(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Arkansas Bar Foundation
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 4 The Bylaws were amended by a vote of the Board of Directors on February 2, 2018. The primary change added language in Article VIII, Section 7.B in regard to allocation of funds from special fundraising event.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 6 The corporation shall have the following members: (a) all of the following officials of the Arkansas Bar Association: the current officers, the current members of the Board of Governors, and the past presidents. (b) The Directors of this corporation, the past Directors of this corporation who have served at least one full term, and the Fellows of the Arkansas Bar Foundation.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7a The business of the Corporation shall be conducted by the Board of Directors. The elected Directors shall be elected by the Members of the Foundation for three year staggered terms.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7b The members of the Foundation may adopt Articles for the government of the Foundation, consistent with these articles, as are designated to carry out the objects of the Foundation. These Articles may be amended, and in order to approve these articles, the approval of both the Board of Directors and the Members shall be required. The Approval of any amendment to the articles by the Members shall be by the vote of two-thirds of the votes cast by the members of the Foundation present at a meeting duly called for the purpose of considering any amendment and at which there is present a quorum of twelve Members
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11b Form 990, along with applicable supplemental schedules, has been reviewed in detail by the Foundation's audit committee. Form 990 and applicable schedules have been distributed to all members of the Board of Directors prior to filing with the Internal Revenue Service.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15a The Executive Committee of the Foundation Board, (President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer) perform a written performance evaluation of the Executive Director each May prior to making a recommendation for compensation in the proposed budget which is considered at the annual Board meeting in June. The last time this evaluation occurred was May, 2018.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 Governing documents, policies and financial statements are available for review upon request.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

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