPE Award |
Houston Astros 501 CRAWFORD STREET HOUSTON,TX77002
74-2051157 |
27,000 |
RBI Grant |
Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation 1000 Elysian Park Ave Los Angeles,CA90012
95-4623022 |
501(c)(3) |
41,443 |
General Contr. |
Houston Astros RBI PO Box 288 Houston,TX77002
74-2793078 |
8,000 |
RBI Grant |
Jackie Robinson Foundation One Hudson Square New York,NY10013
13-2896345 |
501(c)(3) |
29,455 |
Jackie Robinson Day |
Little league Baseball Inc Toms River East American LL Toms River,NJ08754
22-6091188 |
501(c)(3) |
20,000 |
General Contr. |
Marlins Community Foundation 2267 DAN MARINO BLVD Miami,FL33125
65-0912375 |
501(c)(3) |
11,000 |
General Contr. |
Magical Builders 2549 East Bluff Drive No 421 Newport Beach,CA92660
20-1824726 |
501(c)(3) |
12,500 |
General Contr. |
March of Dimes 515 Madison Avenue 20th Floor New York,NY10022
13-1846366 |
501(C)(3) |
7,500 |
General Contr. |
65-0967217 |
10,000 |
RBI Grant |
Milwaukee Brewers MILLER PARK MILWAUKEE,WI53214
37-0899413 |
7,000 |
RBI Grant |
National Recreation & Park Association 22377 Belmont Ridge Road Ashburn,VA11368
13-5563001 |
501(c)(3) |
21,500 |
Grassroots Initiative |
New York Mets Citi Field Flushing,NY11368
11-2834957 |
48,000 |
RBI Grant |
PBATS C/O Colorado Rockies Baseball Club Denver,CO80205
58-1524230 |
501(c)(6) |
150,000 |
Pirates Charities 115 Federal Street Pittsburgh,PA15212
25-1840370 |
501(c)(3) |
11,000 |
General Contr. |
Partnership For Drug-Free Kids 352 Park Avenue South New York,NY10010
13-3413627 |
501(c)(3) |
60,000 |
General Contr. |
Pittsburgh Pirates 115 FEDERAL STREET PITTSBURGH,PA15212
25-1512457 |
11,000 |
RBI Grant |
Prostate Cancer Foundation 1250 Fourth Street Suite 360 Santa Monica,CA90401
95-4418411 |
501(c)(3) |
50,000 |
Medical Research |
Pujols Family Foundation Inc 111 Westport Plaza Suite 255 St Louis,MO63416
20-2272546 |
501(C)(3) |
10,000 |
General Contr. |
Starlight Children's Foundation 2049 Century Park East Los Angeles,CA90067
95-3802159 |
501(c)(3) |
15,000 |
Fun Centers |
Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 5005 LBJ Freeway Suite 250 Dallas,TX75244
36-3297852 |
501(c)(3) |
22,126 |
General Contr. |
Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation 1000 Ballpark Way Ste 400 Arlington,TX76004
75-2404714 |
501(c)(3) |
10,000 |
General Contr. |
The New York Mets Foundation Citifield Flushing Queens,NY11368
13-6159029 |
501(c)(3) |
16,000 |
General Contr. |
University of Florida PO Box 114050 Gainesville,FL32611
59-6002052 |
501(c)(3) |
10,000 |
General Contr. |
Urban Initiatives Inc 650 West Lake St Chicago,IL60661
83-0367521 |
501(C)(3) |
10,000 |
World Baseball Outreach RBI 6209 S 107th East Avenue Tulsa,OK74133
76-0297531 |
501(C)(3) |
8,921 |
Boys & Girls Club of Puerto Rico PO Box 79526 Carolina,PR00981
66-0327584 |
501(C)(3) |
36,839 |
General Contr. |