(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
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OMB No. 1545-0047
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Asian Pacific Environmental Network
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Form 990, Part III, Line 4d: Other Program Services Description OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 4: Network & Communications WorkAPEN was able to hire our first Communications Director in 2018 who created an internal communications team that then received training and direct experience with narrative strategy. The new Communications Director also led out on developing member stories with our leaders, produced two short videos about our local work in Richmond and Oakland, and ran multiple spokesperson trainings with our members. Our work was covered by diverse media outlets including local and ethnic media outlets. We continued our leadership of, and participation in, diverse local and statewide alliances aimed to lift up the leadership and vision of low-income communities and communities of color facing the combined threat of racism, pollution, and climate change. OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 5: Civic Engagement ProgramAPEN's state team ran a robust and integrated voter contact program throughout 2018 - contacting voters statewide about air pollution, affordable housing, and other issues important to them and their families. Outreach was conducted in multiple languages. APEN partnered with allies and funders to conduct research on API voter behavior and civic engagement best practices. We helped voters and allies across California connect with their local legislators about equitable solutions to climate change. OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 6: AYPAL (Fiscal Project)AYPAL is a leadership development, community organizing and coalition building organization that seeks to create healthy, safe, and thriving communities. In 2018, AYPAL provided leadership and arts opportunities for approximately 100 youth, hosted the May Arts Festival, and worked in coalition to support the Lincoln Summer Nights community events.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 11b: Form 990 Review Process Each director on the Board shall receive for their review and consideration a draft of Form 990 and Form 990-T (if the latter is necessary) at least two weeks in advance of filing. Within one week of receipt of the draft Form 990 and Form 990-T, directors shall submit their comments and concerns, if any, to the Board Treasurer and the Executive Director, either of whom may address the comments and concerns, consulting with APENs legal counsel and/or the accounting firm preparing the Form, as necessary. Directors shall identify and submit any critical concerns to the Associate Director, the Executive Director and the Board Chair. Critical concerns shall be resolved jointly by the Executive Director and Chair or by the Executive Committee of the Board, and resolution of such concerns shall be communicated with the director raising the concern and the Board, if deemed necessary by the Executive Director and Chair.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 12c: Explanation of Monitoring and Enforcement of Conflicts Each director, principal officer, Committee member, and key employee shall annually sign a statement which: affirms that the person has received a copy of the conflict of interest policy, has read and understood the policy, and has agreed to comply with the policy; and discloses that persons interests that could reasonably give rise to conflicts of interest. All such statements by directors, officers, and Committee members shall be filed with the minutes of the Board or Committee. To ensure the Organization operates in a manner consistent with its charitable purposes and tax-exempt status, periodic reviews of this conflict of interest policy, its administration, and its enforcement shall be conducted.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 15a: Compensation Review & Approval Process - CEO, Top Management When a review of the total compensation of an executive is necessary, the Board or an authorized Board committee shall take the following steps to ensure that such compensation is just and reasonable: 1. The authorized body shall not include any individual who has a conflict of interest with respect to the compensation arrangement. 2. Prior to making its decision on the total compensation package, the authorized body shall obtain and rely upon appropriate data as to comparability. 3. The authorized body shall adequately and timely document the basis for its determination that the authorized total compensation for the executive is just and reasonable concurrently with making such determination. This may be accomplished in part by including with the minutes the comparability data obtained and relied upon by the authorized body at the meeting in which the determination was made. 4. To the extent that the Board delegated such authority to a Board committee, the Board shall review and ratify, if it deems appropriate, the actions of such authorized Board committee. Appropriate comparability data will include current compensation paid by similarly situated organizations for functionally comparable positions. While APEN typically uses information from comparable nonprofits in its area to benchmark pay, the Board understands that the market for executive talent may be broader than this group. Market information from additional market segments (e.g., private foundations, published nonprofit compensation surveys) may be used as a supplement.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 15b: Compensation Review and Approval Process for Officers and Key Employees The process for determining compensation for other offices or key employees is the same as for the compensation of the Executive Director except that the Executive Director determines compensation.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 19: Other Organization Documents Publicly Available Upon written or verbal request.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2018

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Software ID: 18007218
Software Version: 2018v3.1