(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Swinging with Purpose Inc
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Governing body decisions Part VI line 7b Govening body decisions are made by the board of directors.
Form 990 governing body review Part VI line 11 The governing body reviews the Form 990 at an annual meeting.
Conflict of interest policy compliance Part VI line 12c Conflict of Interest Policies are include in the policies of the organization.
Governing documents etc available to public Part VI line 19 Governing Documents are available by request.
Part VI response or note to any other line in Part VI SWP began its golf related fundraising venue in 2013 for the Shelter for Abused Women & Children. Those efforts that included a golf tournament and various in-kind fundraising venues resulted in more than $80,000 in monetary and in-kind support to the organization. In 2014, SWP conducted fundraising efforts for PACE Center for Girls (Immokalee) where such monies were used to implement a fitness and nutrition program for the girls. Monetary and in-kind donations exceeded $70,000 for PACE Center for Girls for calendar year 2014. During these two (2) years of fundraising for the Shelter and PACE, SWP did not have its 501c3 designation. Upon reflecting on the impact we had on these organizations, we decided to form our own 501c3 organization so that our impact could be greater and more significant. We received the 501c3 approval in 2014 and since then we are able to broaden our reach into the community to impact these organizations through not only monetary support, but in-kind support when there are specific needs. It is also our goal to increase community awareness that these organizations exist. We are proud to say that we are fulfilling that mission on all fronts. Since our initial golf tournament in 2013, along with the other miscellaneous fundraising venues we have conducted, we have generated more than $775,000 in monetary and in-kind donations to many organizations in our community. Due to such growth, we formally implemented a grant application process where we annually accept and review applications. From those submissions, we select the beneficiaries who become the recipients of our fundraising efforts for the following calendar year. For 2019, we have 11 beneficiaries and we will fulfil $175,000 in grants to these organizations.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2019

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