Part V, Line 5 - Account Input from Persons Who Represent the Community
The Maine Shared CHNA research team conducted a statewide survey among stakeholders to identify and prioritize significant health issues in communities across the state. The survey, coordinated with the Maine CDC, engaged public health expertise throughout the process. The survey was administered using a snowball approach where stakeholder agencies agreed to send the surveys to their members and stakeholders for participation. 1,639 people, representing more than 80 organizations and businesses in Maine, completed the survey. Respondents represented health care agencies, public health agencies, law enforcement, municipalities, schools, local businesses, social service agencies, and nongovernmental organizations. In addition to the stakeholder survey, each county conducted a number of community engagement opportunities (forums) to ensure broad interests of the local community were represented; Obtain stakeholder input on identifying significant health needs based on review of shared CHNA data; Solicit stakeholder feedback on prioritizing significant health needs, and; Identify local assets and resources that potentially may address local health priorities. The local forums were conducted in collaboration with the Maine CDC to solicit input from individuals representing populations with health disparities. The following organizations were in attendance at the December 10, 2015 DCC SHNAPP Waterville Shared CHNA Community Enagagement Forum and provided valuable feedback on the Shared CHNA.Details about organizations: Sample of organizations KVCAP, Waterville Main Street, Kennebec Messalonskee Trails, Maine Childrens Home, NAMI Maine, American Lung Assn., Healthy Northern Kennebec, Somerset Public Health, Healthy Sebasticook Valley, MaineGeneral (MG), Inland Hospital, Redington Fairview General Hospital, EMHS, HealthReach Community Health Centers, Kennebec Behavioral Health, MG Community Care, Assistance Plus, MSAD 59, Waterville/Vassalboro before/After School Programs, MG Board of Directors, Maine CDC. Hospitals (MaineGeneral, Inland, EMHS, Redington Fairview), health care providers (HealthReach Community Health Centers), and behavioral health care providers (Kennebec Behavioral Health, MG Community Care) serve low income patients through Medicare/MaineCare and provide low-cost/no- cost services to medically underserved residents. Many public health programs and services (Healthy Northern Kennebec, Somerset Public Health, Healthy Sebasticook Valley), non-profit agencies (KVCAP, Maine Childrens Home, NAMI Maine), and local/state government agencies (Maine CDC) specifically serve low-income and medically underserved residents.The following organizations were in attendance at the January 20, 2016 Sebasticook Valley Hospital Shared CHNA Community Engagement Forum and provided valuable feedback on the Shared CHNA.Details about organizations: Sample of organizations United Way, ME Health Access Foundation, Southern ME Area Agency on Aging, Preble St. Resource Center, legislator, Somali commnity members, USM/UNE/SMCC/Tufts medical School, ME Health Mgt Coalition, MaineMedical Center (hospital facility), Spring Harbor Hospital, Mercy Hospital, Bridgton Hospital, HMP, & Portland Public Health.Hospitals and health care providers serve low income patients through Medicare/MaineCare and provide low-cost/no-cost services to medically underserved residents. Many public health programs and services, social service agencies, funding agencies, and non-profit agencies specifically serve racial/ethnic minorities, low-income, and medically underserved residents. Somali community members attended the forum.
Part V, Line 6a - List Other Hospital Facilities that Jointly Conducted Needs Assessment
The Shared CHNA was conducted through the Maine Shared Health Needs Assessment Planning Process (SHNAPP) a collaborative effort among Maines four largest health-care systems Central Maine Healthcare, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems (EMHS), MaineGeneral Health, MaineHealth and the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, an office of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). EMHS member organizations participating in the Shared CHNA included Acadia Hospital, Blue Hill Memorial Hospital, Charles A. Dean Memorial Hospital, Eastern Maine Medical Center, Inland Hospital, Maine Coast Memorial Hospital, Mercy Hospital, Sebasticook Valley Health, and TAMC.