Return Reference | Explanation |
Pt VI, Line 2 | Shawn Gillis, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors is an employee of Thomas Walker-Lewis, the former Chairman of the Board of Directors. |
Pt VI, Line 6 | All members have the right to vote for officers and direcors and will receive a share of net assets upon dissolution of the association. |
Pt VI, Line 7a | Members of the Association can participate in any of the Association's activities and utilize the rifle ranges. All members can vote for officers and board members and can initiate and vote on changes to the Association's constitution and bylaws. |
Pt VI, Line 7b | Changes to the Association's constitution and bylaws can only be made subject to approval by an election in which all members have one vote each. |
Pt VI, Line 11b | A copy of the complete 990 with all supporting documents will be e-mailed to each Board Member without a formal review being conducted. |
Form 990EZ, Part I, Line 16 | See detailed schedule attached 1033. |
Software ID: | 17005306 |
Software Version: |