Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 2 |
Jim Evans and Jon Evans have a family relationship. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11b |
Form 990 is prepared by an independent CPA firm and reviewed in detail by the organization's top management. The reviewed Form 990 is then provided to the board of directors prior to filing with the IRS. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c |
The organization requires all directors, principal officers, and board members to annually complete and sign a conflict of interest questionnaire. The board Chairman is responsible for reviewing the signed statements and ensuring that interested persons are in compliance with the conflict of interest policy. Should any potential conflicts of interest be disclosed, the board member or officer would be asked to refrain from participation in any deliberation or decision with regard to matters affected by the relationship. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 |
The governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial statements are available upon request. |
Form 990, Part XII, Line 2c: |
The organization has a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight of the audit of its financial statements and selection of its independent accountant. This process has not changed since the prior year. |
Form 990, Part X, Lines 27 & 29 |
In accordance with the principles of FASB ASU 2016-14 (ASC 958), the organization has implemented required changes to its audited financial statements for the period ended 12/31/2018. To date, Form 990 and its associated schedules have not been updated to reflect changes made by this standard. Thus, we have reported the revised net asset categories from the audited financial statements as follows on Form 990, Part X, Lines 27-29: Line 27 - Net assets without donor restrictions $3,891,371 Line 29 - Net assets with donor restrictions $1,123,127 ---------- Total net assets $5,014,498 |