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Saint Michael's College
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ORGANIZATION'S MISSION STATEMENT FORM 990, PART I, LINE 1 AND PART III, LINE 1 Saint Michael's College is a catholic liberal arts residential college committed to the pursuit of academic excellence, with an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 2,050 students and 700 graduate and international students. We create and sustain an optimal living and learning environment that promotes a vibrant intellectual life and challenges students to engage in activities to extend their minds and experience within and beyond our Vermont location.
ACADEMIC SUPPORT AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT FORM 990, PART III, LINES 4A The academic program is at the heart of the Colleges Mission and the reason for Saint Michael's College existence. The College provides education with a social conscience, producing graduates with intellectual tools to lead successful, purposeful lives that will contribute to peace and justice in our world. Saint Michael's College students personalize their education through research, internships, and small classes, preparing them for a lifetime, not just for their first job out of college. The academic program is rigorous and calibrated to the appropriate developmental levels of students (first-year students through graduate level). The undergraduate academic program offers degrees in 23 different majors for the Bachelor of Arts Degree and 12 majors for the Bachelor of Science Degree. Students may also, choose from 36 minor programs. The academic program for graduate students includes 3 programs leading to Masters degrees in Clinical Psychology, Education and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Saint Michael's College awarded 478 Bachelors degrees and 64 Masters degrees during 2015-2016 academic year with, 2020 students enrolled in Baccalaureate degree programs and 254 in Masters degree programs. The class of 2016 had 417 graduates in May, of which 251 or 60% also earned Minors. Of the 82% of the class of 2016 who graduated with Bachelors degrees and responded to our annual survey, 97% are employed, in graduate school, or volunteering full time within six months of graduation. The 4 year average (2007 2010) student-right-to-know completion or graduation rate is 77.2%; this compared favorably to the 63% reported by Act National Graduation rates in 2016 for private 4-year institutions offering only bachelors degrees in the selective category. The Colleges goal is to have 30% of each graduating class study abroad. Working with over 20 study abroad partner organizations, students have more than 70 countries from which to choose a variety of study abroad options. The College has far exceeded its 30% goal for the past 5 academic years. The College has made strides in educating students beyond the classroom in preparation for their careers after graduation. In 2015-2016, 251 students engaged in supervised academic internships, compared to 292 in the previous year, representing 13.4% of the student body for 2015-2016 compared with 14% for 2014-2015. In the last three summers, 2016, 2015 and 2014, 47 students, 61 students and 39 students were engaged in independent research with professors. The College has a robust honors program which began in the late 1980s, and recognizes high achievement among our students. In 2016, 56 students (12% of the senior class) graduated in the honors program. In the fall of 2016, 508 students from all four classes, about 27% of the student body, were members of the honors program. In addition, Saint Michaels College shelters a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Epsilon Sigma and eleven discipline-based honors societies with 231 members of the class of 2016. Saint Michael's College is part of the nations oldest and largest liberal arts academic honor society, Phi Beta Kappa. Only about ten percent of institutions of higher education have chapters. With 286 chapters nationwide, Saint Michael's College is one of only 25 Catholic Colleges in the U.S. and one of four in New England with such a chapter. The College is identified in the 2016 Edition of the Princeton Reviews Best 380 Colleges as one of the nations best institutions for undergraduate education. Saint Michael's College is ranked 99th in national liberal arts colleges by the U.S. News and World Report. Saint Michaels College has been named to Kiplingers Personal Finance list of the Top 300 Best College Values of 2016 and made the magazines list of 100 best values in private universities. Forbes magazines Americas Top Colleges Edition has ranked Saint Michaels College 149th in the best private colleges category and 88th in liberal arts universities. Again this year, Saint Michaels College was included in the 2016 edition of The Princeton Reviews Guide to Green Colleges, recognized for their commitment to sustainability. The Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators (VSBPE) is responsible for evaluating and approving educator preparation programs at the undergraduate and graduate level and alternate routes to licensure. They approve licensure programs that have successfully demonstrated the capacity to provide prospective educators with the knowledge, skills, experiences, and dispositions needed to foster all students growth. Program approval is valid for seven years. In 2011, Saint Michaels College received full approval for all licensure programs. In 2014 the board reviewed and voted to accept Saint Michaels two year report and granted full approval for all licensure programs. The next ROPA (Results Oriented Program Approval) review date is scheduled for 2018. The academic program is supported by many professional and administrative staff including information technology (IT), academic enrichment programs, library and information services (LIS), registrars office, the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Dean. The IT department is committed to creating a robust technology environment for the Colleges students, faculty and staff. They support administrative applications, instructional technology services, all of which support the mission and goals of the College by providing its constituents with a reliable, secure, and fast campus network; support for the appropriate integration of technology into teaching and research; and technology support for administrative operations. Saint Michael's College is committed to students academic success therefore, in addition to academic enrichment programs designed to enhance the learning experience, a variety of services are offered to ensure that our students get the most out of their education including independent studies, Peace and Justice Center, Womens Center, service learning, student/faculty research and internships to name a few. These services and activities are designed to assist our students in enhancing their learning opportunities in order to achieve their fullest intellectual development. Academic enrichment also supports faculty in offering extra-curricular activities that enhance their classroom teaching and in designing innovative components to their courses that foster experiential learning. LIS provides students, faculty, and staff with the information resources and services they need for study, teaching and research. The library strives to determine community needs and respond to them by shaping its resources and services to provide the best possible support for the academic program. In order to support our students attending Saint Michael's College, a variety of grants and assistance are awarded. Refer to schedule I, Part IV for additional information.
AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES FORM 990, PART III, LINE 4B As a 100% residential college, we make living on campus just as important a learning experience as the curriculum in the classrooms. Therefore, in addition to expenses associated with on-campus dining services, auxiliary services expenses include residence hall bond interest, depreciation expense and costs related to the bookstore, printing and mailing services, special events, summer playhouse and other auxiliary programs that support our students living and learning experience. As part of the residential experience, there are unique housing options available on campus based on common interests that students share such as GREAT (Growing Recognition of the Effects of Alcohol on Thinking) with 150 students, honors housing (51 units) and the GEAR (Global Experience Academic Residential) Program housing (124 students) which provides an opportunity for U.S. students to live with international students. Dining on campus provides the social experience essential to a well-rounded campus life.
STUDENT SERVICES FORM 990, PART III, LINE 4C Students are at the center of the Colleges Mission. While the academic elements are foremost, supporting the students personal development is vital as well. The offices of admissions, student life, Edmundite Campus Ministry, Wilderness Program, athletics and many student clubs work to enhance students personal growth as well as their academic success. To supplement the academic culture on campus and enrich overall quality of the college experience, a variety of weekend programs is offered to students, along with many outdoor programs such as the ski pass, cultural and artistic events through the Flynn center-Saint Michaels College cultural pass, a variety of ministry programs, and community service opportunities through Move (Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts). Approximately 80% of students are involved in some form of intercollegiate, intramural, club, recreation, personal fitness, or wilderness program offering. Approximately 22% of Saint Michael's College students participate in one of the 21 varsity sports. Our student athletes have achieved a 98% academic success rate (ASR); a statistic defined by the NCAA as a measurement of graduation within a 6 year cohort time period as of June 2016. Saint Michaels College has again been recognized as a recipient of the Division II Presidents Award for Academic Excellence as a member of the Northeast-10 Conference. SMC achieved the highest Academic Success Rate (ASR) in the conference, and ranked #2 in the nation. The office of student activities strives to provide students opportunities to develop as ethical leaders and engaged citizens, and offers a wide variety of programs and activities designed to meet their needs. The College has embraced the You Count program (Community, Ownership, Unity in Diversity, Notice Each Other and Take Care of Self and others) which fosters an inclusive and seamless learning environment that enhances engagement, awareness and personal development. Educational programs offered in the residence halls help to bring people together who might not have otherwise met, help people to better know each other, and expose individuals to new ideas and beliefs. Floor visitors dialogue programs provide an environment conducive for faculty, staff and student dialogue about academic and community pursuits. These are a sample of the programming offered to students in the residence halls. The office of student activities assists the student government on campus as well as student clubs. Approximately 95% of the student population participates in student activities programs. The College embraces and supports students commitment to community services reflected by the fact that about 65% of our students participate in a service activity through our MOVE program part of Edmundite Campus Ministry. The fundamental objective of Edmundite Campus Ministry is to help students, faculty and staff reflect on and celebrate the spiritual and religious dimensions of their lives while at Saint Michael's College. Programs such as retreats, liturgies, spiritual direction, and prayerful reflection meals are designed to encourage everyone to step back and experience life at its deepest, most meaningful level. About 12-13% of our student population is involved in weekly or daily worship as well as attendance in these programs. Other Program Services FORM 990, PART III, LINE 4D Other program service expenses include public service and research.
FORM 990 REVIEW PROCESS FORM 990, PART VI, SECTION B, LINE 11 Form 990 schedules are prepared by College personnel with guidance and review from external tax preparers who sign and file the form. Prior to filing with the Internal Revenue Service each member of the Board of Trustees was provided Form 990 and all schedules, except Schedule B, contribution detail, in order to respect our donors confidentiality.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY FORM 990, PART VI, SECTION B, LINE 12C The Secretary of the College distributes the conflict of interest policy, questionnaire and certification annually to trustees, officers and key employees. The Secretary reviews the responses and potential conflicts are brought to the Trusteeship and Mission Committee for review and resolution. A list of interlocking boards is maintained to assist in determining if potential conflicts arise during the year. The Trusteeship and Mission Committee submits names for board recruitment and vets any conflict issues. This Committee provides information to the Executive Committee for consideration and nomination.
DOCUMENT RETENTION AND DESTRUCTION POLICY FORM 990, PART VI, SECTION B, LINE 14 The College has a high-level document retention and destruction policy and follows specific guidelines provided by the Internal Revenue Service and relevant regulations with respect to records retention and destruction including the provisions of Vermont Law (9 VSA Part 3 Chapter 62 Subchapter 4 Document Safe Destruction Act) with respect to disposal of documents containing confidential information. Another resource utilized by the College is "Record Retention and Disposal: A Manual for College Decision Makers", which provides the College with a guide to the applicable laws, regulations and other considerations for all areas of our business, including employment and admissions applications, payroll, student records, financial, tax and contributions records as well as federal reporting specific to the higher education idnustry.
COMPENSATION POLICY FORM 990, PART VI, SECTION B, LINE 15 The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, excluding the College President, is responsible for establishing and maintaining a competitive compensation program for the executive officers of the College. The Executive Committee meets as needed to review the compensation program and make recommendations for any changes. The Executive Committee has the responsibility for decisions regarding compensation in all its current and potential forms for the executive officers of the College. The Vice President of Human Resources provides independent compensation data, e.g. NACUBO, CUPA, etc. and analysis to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee meets annually, usually while the Trustees are here for the March or June Board meeting, to review survey data regarding compensation for the President and other officers of the College. The last meeting was on October 20, 2016. THE COLLEGE COMPLIES WITH THE THREE REQUIREMENTS OF THE REBUTTABLE PRESUMPTION STANDARD, AS OUTLINED IN TREASURY REGULATIONS SECTION 53.4958-6: (1) EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION IS AUTHORIZED BY AN INDEPENDENT COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, (2) THE COMMITTEE AUTHORIZING EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION OBTAINS AND RELIES ON APPROPRIATE DATA AS TO COMPARABILITY PRIOR TO MAKING DETERMINATIONS, AND (3) THE COMMITTEE ADEQUATELY DOCUMENTS THE BASIS FOR DETERMINATIONS CONCURRENTLY WITH MAKING THE DETERMINATIONS.
PUBLIC DISCLOSURE POLICY FORM 990, PART VI, SECTION C, LINE 19 The College is a private organization and therefore by law, is not required to make its governing documents, conflict of interest policy or financial statements available to the public. In the interest of transparency, the College complies with requests for this information from federal and state regulatory agencies, our accreditation agency, other entities or individuals in the ordinary course of business. The College posts the most recent three years of Form 990 and 990-T on our website.
FORM 990, PART XI, LINE 11 Gross receipts from the golf classic 21,671
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Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015

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