(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Phoenix Houses of New York Inc
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part III, line 3 Phoenix Houses of New York stopped conducting the following activities during FY19: healthcare services, ambulatory treatment services, and residential treatment services.
FORM 990, Part VI, section a, line 6 the member or members elect individuals to the board of directors, approve and amend the bylaws, and exercise those powers provided to members of non-profit organizations under applicable law. phoenix house (the "parent") is the sole corporate member of the following affiliated organizations: phoenix house foundation, inc., phoenix houses of california, inc., phoenix houses of new york, inc., phoenix houses of new englad, inc., phoenix houses of texas, inc., phoenix programs of florida, inc., and phoenix houses of the mid-atlantic, inc. as of april 1, 2019 phoenix houses of new york, inc., is no longer affiliated with phoenix house or any of the other aforementioned entities.
form 990, part vi, section a, line 7a see line 6 description above.
form 990, part vi, section a, line 7b see line 6 description above.
form 990, part vi, section b, line 11b the 990 is completed by phoenix houses of new york, inc.'s independent audit firm. if there are any questions, they are addressed. The completed return is distributed to the organization's board of directors before filing.
form 990, part vi, section b, line 12c on an annual basis all officers and directors are required to complete a conflict of interest questionnaire. the board of directors (or committee thereof) directly reviews all transactions presenting any potential conflict of interest, or the appearance thereof, and enforces the policy by approving such transactions only if they do not present a conflict or are independently determined to be fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of the organization. any director or officer with an interest in the transaction at issue may not participate in or attempt to influence the board's (or committee's) deliberations or decision. prior to entering into such a transaction, the board (or committee) also considers alternative transactions to the extent available.
form 990, part vi, section b, line 15a the compensation of the president is benchmarked by a consultant and reviewed (without participation by the person compensated) for reasonableness by the organization's board (or committee thereof) and recorded in the minutes. the last review happened in 2019.
form 990, part vi, section b, line 15b the compensation of officers and key employees is benchmarked by a consultant and reviewed (without participation by the person compensated) for reasonableness by the organization's board (or committee thereof) and recorded in the minutes. the last review happened in 2019.
form 990, part vi, section c, line 19 the financial statements are available to the public. other corporate documents are available only at the direction of management unless required by law.
form 990, Part XI, line 9 Write down in OASIS revenue (1,230,188)
form 990, page 1, box B This return is being amended due to the issuance of the FY19 financial statements. Changes were made to form 990 parts I, III, IV, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, schedule A, Schedule D, and Schedule O.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2018

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