Return Reference | Explanation |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 11b | The President/Executive Director maintains all the financial records for the organization and makes financial reports to the other board members. The Executive Director prepares the materials for the Form 990. In years when our income exceeds $100,000, our Executive Director submits the materials to an accountant to prepare the Form 990. In years when our income is less than $100,000, our Executive Director completes the Form 990. When the Form 990 is completed, copies are sent to the board members and foundation donors, and the Executive Director reviews the form with the board members in a face-to-face meeting or conference call. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, Line 19 | We supply copies of our governing documents and Form 990s to anyone who asks for them. Almost all of the foundations who have supported us have required copies of our Form 990 as part of their application process. Also, we post our IRS Form 990s on the non-profit website at so that any member of the public can view them at any time. |
Form 990, Part IX, Line 11g | We paid 22 guest writers $200 each to write articles for the WomenArts blog ($4,400), and we hired a free-lance editor to curate and prepare those articles for publication ($5,344). |
Form 990, Part XI, Line 9 | We received a grant of $5,000 in March that was earmarked for our 2017-18 fiscal year, and so we recorded it as a temporarily restricted fund. |
Software ID: | 16000425 |
Software Version: | v1.00 |