Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 6 |
Children's Medical Center Corporation is the sole Member of the Children's Hospital Corporation. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7a |
Children's Medical Center Corporation is the sole Member of the Children's Hospital Corporation. The Children's Medical Center Corporation elects the governing body of Children's Hospital Corporation because the Board of Directors of Children's Hospital Corporation must consist of the persons who serve from time to time as the directors of The Children's Medical Center Corporation. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7b |
Children's Medical Center Corporation is the sole Member of the Children's Hospital Corporation ("the Hospital"). As stated in the Hospital's By Laws, Children's Medical Center Corporation has the powers and rights: - to approve proposed operating and capital budgets of the Hospital; - to approve the sale of all or substantially all of the Hospital's assets or the Hospital; - to approve the establishment of all long-range plans, goals and objectives of the Hospital; - to approve any incurrence of long-term indebtedness by the Hospital; - to approve the appointment or removal of the Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital; - to approve mergers, consolidations, and other forms of corporate affiliations with third parties. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11b |
The Form 990 tax return was prepared by the organization's staff and reviewed by management (including the Chief Executive Officer, President & Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, General Counsel and other relevant departments of the organization), along with the outside accounting firm of Ernst & Young. The Form 990 tax return was then presented to the Children's Medical Center and affiliates' Audit & Compliance Committee. Also, a copy was made available to the Board before filing. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c |
The Hospital's Conflict of Interest and Commitment policy applies to all directors, Trust Board members, members of the medical or research staff, faculty, fellow, resident, student, visiting faculty or scientist, consultant, volunteer sand employees of the Hospital. Directors, chiefs of service and division chiefs, senior directors and others who exercise influence over important strategic, business and purchasing decisions of the Hospital are required to complete an annual conflict of interest disclosure questionnaire about their financial interests and outside activities. If an expected questionnaire is not returned, the Compliance Officer notifies the individual's supervisor or the CEO or COO, and repeated requests for the completed questionnaire are made until the questionnaire is completed. Responses are reviewed by the Compliance Officer and any potential conflicts are discussed with the Office of General Counsel and/or the individual's supervisor; any actual or potential conflicts are managed by termination of the conflict, management of the conflict, recusal, disclosure, review, or a combination thereof. Outside interests and outside activities may be permitted as long as the Hospital, Medical Center or Trust determines that such interests and activities are consistent with the policies of the Hospital, Medical Center or Trust and the Hospital, Medical Center or Trust Board member, medical staff member or employee involved does the following: 1. discloses the fact that he/she has a financial interest or a consultative role in or with a person or company with which the Hospital, Medical Center or Trust is doing or is thinking of doing business; and 2. refrains from voting or exercising any personal influence whatsoever in the selection of a person or company to do business with the Hospital, Medical Center or Trust with whom or in which he/she has a financial interest or a consultative role; and 3. avoids any active participation in any financial negotiations between the Hospital, Medical Center or Trust and the person or company with whom or in which he/she has a financial interest or consultative role; and 4. does not permit such outside interests or activities to absorb such amounts of his/her time and effort as to make it impractical for them to fulfill their assigned responsibilities at the Hospital, Medical Center or Trust; and 5. does not permit such outside interests or activities to compromise or appear to compromise the name or reputation of the Hospital, Medical Center or Trust. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15 |
The Hospital has a board level compensation committee that annually reviews and approves the compensation for the following individuals: Chief Executive Officer President & Chief Operating Officer Executive Vice President of Finance, IS & RE & Chief Financial Officer Senior Vice President & General Counsel Senior Vice President, Patient Care Services & Chief Nursing Officer Senior Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer Vice President, Research Administration President, Children's Hospital Trust Vice President, Government Relations Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer Vice President, Human Resources Vice President, Support Services Senior Vice President, Real Estate Planning & Development Chief Investment Officer Senior Vice President, Network Development & Strategic Partnerships Vice President, Clinical Services Senior Vice President, International Services The committee is comprised of members of the board who are not employed by the organization, and no member may participate in the review and approval of compensation if the member has a conflict of interest with respect to that compensation arrangement. The committee relies on data, provided by an independent compensation consultant, which includes comparable compensation for similarly qualified persons, in functionally comparable positions, at similarly situated organizations. The deliberations and decisions of the committee are documented in minutes of the meeting. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 |
The Hospital posts its Code of Conduct (which incorporates the Conflict of Interest Policy) and its Compliance Manual (which includes a summary of the Conflict of Interest Policy) on its external website and these are also available from the Compliance Office or the Office of General Counsel. Governing documents are not posted publicly but are available from the Hospital upon request and are also filed with the Massachusetts Secretary of State, where they are available to the public. Audited financial statements are filed annually with the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General as part of the Hospital's Form PC filing and are available from the organization upon request. Quarterly financial statements are filed with the Hospital's bond trustee and are available to the public through the Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) website maintained by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. |
Form 990, Part IX, line 11g |
Purchased Medical Services: Program service expenses 111,194,937. Management and general expenses 12,014,781. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 123,209,718. Purchased Research Services: Program service expenses 49,027,918. Management and general expenses 6,652. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 49,034,570. Consulting Services: Program service expenses 20,420,420. Management and general expenses 15,945,778. Fundraising expenses 488,268. Total expenses 36,854,466. Misc. Purchased Services: Program service expenses 25,005,773. Management and general expenses 7,548,842. Fundraising expenses 159,007. Total expenses 32,713,622. Nursing Agency Fees: Program service expenses 11,234,248. Management and general expenses 383,652. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 11,617,900. Laundry Services: Program service expenses 2,349,807. Management and general expenses 46,046. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 2,395,853. Security Services: Program service expenses 8,214,112. Management and general expenses 114,703. Fundraising expenses 310. Total expenses 8,329,125. Catering Fees: Program service expenses 1,006,853. Management and general expenses 260,639. Fundraising expenses 26,488. Total expenses 1,293,980. Collection Agency Fees: Program service expenses 0. Management and general expenses 1,717,030. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 1,717,030. Temp Agency Fees: Program service expenses 8,384,518. Management and general expenses 2,740,557. Fundraising expenses 79,533. Total expenses 11,204,608. Ambulance Services: Program service expenses 121,561. Management and general expenses 0. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 121,561. Environmental Services: Program service expenses 790,275. Management and general expenses 256,797. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 1,047,072. |
Form 990, Part XI, line 9: |
Net Transfers/Support from Children's Medical Center 194,968,968. Pension Adjustment -98,688,719. Other Adjustments 993. Tran of Prof Svc Surplus from Net Assets to Funds Held for Others -2,155,453. |