Part I, Line 6a:
Currently, GMC is filing a community benefit report with the State of Montana, in conjunction with other requested information for the State of Montana's report on issues and facts related to the charitable purposes of hospitals and the protection of Montana's consumers.GMC's community benefit reports are available at all times on the website.
Part I, Line 7:
The cost to charge ratio for charity care was calculated by multiplying the ratio of cost to gross charges by the uncompensated care policy without charge or at amounts less than established rates. Subsidized health services and Medicaid were determined using the Medicare cost report and applying the Medicare ratio of cost to charge for the respective cost centers.
Part I, Line 7g:
Subidized health services includes $6,383,438 of costs from physician clinics and a rural health clinic.
Part I, Ln 7 Col(f):
Bad debt expense of $2,067,155 included on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, column (a) has been subtracted for purposes of calculating the percentage in this column.
Part III, Line 2:
Bad debt is reported at charges.
Part III, Line 4:
Footnote from organization's financial statements: The footnote that describes bad debt expense is found on page 9 and 10 of the attached audit report.
Part III, Line 8:
Medicare allowable cost is based on the Medicare cost report. The Medicare cost report is completed based on the rules and regulations set forth by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. In addition to hospital services, Home Health, Hospice, and Skilled Nursing Facility are also included in the Organization's cost report. All of these activities are subsidized health services shown on line 7 or Part I. Therefore, the Medicare piece related to these activities is shown on Part I, Line 7. As noted in the Schedule H instructions, the cost report does not reflect certain programs which GMC provides - Durable Medical Equipment, Medicare Part C, Medicare Part D, and Provider Based Services - Emergency Room Providers, Certified Nurse Anesthetists, and Radiologists. Since GMC is in a very rural area, to have 24 hour coverage by these providers for our service area is definitely a quality and safety issue, and therefore, a community benefit.
Part III, Line 9b:
For those that are known to qualify for financial assistance, the portion that is identified as charity care is written off to charity care. The Hospital policy states if there is a portion of the patient account that does not qualify for free care the remaining unpaid portion falls under the same collection policy as the accounts that do not qualify for financial assistance.The organization does not send balances to collections until 120 days after the date of the first invoice. If at any time in the next 120 days an individual begins the application process for financial assistance the Hospital removes them from the collection process.
Part VI, Line 2:
1. Over the past years, GMC has identified and prioritized community needs through a variety of community surveys in collaboration with various organizations including the City of Glendive and Dawson County.2. Public meetings were held by GMC at various times to receive community input.3. Strategic Planning sessions are held by GMC to plan and prioritize the needs of the community on an annual basis. These sessions include the Board of Directors, the Foundation's Board of Directors, Physicians and other Medical Providers and the Administration of GMC. Areas identified and services implemented from the prior community surveys included the need for Hospice, Assisted Living and Behavior Health Services.4. Planning for a Community Assessment survey was completed with the Dawson County Public Health Department in April 2016.A review and the implementation plan based on the results of the survey were completed in June 2016.
Part VI, Line 3:
GMC provides information and education concerning assistance through various programs and the organization's charity care policy in a variety of ways including:1. Through the social services department, patient financial services and other areas, assistance is offered and information is given to all patients and their families about available programs. Beginning in fiscal year 2012, a Patient Advocate Liaison (PAL) was added to assist patients throughout the organization. The PAL's role is to assist all patients and provide them with information on available programs, etc. Beginning in January 2014 Emergency Department Specialists are available seven days a week after the patient has been treated to assist patients and their families to provide the financial assistance information including the charity care program and assist them with applying for these programs if appropriate.2. GMC's website,, provides charity care and other financial assistance policies and procedures, including applications.3. Signage is posted throughout the facilities in admissions areas, the emergency room and waiting rooms. The signage provides information concerning charity care and other financial assistance available throughout GMC.4. A Guest Information Book for the patient and their family's use is in each patient's room and other areas providing various information including financial assistance information that is available and the appropriate personnel to contact if they have not been contacted. Contact information for the social services department is included in the information book if the patient needs assistance or has questions about various government and other programs available in the area. 5. GMC's monthly statement provides information for the person(s) to contact if financial assistance is needed. The credit and collection department includes financial assistance information including an application and the contact person at GMC who can assist them with all collection letters.6. GMC employees are aware of the financial assistance programs and are able to provide direction to patients or their families in their departments concerning charity care. Quarterly, at the CEO forums, the employees are provided with the amount of charity care provided by the facility while expressing the importance of providing the free care for people that are in need.
Part VI, Line 4:
GMC's primary service area is Dawson County on the eastern edge of Montana. GMC's secondary service areas are surrounding counties, McCone, Richland, Fallon, Prairie and Wibaux.Projections by the National Planning Association Data Services, Inc. projected that Dawson County would experience a decrease in population from the 2000 Census until after 2020 when a slow and steady growth pattern was projected. Instead, the population of Dawson County based on the 2010 census increased to 8,966, compared to the projected population of 8,520. By 2014 Dawson County population has grown to 9,518, an increase of 6.2% since 2010. At the same time the State of Montana as a whole showed an increase of 3.5%. Approximately 23,000 persons are now in the area GMC serves. The increase in population and area's health care services is related to the increase in the senior population and the energy-related services which continue to show strong growth. Based on the current trends, Dawson County will continue to see growth due to the outlying energy related services.Glendive is a medical, retail and agricultural trade center for the county and the surrounding communities within a 30-60 mile radius. Glendive's economic base continues to be closely tied to agriculture and the transportation industry, particularly rail services. GMC is the largest employer in Glendive. Other significant employers in the GMC's service area are state, county and city governments, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, Glendive Public Schools, Dawson County Community College and Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline.Dawson County is designated as a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) with shortages of mental health providers. The service area residents see GMC and its providers as a place to come to receive treatment, without regard to whether they have insurance or are uninsured, knowing they will be treated and cared for in a respectful and caring manner.GMC also provides outreach in various ways to the very small critical access frontier facilities as small as one bed facilities in neighboring counties and to four counties in the service area for home care services in sparsely populated areas.There are no other providers in GMC's primary service area. Sidney Health Center, a critical access hospital located 50 miles north of Glendive, and Holy Rosary Medical Center, a critical access hospital located 70 miles south of Glendive, are the closest facilities.
Part VI, Line 5:
GMC Board of Directors:The governing body of GMC is its Board of Directors (the "Board"), which consists of eleven members. The Board includes the Chief of Medical Staff and one member of GMC's active medical staff. Other members are selected to promote a representative composition of the Board by gender, rural/urban, professional/non-professional and geography. Board members are selected from GMC's service area by the Board's nominating committee and approved by the existing Board members. The members of the Board serve in a voluntary capacity and receive no compensation for their services. Members of the Board have various relationships with services or products, which may, from time to time, have dealings with the GMC, but these relationships are not considered to be material. The Chief of Staff and member of the medical staff are employed by the GMC as physicians and medical advisors. The Board has an established conflict of interest policy to detect and manage such relationships.GMC Medical Staff:The active medical staff of GMC currently is comprised of seven (7) physicians and twelve (12) allied health professionals. These providers are all employed by GMC and provide services at all of GMC facilities, including the attached for profit clinic, Gabert Medical Services, outreach clinic in Wibaux, Montana. Six (6) of the seven (7) physicians are board certified. A full time orthopedic surgeon began providing services at the medical center beginning in August 2014. A Specialty Clinic at GMC is utilized by physicians from Billings, Montana and Bismarck, North Dakota to provide services that are not available by the GMC Medical Staff. The patients are able to stay at home in Glendive and have the services provided by out of town physicians locally without traveling great distances.Tele Health is also utilized by GMC providers and providers in Billings and other locations. This allows the patients to have follow up visits with providers via video conferencing instead of traveling great distances to see the providers.GMC extends medical staff privileges to all qualified physicians in the area. GMC also extends those privileges to the qualified specialty physicians who provide services through the Specialty Clinic.GMC Surplus Funds:All funds in excess of expenses are utilized in the following ways:1. The facilities' debt service payments on the 2008 $30,000,000 bond issue (refinanced in 2017) obtained to provide a much needed expansion and renovation of the Surgery Suite, an additional nursing home wing and expansion and renovation of the emergency department.2. A substantial amount of funds are needed each year and utilized for the ongoing capital needs of the facility to ensure the appropriate equipment is available to meet the needs of the community. All departments have a three to five year plan in place to forecast these needs.3. Continued assistance to providers and professional staff for education to maintain GMC's standards to provide the care needed in the community.4. To increase reserve funds to ensure the ability to continue meeting the above obligations in future years when surplus funds are not available.
Part VI, Line 6:
GMC in September, 2013 began an affiliation with Billings Clinic. This affiliation provides resources to Glendive Medical Center which should assist in retaining providers and staff which will assist us to continue to provide quality care to our community.