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Form 990, Part VI | Line 11 - PROCESS USED TO REVIEW FORM 990 The Form 990 was prepared by a nationally renowned accounting firm in conjunction with the organization's finance department. A copy of the draft Form 990 was circulated to the Board of Trustees for discussion and comment. Each Board of Trustees Member was provided with an opportunity to comment on the information contained in the 990 prior to its filing with the Internal Revenue Service. Line 12 - ENFORCEMENT OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY Promise Academy II operates under the conflict-of-interest policy of its institutional partner, the Harlem Children's Zone. All employees are expected to use honesty, good judgement and high ethical standards in all professional dealings. All employees must avoid any actions that could create a conflict of interest or the appearance of such a conflict or reflect unfavorably on them or on the Harlem Children's Zone. An employee must disclose if she/he or an immediate family member has any potential conflict of interest, such as a relationship to a third-party vendor who seeks or has a business relationship with the Harlem Children's Zone. An employee's violation of this policy, especially a failure to represent accurately his or her connection or action on behalf of the Harlem Children's Zone and a third party will constitute grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Line 13 & 14 - WHISTLEBLOWER AND DOCUMENT RETENTION POLICY The Promise Academy II operates under the whistleblower and document retention policy of its institutional partner, the Harlem Children Zone. Line 15 - PROCESS FOR DETERMINING COMPENSATION The organization's top management official is Anne Williams-Isom. The procedures for determining Ms. Williams-Isom's compensation package are documented in the Harlem Children Zone Form 990 as that organization pays her compensation. Ms. Williams-Isom makes all compensation decisions for the employees at the Promise Academy, including the principals. To the extent that any merit pay or bonuses are warranted, the principals will make recommendations for teachers and administrators. Ms. Williams-Isom makes the decisions regarding the principals' bonuses. All bonuses are strictly tied to employee performance, usually determined by student academic success and well-being. The organization makes a conscious effort to compensate its executives commensurate with the market. |
Form 990, Part VI | Line 19 - AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS TO THE PUBLIC Promise Academy II makes its Form 990 available to the public by retaining a copy at its place of business. The Form 990 is likewise published on the internet at The organization's financial statements and Form 990 are published on its website; its governing documents and conflict of interest policy are not ordinarily made available to the public, but, if requested, will be provided at management's discretion. |
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