OTHER DESCRIPTIONS FROM THE COMMUNITY HEALTH NEEDS ASSSESSMENT (CHNA): The 2015 Joint Community Health Needs Assessment ( of the WellStar Health System legacy hospital community - encompassing WellStar Cobb, Douglas, Kennestone, Paulding and Windy Hill hospitals - provides a list of multi-sector CHNA collaborators including individuals, organizations, and governmental agencies that were consulted and contributed special knowledge of medically underserved and low income populations and/or expertise in public health.
INPUT FROM COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES & COMMUNITY SOURCES: The Kennestone and Windy Hill Hospitals integrated multiple sources of data from national and state web-based data platforms with multiple primary data gathering methods. To support the development of the 2015 CHNA and to foster broad collaboration among health systems and hospitals, WellStar engaged Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC) in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University to work with its third-party CHNA consultant to leverage the quantitative and some of its qualitative (focus group) research it does for Kaiser Permanente. As a result, GPHCs data collection and analysis contributed to the CHNAs of four health systems (WellStar Health System, Grady Health System, Kaiser Permanente, and Piedmont Healthcare), a health plan and an urban county health department. WellStars third-party consultant solicited community input via photo testimonies, interviewing/surveying community stakeholders (representing a broad array of community-based organizations and other institutional asset engaged in socioeconomic determinants of health and health improvement), community members utilizing listening sessions at WellStars partnering community safety net clinics and Hispanic congregations/organizations and an online survey, and WellStar Medical Group providers. A comprehensive and expansive listing of CHNA collaborators can be found on page 39 of the joint legacy hospital CHNA report accessible to the public at Quantitative data sources include: 1. Community Commons (through Kaiser Permanente's web portal: 2. Georgia Department of Public Health's Online Analytical Statistical Information System (OASIS) 3. U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 5-Year Dataset 4. University of Wisconsin's County Health Rankings 5. Georgia Area Resource File 6. Staff from the Georgia Health Policy Center reviewed more than 60 data elements and developed county profiles and maps to understand the status of health and healthcare in the service region included in the Appendices of the 2015 Joint CHNA 7. WellStar Health Systems Enterprise Intelligence 8. Cobb Douglas Public Health 9. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for various indicators Qualitative data sources include: 1. Insights from 99 WellStar Medical Group (WMG) representatives regarding patient health status and community resources were gleaned from an online survey tool sent to WMG providers (MDs and nurse practitioners) and registered nurses. 2. A wide net was cast for community input with an online survey tool (available in English and Spanish) capturing demographics and overall personal health status and behaviors of 447 community members. Community clinics, health e-newsletters, workplace partners, a Public Health Department, a school system, a Hispanic non-profit, and faith-based organizations disseminated the online link via email and social media. Its approximated the survey link was distributed to 5,000 people. 3. 61 key informant surveys/interviews (all WellStar driven except eight by GHPC) were conducted with multi-sector leaders representing diverse organizations including Public Health Departments, governmental agencies, safety net clinics, business leaders, and regional health board representatives. Collecting information from a wide range of experts with first-hand knowledge about the community provided insight on health issues and care barriers along with recommended interventions. 4. To provide a broader base of input and use the CHNA process as a means to strengthen community partnerships, seven listening sessions (three in Spanish) were conducted with 58 medically underserved and uninsured community members. Sites for the sessions were partnering safety net clinic patients (Bethesda Community Clinic in Cherokee, Good Samaritan Health Center in Cobb, The CarePlace in Douglas), Latino community members (WellStar Congregational Health Network members Iglesia de Dios in South Cobb and McEachern UMC in Powder Springs), Ser Familia community members, and the Paulding County Health Department. In each listening session, a few community members provided: 5. photo testimonies from participants in listening sessions were taken to communicate the individuals greatest health-related need. 6. To fortify the seven listening sessions and gain a broader base of input, GPHC also conducted five focus groups with 41 participants in high need areas in each county in WellStars primary service area.
ORGANIZATIONS INCLUDED IN COMMUNITY HEALTH NEEDS ASSESSMENT (CHNA): As an integrated health system, WellStar Health System submitted a joint 2015 CHNA for the five legacy hospitals (WellStar Cobb, Douglas, Kennestone, Paulding, and Windy Hill) located in its primary service area defined as one community. This varied approach from the individual 2013 CHNA reports and implementation strategies is attributed to WellStars System-wide delivery system of community benefit services and the ability to best leverage its economies of scale and services to address the prioritized health needs of the community, especially the most vulnerable. For the WellStar hospitals and its collaborative community partners, the joint approach to addressing priority health needs maximizes resources to enhance care access, strengthens partnerships for shared responsibility and helps improve overall community health. (Also, note there were no variances on the priority health needs of each individual hospital in the 2013 reports except for the data included. Due to hospital and community collaboration, the information and implementation strategy were basically the same for each hospital to be delivered and lead at the System-level.) (1) The joint WellStar legacy hospital CHNA report meets the requirements of paragraph (b)(6)(i) of this section. WellStars five legacy hospitals collaborated in conducting the 2015 CHNA, and, for specified quantitative and qualitative data, other hospital systems including Kaiser Permanente, Piedmont and Grady. Guided at the System level, WellStar hospitals solicited the help of state and local health departments and key informants to assess the health needs of the community and collaborated in conducting community surveys and hosting listening sessions and focus groups to solicit and receive input from residents, including its medically underserved, low-income, and minority populations. The 2015 CHNA report documents the joint CHNA process and contains all of the elements described in paragraph (b)(6)(i) of the IRSs 501(r) section in the Code of Regulations as it relates to community health needs assessments. The WellStar Health System Board of Trustees adopted the joint CHNA and its implementation strategy on June 2, 2016. (2) The joint CHNA report is clearly identified as applying to the hospital facility. All five WellStar legacy hospitals, WellStar Cobb, Douglas, Kennestone, Paulding, and Windy Hill hospitals, are noted on the cover of the joint CHNA and each hospitals president is listed as members of the WellStar Community Benefit Oversight Committee within the CHNA, along with a hospital-specific profiles and county-specific primary and secondary data and noted in the Tracking Progress section (2015 CHNA, page 62). (3) All of the collaborating hospital facilities and organizations included in the joint CHNA report define their community to be the same. Yes, based upon WellStars: 1. System-based model for delivering most all community benefit services and evaluating its impact (again, to leverage the economies of scale and services to deliver program that address the priority needs) 2. Overlapping hospital 90 percent catchment areas 3. Similar community health needs key findings and themes (access to care and healthy lifestyles prevalence of chronic disease) based upon intensive quantitative and qualitative data and the work of the WellStar Community Health Collaborative task force to identify the priority needs of the overall community (representatives from WellStar services lines, hospitals, departments and the community stakeholders) based on the severity of the need and assets of WellStar and its community stakeholders and partners to address the need.
THE KENNESTONE HOSPITAL, INC. CHNA / Windy Hill hospital CHNA can be found online at the following web address: and clicking on the 2015 Joint Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) link under the WellStar Legacy Hospitals header or directly: AND on the WELLSTAR HEALTH SYSTEM WEBSITE: WWW.WELLSTAR.ORG.
KENNESTONE HOSPITAL'S MOST RECENTLY ADOPTED IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY CAN BE found ON ITS WEBSITE AT: and clicking on the Implementation Strategy link under the header WellStar Legacy Hospital header. or directly at: chna_implementation_strategy_2016.pdf WINDY HILL HOSPITAL'S MOST RECENTLY ADOPTED IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY CAN BE found ON ITS WEBSITE AT: WINDYHILL_IMPLEMENTATION_STRATEGY_11112013.PDF.
PROGRAMS & STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY: WellStar IS implementing two new System-wide WCHC programs, WellStar 4-1 Care Network and Live Well, to address the priority health needs of the 2015 Joint CHNA. The programs are designed to: - Provide organization, framework and leadership to the delivery of community benefit services and enables us to more effectively evaluate and measure the impact on community health - Strengthen WellStars strategic community partnerships in public AND PRIVATE SECTORS THROUGH FORMALIZED ENGAGEMENT AS AS "PARTNERS IN HEALTH" LEVERAGING EXPERTISE, RESOURCES AND SERVICES TO COMPLEMENT AND/OR BRIDGE INTERVENTION GAPS AND ADDRESS HEALTH DISPARITIES - Boost WellStars ability to replicate and deliver community benefit services across an expanding health system footprint - Maximize the investment in WellStars safety net clinic/non-profit partners by better aligning our services and resources to address priority health needs - Improve overall community health, especially among the vulnerable. The WellStar 4-1 Care Network and Live Well programs provide organizational structure and accountability to WellStar and its legacy hospitals efforts to reach out to those in need, to improve the health of the communities we serve and to enhance access to care. These efforts flow from the WellStar mission and vision and to meet the requirements of federal government (Affordable Care Act Section 9007) of system-wide oversight and guidance regarding tracking community benefit activities, assessing community health needs and developing strategic plans that prioritize community benefit programming. 1. WellStar 4-1 Care Network: Clinical Care Intervention Program - Priority Need Addressed from the 2015 Joint CHNA: Underuse of Primary Care: includes ED utilization and increased care capacity at community safety net clinics Goals: - Expand the WellStar patient experience to partnering community safety net clinics to reduce health disparities through improved access to volunteer primary care physicians and other specialty medical services to vulnerable populations - Build a cost-efficient model of care - Develop and educate about available health resources and facilities to "prescribe" to the medically underserved and uninsured - Decrease ED utilization and readmissions for non-emergent needs to deliver the right care at the right place to the medically underserved and uninsured. THE NAME REFERS TO THE AIM OF THE LOW-COST HEALTHCARE DELIVERY SYSTEM IN THE COMMUNITY TO CARE "FOR ONE" ANOTHER BY ADDRESSING THE UNDERUSE OF PRIMARY CARE AND REDUCING ED UTILIZATION AND READMISSIONS FOR NON-EMERGENT ISSUES THAT POTENTIALLY COULD BE TREATED IN AN OUTPATIENT SETTING. It also reflects increasing safety net clinic capacity, education and resources via WellStar Medical Group (WMG) citizenship, with MDs and NPs volunteering four hours one time per month. 2. Live Well: Healthy Behaviors Intervention Program - Priority Health Needs Addressed from the 2015 Joint CHNA: Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, COPD/Asthma, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Goal: - Improve the health of medically underserved and uninsured residents through targeted preventive services, education and outreach. Live Wells targeted outreach to vulnerable populations to address healthy lifestyle-related priority health needs leverages the WellStar 4-1 Care Network partners by delivering health need-specific education, events and preventive screenings on-site and in other high-need site locations. Live Well works in tandem with 4-1 Care and other collaborative partnerships to help reduce the prevalence of chronic disease and its complications through prevention and wellness activities and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Aligning the resources of the WellStar Community Education & Outreach team, Live Well also will partner with other community groups and organizations proximate to community safety net clinics for volunteerism, health navigation, transportation, and other supportive services. UNADDRESSED CHNA NEEDS - Health needs not identified as priority fall into one of three categories: 1) Beyond the scope of WellStar services, e.g. dental care which is addressed by safety nets clinics 2) Needs further intervention, but no plans for expanding current community benefit services at this time, e.g. maternal/infant health 3) Relying on community partners to lead efforts with expertise in these areas with WellStar in a supportive role, e.g. substance abuse, violence, suicide, STDs, transportation. To identify the six priority health needs WellStars legacy hospitals will address, leaders of Kennesaw State Universitys A.L. Burruss Institute of Public Service & Research were solicited to guide the WellStar Community Health Collaborative task force (made up of WellStar internal team members and community stakeholders) through the prioritization process. Health needs data summaries were advanced ahead of the Health Needs Summit on FebRUARY 25, 2016 for review. From the significant health needs identified by CHNA research conducted in the fall/winter of 2015, the priority health needs were determined via an online survey tool for the community WellStar legacy hospitals serve.
FAP ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA - INCOME LEVEL OTHER THAN FPG: THE HOSPITAL ABIDES by the financial assistance requirements under IRC 501(R)(5). IRC 501(R)(5) requires health care facilities to limit the amounts charged for emergency and other medically necessary care that is provided to individuals eligible for assistance under the health care facilities financial assistance policy to not more than the amounts generally billed to individuals who have insurance. The hospital extends its sliding scale for Financial Assistance Policy (FAP) eligibility well beyond the minimum government levels to 300% of FPG. WellStar has chosen to use the average of the three best negotiated commercial rates as the trigger to not exceed in the application of the discounts/amounts charged to patients, on our sliding scale.
FAP ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA - OTHER CRITERIA: Other special circumstances may qualify a patient for full indigent or sliding scale charity benefits. Special circumstances may include but not limited to: - Patient deceased, with verification that there is no estate. - Unable to contact patient but Propensity to Pay software returns a low ability/low propensity designation.
METHOD FOR APPLYING FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: In order to qualify for Financial Assistance, cooperation with WellStar Health System hospital Financial Assistance staff is necessary in identifying and determining alternative sources of payment or coverage from public and private payment programs. In particular, all applicants filing a FAP Application for Financial Assistance must provide proof of Household Income and Household Assets by providing any or all of the following that are applicable: - Provide three (3) months of the most recent paycheck stubs or a statement from employer verifying gross wages - IRS W-2 issued during the past year - Most recent IRS Form 1040 - Most recent two (2) months of bank statements for each checking, savings, money market or other bank or investment account - Written statements for the most recent two (2) months for all other income (e.g., unemployment compensation, disability, retirement, student loans, award letter from Social Security Office, current Profit and Loss report for all self-employed applicants, alimony documentation, child support documentation, etc.) - Unemployment compensation denial letter - Documentation of asset values, including, without limitation, property tax statements, Certificates of Deposit, 401k, 403b, IRA and other investment statements - Contribution statements from individuals who contribute income or in-kind assistance to the patient. Financial Assistance Policy eligibility will be determined based on a thorough review of the submitted information.
THE WELLSTAR HEALTH SYSTEM COMMUNITY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE POLICY CAN BE FOUND ON ITS WEBSITE: NCIAL-ASSISTANCE-POLICY.ASPX. SCHEDULE H, PART V, SECTION B, LINE 16B THE WELLSTAR HEALTH SYSTEM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE APPLICATION CAN BE FOUND ON ITS WEBSITE: aid-program-application.pdf and clicking Application in the right navigation box titled Related Documents. A window will appear that allow you to scroll to the appropriate WellStar hospital and click for a PDF version of the application to print or download. SCHEDULE H, PART V, SECTION B, LINE 16C A PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY OF THE WELLSTAR HEALTH SYSTEM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE APPLICATION CAN BE FOUND ON ITS WEBSITE: language-summary-wgh.pdf.
PUBLICATION OF THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE POLICY (FAP): In addition to the other methods of posting the financial assistance policy, the hospital makes available for patients in admissions and outpatient registration areas a prominently displayed sign stating financial assistance is available and a brochure including frequently asked questions.
ADDITIONAL EFFORTS MADE BEFORE COLLECTIONS ACTION INITIATED: The hospital facility also notified individuals of the financial assistance policy online at: Furthermore, the hospital facility utilizes a propensity to pay software. Individuals with a low ability/low propensity designation may qualify for full indigent or sliding scale charity benefits.