Return Reference | Explanation |
Amended return information | Part I and III, Summary 1: Mission Statement = The tax returns mission statment needed to be amended to match with the organizations board approved mission statement.Part IV: 28c = Amending these questions to answer Yes when they previously answered No.Part VI, Section A: Governing Body 1a = The number of voting members needed to be amended from 4 memebers to 3 members.Part VI, Section B: Policies 10a and 10b = Amending these questions to answer Yes when they previously answered No.Part VII, Section A: Compensation 1a = The president, Sheri, needed to be removed as an individual trustee or director.Adding a Schedule L and filling out part IV because of the answer to question 28c on Part IV. |
Form 990 governing body review Part VI line 11 | The tax returns are reviewed by the board of directors at the first available meeting after they are completed. |
Governing documents etc available to public Part VI line 19 | Documents are provided upon request. |
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