Form 990, Part VI, Line 15a Process to establish compensation of top management official |
During the tax year ended 6/30/2019, no officers, directors or trustees received compensation from the organization. Any executive compensation paid to officers, directors or trustees by related organizations was set by the related organization's compensation committee utilizing both an independent consultant and comparability studies to determine compensation. Therefore, these questions are more appropriately answered as N/A. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 15b Process to establish compensation of other employees |
See Form 990, part Vi, line 15a disclosure |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 12c Conflict of Interest Policy |
c) Board evaluation of non-transactional conflicts - I. The board carefully reviews and scrutinizes any non-transactional conflict of interest (e.g., disclosure of nonpublic information, competition with CHI or a CHI entity, failure to disclose a corporate opportunity, excessive gifts or entertainment, etc.). II. In such circumstances, by a majority vote of the disinterested trustees, the board takes whatever action is deemed appropriate with respect to the trustee or corporate officer under the circumstances (including possible disciplinary or corrective action) to best protect the interests of CHI or the CHI entity. The board is encouraged to consult with the general counsel of CHI or his or her designee when considering disciplinary or corrective action. III. The conflicted trustee or corporate officer is not permitted to use his or her personal influence with respect to the conflict matter. However, if requested, such trustee or corporate officer is not prevented from briefly stating his or her position in the matter, nor from answering pertinent questions from trustees, as his or her knowledge may be relevant. The trustee or corporate officer is excused from the meeting during discussion and vote on the conflict of interest. d) Record of proceedings - with respect to board member and officer conflicts of interest, minutes of the board are expected to reflect the identity of the individual making the disclosure, the nature of the disclosure, discussion regarding any proposed transaction, the decision made by the board, and that the interested trustee or corporate officer was excused during the discussion, and that the interested trustee abstained from voting. D. Conflicts reporting: All conflicts of interest are reported by CHI as required by law, regulations, and policy. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 1a Delegate broad authority to a committee |
Pursuant to Article 5, Section C, Item 2.a of the Bylaws of HARRISON MEDICAL CENTER Foundation, the Executive Committee shall consist of the four officers of the Board, and the immediate past president of the Board if that individual is still a member of the Board. Pursuant to Article 5, Section C, Item 2.a of the Foundation's bylaws, committees, such as the executive committee, that are granted the authority to act on behalf of the board of directors may include only directors of the corporation. Further, pursuant to Article 5, Section C, Item 2.a of the Foundation's bylaws, the executive committee has and may exercise such powers as may be delegated to it by the board of directors. The Executive Committee also possesses the power to transact routine business of the corporation in the interim period between regularly scheduled meetings of the board of directors. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 6 Classes of members or stockholders |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 7a Members or stockholders electing members of governing body |
AS THE SOLE MEMBER OF THE FOUNDATION, HARRISON MEDICAL CENTER ELECTS TWO MEMBERS FROM ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO SIMULTANEOUSLY SERVE AS "CROSSOVER" MEMBERS TO THE FOUNDATION'S BOARD OF Directors. (CHCF Reserved Rights) Except as otherwise provided in the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation or the laws of the State of organization, Catholic Health Care Federation ("CHCF") shall have such rights as are reserved to the Corporate Member, acting in its capacity as the membership body of CHCF, under the Governance Matrix. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 7b Decisions requiring approval by members or stockholders |
Harrison Medical Center's EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MUST APPROVE ALL CHANGES TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND/OR BYLAWS OF THE FOUNDATION. THE FOUNDATION'S BUDGET AND RECOMMENDATION FOR DISSOLUTION ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF HARRISON MEDICAL CENTER. (CHCF Reserved Rights) Except as otherwise provided in the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation or the laws of the State of organization, Catholic Health Care Federation ("CHCF") shall have such rights as are reserved to the Corporate Member, acting in its capacity as the membership body of CHCF, under the Governance Matrix. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 11b Review of form 990 by governing body |
Once the return is prepared, the return is reviewed BY ACCOUNTANTS FROM THE HARRISON MEDICAL CENTER FINANCE DEPARTMENT AND THE FOUNDATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. A COPY OF THE RETURN IS PROVIDED TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS PRIOR TO FILING. Subsequent to the return being provided to the board, the tax department files the return with the appropriate federal and state agencies, making any non-substantive changes necessary to effect e-filing. Any such changes are not re-submitted to the board. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 12c Conflict of interest policy |
The organization has a conflicts of interest ("COI") policy (the "policy") in place to maintain the integrity of its activities. Through February 7, 2019, conflicts were administered solely through Catholic Health Initiatives' ("CHI") Governance Policy No. 1 (described below). On February 8, 2019, in connection with the alignment of the Catholic Health Ministries of CHI and Dignity Health, the CommonSpirit Health Board of Stewardship Trustees approved CommonSpirit Health Corporate Responsibility Policy No. G-001, a CommonSpirit Health conflicts of interest policy. This policy stipulates that, at minimum, the pre-closing CHI COI policies and pre-closing Dignity Health COI policies identify the individuals that are covered under the new policy. In addition, subject to certain exceptions, pre-closing CHI COI policies shall continue to apply to the CHI entities and the individuals who were subject to the Pre-Closing CHI COI policies; and the Pre-Closing Dignity Health COI policies shall continue to apply to the Dignity Health entities and the individuals who were subject to the Pre-Closing Dignity Health COI policies. Until CommonSpirit Health adopts a single process for identifying and managing conflicts of interest for all system entities, the following individuals shall be subject to the Pre-Closing CHI COI policies from and after the effective date of Corporate Responsibility Policy No. G-001: 1. Members of the CommonSpirit Health Board of Stewardship Trustees and members of the committees of the Board of Stewardship Trustees; 2. Corporate officers of CommonSpirit Health; 3. Members of the Board of Directors of Dignity Health and members of the committees of the Board of Directors of Dignity Health. CHI Governance Policy No. 1: The policy applies to the following persons: members of the CHI board of stewardship trustees and its committees; members of any CHI direct affiliate or subsidiary (each a CHI entity) board and their committees; employees of CHI entities, and all CHI researchers (as defined in the policy). Disclosure, review and management of perceived, potential or actual conflicts of interest are accomplished through a defined COI disclosure review process. A. Disclosure obligations: 1. Ongoing: Each person is required to promptly and fully disclose to his/her direct manager, supervisor, medical staff office, board or board committee chair any situation or circumstance that may create a conflict of interest. The person must disclose the actual or potential conflict as soon as she/he becomes aware of it. In any situation in which the person is in doubt it is expected that full disclosure be made to permit an impartial and objective determination as to the existence of a conflict. 2. Periodic written: In addition to the ongoing disclosure obligation, periodic written conflict of interest disclosure forms must be completed as follows: a) Initially: 1) Upon hiring (employees), 2) Appointment (board / committee members), 3) Upon consideration of affiliation with research sponsor (researchers). b) Annually: 1) Board / committee members, 2) Employees at the level vice president or above, 3) Researchers, 4) Supply chain employees at the level of vice president and above and those employees involved in contracting regardless of employment level, 5) Other employees as determined by CommonSpirit Health leadership. 3. Failure to disclose - an individual who fails to disclose a perceived, potential, or actual conflict of interest, or all material facts surrounding an actual or potential conflict or fails to abide by the final decision regarding the conflict may be subject to disciplinary or corrective actions such as termination of employment, removal from a board or committee, loss or restriction of clinical privileges, or restrictions on research activities in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, contracts, and bylaws. B. Conflicts review: 1. No disclosed conflicts: In the absence of perceived, potential or actual conflicts of interest, no follow-up conflicts review is required or performed. 2. Disclosure of perceived, potential or actual conflicts: a) Are initially reviewed by national or regional legal or corporate responsibility team members (depending upon the role of the individual disclosing the actual or potential conflict) to determine whether an actual or potential for a conflict may exist. b) If it is determined that a potential or actual conflict may exist, I. In the case of board or committee members or officers, issues are elevated to the executive committee of the board or board chair. II. In the case of other persons, conflicts issues are elevated to the conflicts of interest review committee ("C-CIRC"). C. Conflicts determination and management: 1. Matters elevated to C-CIRC: a) The C-CIRC determines whether a disclosed or otherwise identified interest is a conflict of interest. If the C-CIRC determines that a COI exists, and adequate controls are not in place to mitigate the conflict, the C-CIRC facilitates development of a COI management plan designed to mitigate the conflict. Designated entity staff are responsible for monitoring the COI management plan and for documenting monitoring activities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at its sole discretion, an entity may reject a person's request to enter into the relationship in question, or require the relationship be sufficiently altered to avoid a potential conflict of interest. b) Appeal - if a person does not agree with a determination made by the C-CIRC, its interpretation of the COI policy, still seeks an exemption or exception, or seeks further clarification of the C-CIRC 's decision, the individual may appeal the decision through his or her manager for reconsideration by the C-CIRC, and the C-CIRC will review and issue a final determination based upon any new or additional information presented. 2. Matters elevated to the executive committee or board chair: a) Determination of existence of conflict - the board chair or his or her designee performs any further investigation of any conflict of interest disclosures as he or she may deem appropriate. If the conflict involves the board chair, the vice chair assumes the chair's role outlined in the COI policy. Based on review and evaluation of the relevant facts and circumstances, the board chair makes an initial determination as to whether a conflict of interest exists and whether, pursuant to the COI policy, review and approval or other action by the board is required. A written record of the board chair's determination, including relevant facts and circumstances, is made. The board chair then makes an appropriate report to the executive committee of the board concerning the COI review, evaluation and determination. If a difference of opinion exists between the board chair and another trustee as to whether the facts and circumstances of a given situation constitute a conflict of interest or whether board review and approval or other action is required under the COI policy, the matter is submitted to the board's executive committee, which makes a final determination as to the matter presented. That determination, including relevant facts and circumstances, is reflected in the executive committee minutes and is reported to the board. b) Board evaluation of transactions involving an officer / board member conflict of interest - I. The board carefully scrutinizes and must in good faith approve or disapprove any transaction in which CHI or a CHI entity is a party and in which the trustee or a corporate officer either: 1. Has a material financial interest; or 2. Is a trustee or corporate officer of the other party (other than a CHI affiliated organization). II. The board must approve the transaction by a majority of the trustees on the board (not counting any interested trustee). In reviewing such transactions between CHI or CHI entities and vendors or other contractors who are, or are affiliated with, trustees or corporate officers, the board acts no more or less favorably than it would in reviewing transactions with unrelated third parties. The transaction is not approved unless the board determines that the transaction is fair to CHI or the CHI entity. III. A conflicted trustee or corporate officer is not permitted to use his or her personal influence with respect to the approval or disapproval of the conflicted transaction. However, if requested, such trustee or corporate officer is not prevented from briefly stating his or her position in the matter, nor from answering pertinent questions from trustees, as his or her knowledge may be relevant. The trustee or corporate officer is excused from the meeting during discussion and vote on the conflict of interest. (Continued on Schedule O) |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 19 Required documents available to the public |
The Organization's governing documents and conflict of interest policy are available upon request from the administration department. In addition, the governing documents are available from the Washington Secretary of State. |
Form 990, Part VIII, Line 11d Other Miscellaneous Revenue |
Other Miscellaneous Revenue - Total Revenue: 200, Related or Exempt Function Revenue: , Unrelated Business Revenue: , Revenue Excluded from Tax Under Sections 512, 513, or 514: 200; |
Form 990, Part XI, Line 9 Other changes in net assets or fund balances |
Other Changes in Net Assets - 44000; |