Part III, Additional Information |
In reference to Form 990, Part VII and Schedule J Part II, no compensation is paid by the filing entity to any director (trustee) for his or her role as director (trustee). The officers of the filing entity are all compensated by BHS Management Services, Inc., ("BHSMS")a supporting organization of the filing entity. A portion of the compensation amount paid to officers of the filing entity is allocated internally among the filing entity and its 20 associated non-profit, tax-exempt entities in order to reflect the division of the officers' time and effort among those various entities and each entity's relative contribution to the officers' total compensation. (See Below). Compensation of the chief executive officer of the filing entity is reviewed and established at least biannually by the independent volunteer governing body of the Berkshire Health Systems, Inc., (the parent company of BHSMS) based on performance reviews and comparison to independently established, regionally appropriate benchmarks for similar positions in similarly sized healthcare organizations, as verified by independent, nationally recognized compensation consultants. In 2017, the governing body of Berkshire Health Systems, Inc., approved a one-time payment to the chief executive officer representing five years of previously unfunded contributions to a retirement program and life insurance premiums. Compensation of the president of the filing entity is reviewed and established at least biannually the the independent volunteer governing body of Berkshire Healthcare Systems, Inc., (the filing entity or parent company of the filing entity) based on performance reviews and comparison to independently established, regionally appropriate benchmarks for similiar positions in similarly sized healthcare organizations, as verified by independent, nationally recognized compensation consultants. Compensation of any other officers and key employees is set in accordance with governing-body established principles based on comparable benchmarks identified by such independent consultants. The governing bodies currently target total compensation for management employees at the 60th percentile of appropriate benchmarks. David E. Phelps William C. Jones Hrs/Wk Dollars Hrs/Wk DollarsBourne Management Systems, Inc. 0.67 $10,406 3.60 $34,236Greenfield Management Systems, Inc. 0.62 $ 9,604 3.23 $31,597New Bedford Management Systems, Inc. 0.70 $10,974 3.80 $36,103Northampton Management Systems, Inc. 0.75 $11,657 4.03 $38,351East Longmeadow Management Systems, Inc. 0.35 $ 5,456 1.89 $17,949In reference to Schedule J Part 2, cont.Danvers Management Systems, Inc. 0.32 $ 5,060 1.75 $16,648Peabody Management Systems, Inc. 0.59 $ 9,168 3.17 $30,160South Yarmouth Management Systems, Inc. 0.37 $ 5,846 2.02 $19,233Willowood of Great Barrington, Inc. 0.51 $ 7,966 2.76 $26,209Willowood of North Adams, Inc. 0.58 $ 9,124 3.16 $30,016Willowood of Williamstown, Inc. 0.74 $11,550 4.00 $37,999Hillcrest Extended Care Services, Inc. 1.36 $21,248 7.35 $69,906Berkshire Retirement Community, Inc. 0.24 $ 3,702 1.28 $12,180Berkshire Extended Care Services, Inc. 0.11 $ 1,784 0.62 $ 5,870IntegriNurse, Inc. 0.10 $ 1,545 0.53 $ 5,083IntegriScript, Inc. 0.25 $ 3,914 1.35 $12,878Pittsfield Management Systems, Inc. 0.65 $10,101 3.50 $33,232HospiceCare in the Berkshires, Inc. 0.40 $ 6,200 2.15 $20,396Hospice of Franklin County, Inc. 0.14 $ 2,164 0.75 $ 7,121Holyoke Retirement Community, Inc. 0.55 $ 8,588 2.97 $28,255In reference to Schedule J Part 2, cont.Non Affiliated Entities 40.00 $624,237 0.00 $ 0Non Affiliated 1 Time Life Ins/Ret Cost n/a $1,391,596 |