(a) Name and address of organization or government |
(b) EIN |
(c) IRC section (if applicable) |
(d) Amount of cash grant |
(e) Amount of non-cash assistance |
(f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) |
(g) Description of noncash assistance |
(h) Purpose of grant or assistance |
National Rural Educators Association 615 Mccallie Avenue Hunter Hall 212 Chattanooga,TN37403
23-7033384 |
501c3 |
100,000 |
sponsorship |
Hispanic Scholarship Fund 1411 W 190th Street Suite 700 Gardena,CA90248
52-1051044 |
501c3 |
48,000 |
sponsorship |
MLT-Management Leadership for Tomorrow 7201 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 400 Bethesda,MD20814
52-1795164 |
501c3 |
8,000 |
sponsorship |
National College Advising Corporation 301 W Barbee Chapel Rd Ste 210 Chapel Hill,NC27517
46-1192687 |
501c3 |
25,000 |
support for leadership conference |
Year Up Inc 45 Milk Street Boston,MA02109
04-3534407 |
501c3 |
6,960 |
general operating support |
Braven 171 N Aberdeen Street Suite 400 Chicago,IL60607
46-4340594 |
501c3 |
31,355 |
Employer sponsor of mentorship programs |
Save the Children Federation 501 Kings Highway East Suite 400 Fairfield,CT06824
06-0726487 |
501c3 |
10,726 |
general operating support |
Center of Educational Excellence in Alternative Settings 1361 Locust Road NW Washington,DC20012
45-0757820 |
501c3 |
12,782 |
general operating support |
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors 3033 Wilson Blvd Suite 630 Arlington,VA22201
92-0152268 |
501c3 |
9,027 |
general operating support |
Rare 1310 N Courthouse Road Suite 110 Arlington,VA22201
23-7380563 |
501c3 |
14,000 |
general operating support |
Generation Hope 415 Michigan Avenue NE Suite 250 Washington,DC20017
27-3554088 |
501c3 |
8,000 |
sponsorship |
Academy for Teachers 10 West 90th Street No 9 New York,NY10024
45-4681404 |
501c3 |
14,000 |
sponsorship |
Spelman College 350 Spelman Lane SW Box 1551 Atlanta,GA30314
58-0566243 |
501c3 |
100,000 |
scholarship |
Common Application 3003 Washington Boulevard Suite 1000 Arlington,VA22201
91-2170737 |
501c3 |
50,000 |
college guidance |
North Valley Community Foundation 240 Main Street Suite 260 Chico,CA95928
68-0161455 |
501c3 |
10,000 |
disaster relief & recovery |
Bottom Line Inc 50 Milk Street 16th Floor Boston,MA02109
04-3351427 |
501c3 |
13,000 |
sponsorship |
Council of African American Parents 23535 Palmonino Drive 243 Diamond Bar,CA91765
95-4453930 |
501c3 |
10,000 |
scholarships |
Katy Independent School District PO Box 159 Katy,TX77492
74-6001484 |
115 |
10,000 |
teacher training |
Moreno Valley Unified School District 25637 Allessandro Blvd Moreno Valley,CA92553
52-1770792 |
115 |
10,000 |
teacher training |
Fenton Community High School District 100 1000 W Green Street Bensenville,IL60106
36-6004534 |
115 |
10,000 |
teacher training |
National Association for College Admission Counseling 1050 N Highland Street Suite 400 Arlington,VA22201
26-1909449 |
501c3 |
25,000 |
Sponsorship |
American Political Science Association 1527 New Hampshire Avene NW Washington,DC200361206
53-0200001 |
501c3 |
6,500 |
Sponsorship |
Association for the Advancement of International Education Inc 15 Roszel Rd Princeton,NJ08540
23-7168267 |
501c3 |
7,500 |
Sponsorship |
East Asia Regional Council of Schools Inc 15 Roszel Road Princeton,NJ08543
98-0043154 |
501c3 |
6,000 |
Sponsorship |
Fortune Media USA Corp 255 Liberty Street New York,NY10281
32-0585729 |
100,000 |
Sponsorship |
The Museum of Language Arts 1300 I Street NW Suite 400E Washington,DC20005
46-4894732 |
501c3 |
100,000 |
Sponsorship |
Illinois Principals Association 2940 Baker Drive Springfield,IL62703
36-2739730 |
501c6 |
10,000 |
Sponsorship |
New York State Council of School Superintendents 7 Elk Street 3rd Floor Albany,NY12207
14-6046622 |
501c6 |
8,242 |
Sponsorship |
Texas Association of School Administrators 406 East 11 Street Austin,TX78701
74-1540525 |
501c6 |
25,000 |
Sponsorship |
National College Resources FDTN 750 N Diamond Bar Blvd Ste 208 Diamond Bar,CA91765
86-1120719 |
501c3 |
25,000 |
Sponsorship |
CA Congress of Parents Teachers & Students Inc 2327 L Street Sacramento,CA95816
95-1683870 |
501c3 |
15,000 |
Sponsorship |
KVIE Inc 2030 W El Camino Avenue Sacramento,CA95833
94-1421463 |
501c3 |
10,000 |
Sponsorship |
California County Superintendents Educational Service Association 1121 L Street 510 Sacramento,CA25000
68-0132885 |
501c3 |
25,000 |
Sponsorship |
Florida Association of District School Superintendents 208 South Monroe Street Tallahassee,FL32301
23-7078350 |
501c6 |
20,000 |
Sponsorship |
Confederation of Oregon School Administrators 707 13th Street Suite 100 SAlem,OR97301
93-0633354 |
501c6 |
15,500 |
Sponsorship |
Idaho Association of School Administrators Inc 777 S Latah Street Boise,ID83705
82-0365466 |
501c6 |
6,000 |
Sponsorship |
Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents 401 Church Street Nashville,TN37219
62-1551625 |
501c6 |
25,000 |
Sponsorship |
Colorado Association of School Executives 2253 S Oneida Street Suite 201 Denver,CO80224
84-0594444 |
501c6 |
17,500 |
Sponsorship |
Education Commission of the States 700 N Broadway Suite 810 Denver,CO80203
31-0722194 |
501c3 |
80,000 |
Sponsorship |
National Rural Educators Association 615 McCallie Avenue Hunter Hall 212 Chattanooga,TN37403
23-7033384 |
501c3 |
25,000 |
Sponsorship |
Atlantic Monthly Group Inc The Watergate 600 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington,DC20037
04-3483736 |
100,000 |
Sponsorship |
Military Child Education Coalition 909 Mountain Lion Circle Harker Heights,TX76548
74-2889416 |
501c3 |
40,000 |
Sponsorship |
Foundation for Excellence in Education PO Box 10691 Tallahassee,FL32302
26-0615175 |
501c3 |
100,000 |
Sponsorship |
New Venture Fund 1201 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 300 Washington,DC20036
20-5806345 |
501c3 |
15,000 |
Sponsorship |
DC Public Education Fund 3407 14th Street NW Washington,DC20010
26-1607955 |
501c3 |
10,000 |
Sponsorship |
America's Promise Alliance 1110 Vermont Avenue NW Suite 900 Washington,DC20005
54-1848713 |
501c3 |
25,000 |
Sponsorship |
State Government Leadership Foundation 1201 F Street NW Suite 675 Washington,DC20004
20-0505849 |
501c6 |
50,000 |
Membership |
Policy Innovators in Education Network 510 1st Avenue North Suite 408 Minneapolis,MN55403
27-5550971 |
501c3 |
30,000 |
Sponsorship |
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools 1101 15th Street NW Suite 1010 Washington,DC20005
30-0274709 |
501c3 |
75,000 |
Sponsorship |
Rural School and Community Trust Trust 1615 Duke Street Alexandria,VA22314
56-1924246 |
501c3 |
100,000 |
Sponsorship |
Black Economic Alliance Foundation 700 13th Street NW Suite 600 Washington,DC20005
83-3790370 |
501c3 |
10,000 |
Sponsorship |
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 1128 16th Street NW Washington,DC20036
52-1114225 |
501c3 |
10,000 |
Sponsorship |
NAACP Miami Dade PO Box 54315 OpaLocka,FL33054
59-1089900 |
501c3 |
10,000 |
Sponsorship |
WA Association of School Administrators 825 5th Avenue SE Olympia,WA98501
23-7122918 |
501c6 |
10,500 |
Sponsorship |
Council of Chief State School Officers One Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 700 Washington,DC20001
53-0198090 |
501c3 |
83,000 |
Sponsorship |
North Carolina Association of School Administrators 333 Fayetteville Street Raleigh,NC27601
56-1213627 |
501c6 |
15,000 |
Sponsorship |
Michigan Institute for Educational Management 1001 Centennial Way Suite 300 Lansing,MI489179279
501c3 |
11,000 |
Sponsorship |
Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals 1001 Centennial Way Suite 100 Lansing,MI48917
38-1624760 |
501c6 |
10,000 |
Sponsorship |
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education 3035 Ctr Green Suite 200 Boulder,CO80301
84-6008945 |
501c3 |
10,000 |
Sponsorship |
National College Access Network 1001 Connecticut Avenue NW 300 Washinigton,DC20036
31-1793562 |
501c3 |
25,000 |
Sponsorship |
Steppingstone Foundation Inc 155 Federal Street Suite 800 Boston,MA02110
04-3086666 |
501c3 |
15,000 |
Sponsorship |
American School Counselor Association 1101 King Street Suite 310 Alexandria,VA22314
51-0237968 |
501c3 |
30,000 |
Sponsorship |
American College of Computer & Information Sciences 118 Blood Road Townsend,MA01474
20-8449896 |
6,000 |
Sponsorship |
52-1542164 |
501C3 |
7,000 |
sponsorship |
62-1132218 |
501C3 |
5,750 |
sponsorship |