Management duties delegation Part VI line 3 |
The Association delegated routine daily management to a management entity to oversee the operations at the direction of the Board. |
Members or stockholder classes and rights Part VI line 6 |
Each property owner is a member of the Association. |
Member election for additional members Part VI line 7a |
Homeowner/members elect the Board of Directors. |
Governing body decisions Part VI line 7b |
Revisions to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions require the vote of the memership. |
Governing body meeting documentation Part VI line 8a |
Board of director meetings are documented by taking minutes. |
Committee meeting documentation Part VI line 8b |
Board of director meetings are documented by taking minutes. |
Form 990 governing body review Part VI line 11 |
The tax return is provided to the board treasurer and directors for approval prior to submission. |
Conflict of interest policy compliance Part VI line 12c |
Each board member signs a statement regarding possible or potential conflicts of interest although the Association does not have a formal conflict of interest policy. |
Governing documents etc available to public Part VI line 19 |
Each purchaser of property subject to the governing documents is given a copy prior to completion of the purchase. |
Explanation of other changes in net assets or fund balances Part XI line 9 |
Closing contributions - $11,500 |
List of other expenses Part IX line 24e |
Pool management 14,113Utilities 37,129Property tax 4,136Bad debts 4,500_________________________total 59,878 |