(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Easter Seals New Hampshire Inc
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part III, Continuation of Line 1: And, we remain steadfast in our goal of providing services to people of all ages with disabilities or special needs.
Continuation of Form 990, Part III, Line 4a: Residential and Educational Services: Our services range from intensive level care in highly structured residential settings to the support of individuals in their community, family and/or independent living setting. Our educational programs work to ensure that the student has consistent access to education in the least restrictive environment possible as they develop and progress in their treatment. To support the varying needs of youth and families, services include family driven and youth guided treatment philosophy, therapeutic residential settings, foster care and in-home services, approved special education schools, school to work services, specialized educational services for youth with autism and other neurobehavioral and developmental challenges, instruction and practice in independent living and vocational skills, case management, psychiatric services, family therapy, individual therapy and group counseling, nursing and medical case management, 24-hour on call services for crisis & support and year-round Res/Ed programs. Senior Services: We offer comprehensive services for caregivers and those they care for, including adult day services, therapeutic services, in-home care and support groups. The adult medical day services provide a home like atmosphere in which older adults, adults living with dementia, or adults living with disabilities receive individualized therapeutic, social, and health services for some part of the day. The caring companions services provide care in the home and community ranging from basic household chores to more extensive in home care and companionship. We have memory care options that are provided in the home and in the community for those living with memory impairment, caregiver resources providing respite care, education, resources, support and coaching for the new and seasoned caregiver. We also have Mary Gale Flex Funds to assist low income woman with critical goods and services. Transportation: Easterseals NH Transportation Services has been a provider of quality transportation since 1980 and is committed to creating transportation solutions that open doors to independence for NH residents. Transportation Services has developed partnerships with human service and municipal agencies that benefit our community and constantly strives to coordinate and consolidate specialized transportation in the Greater Manchester area. Transportation Services provides transportation with an operational fleet of more than 60 specially-equipped vehicles and serves over 1,200 individuals annually covering over 1.2 million miles. Transportation Services is certified and licensed by the NH Department of Safety, Health and Human Services, EMS, American Red Cross, National Safety Council, and the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. Why Our Transportation Services: Vehicle operators are professionally trained in defensive driving and passenger assistance techniques, Operators sensitive to the needs of individuals with disabilities and the elderly, Door-to-door individualized service available, Passenger monitors-when required, Cost-efficient pricing, Lift-equipped vans and buses, Staff receives extensive training and complies with Department of Transportation regulations (including drug screening), Licensed to provide Medicaid approved wheelchair rehabilitation transportation, and Collaboration with school districts on behavior management issues and provides specialized training to its staff Who is Eligible: As part of our mission, we provide transportation for numerous programs. Transportation Services provides door-to-door transportation with passenger assistance available for the frail and isolated elderly, as well as individuals with special needs and disabilities, allowing them to gain greater independence and stay involved in their communities. Transportation Services Clients: Our vehicles are available for charter by groups, individuals and other agencies and offer considerable savings in money and time. In addition to transporting over 750 special education students on a daily basis for the City of Manchester, STS customers have included: Southern New Hampshire Services, Community Health Services-Derry, Greater Derry/Greater Salem Regional Transportation Council (RTC), Greater Derry/Greater Salem Cooperative Alliance for Regional Transportation (CART), St. Joseph Community Services, NH Bureau of Elderly & Adult Services, NH Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, NH Division of Children, Youth and Families, NH Division of Health & Human Services, Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Easterseals NH Programs, Manchester Housing Authority, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Catholic Medical Center, Veterans Administration, Elliot Hospital, Granite State Independent Living Association, Nursing Homes, Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, Rockingham Nutrition Meals on Wheels, Manchester Community Health Center Workforce Development: Easterseals has provided Workforce development services since 1974. We offer a variety of services that help individuals achieve meaningful career outcomes while meeting the needs of the business community. Services available are: Youth Transitional Services: Provides versatile community based, in-school, or in-home supports as well as remote learning activities. Programs are structured to service a student's IEP and assist students in reaching their goals with a focus on employment, continuing education, adult daily living skills, and social health and wellness. A variety of schedule options ensures each student receives the right amount of support. Independence Cleaning: Providing specialty floor care and general cleaning services in the greater Concord, Manchester, and Nashua areas. Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS): In collaboration with New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation, Easterseals Pre-ETS programming provides students with the opportunity to participate in work-based learning experiences that allow them to explore employment opportunities, participate in "on the job training", and find an occupation that aligns with their interests and skills. Easterseals NH & Apparel Impact Partnership: Host an Easterseals NH & Apparel Impact donation bin to divert textile waste from landfills, provide local families in need with free or reduced cost clothing, create jobs, and raise funding to support Easterseals mission.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7b The Fiscal Committee reviews financial related matters and recommends actions to the full Board of Directors for approval.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11b The Form 990 is prepared by an outside independent accounting firm and presented to the Audit Committee of the Board for review before filing with the IRS. The Fiscal Committee reviews financial related matters and recommends actions to the full Board of Directors for approval. A copy of 990 is provided to the full Board of Directors Board before the 990 is filed.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c It shall be against the policy of Easter Seals New Hampshire, Inc. to have conflicts of interest with its directors, officers, staff or members of their immediate families. In the event of a pecuniary benefit transaction as defined by NH Law in RSA 7:19-a, it shall be the policy of Easter Seals New Hampshire, Inc. to follow the statute. Included but not limited to the following, the procedure shall be that each director shall complete a questionnaire on the related entities and persons and business activities of the director and members of the director's immediate family as defined by statute and such questionnaire shall be on file at the office of the Corporation. In the event the Corporation or any director becomes aware of any potential pecuniary benefit transaction as defined by law, the Corporation shall follow the procedures prescribed by law and give notice of the transaction to the full Board with notice of its next meeting. At the meeting, the Board shall vote on whether the pecuniary benefit transaction is in the best interest of the corporation, after full explanation thereof and without the director being present and without any director who has had a pecuniary benefit transaction within the fiscal year being present. If two thirds (2/3rds) of the entire Board shall vote that the pecuniary benefit transaction is in the best interest of the Corporation, the transaction shall be allowed. Notice of any such pecuniary benefit transaction the value of which is $5,000 or more shall be published according to statute. Notice of all pecuniary benefit transactions shall be given to the Director of Charitable Trusts of the State of New Hampshire annually with the reporting by the Corporation and individually for those transactions exceeding $5,000.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15 Easter Seals New Hampshire, Inc. is the parent organization with oversight and responsibility for four (4) nonprofit subsidiary entities: Easter Seals Maine, Inc.; Easter Seals Vermont, Inc.; The Homemakers Health Services, Inc.; and Manchester Alcoholism Rehabilitation Center. Easter Seals New Hampshire, Inc. has an Executive Compensation Committee that is made up of the former Chair of the Board of Directors and other Directors. It meets annually and reviews data on comparable not-for-profit executives of similar sized organizations in the geographical area in which we operate. That data is compiled from information gathered by the Chief Human Resources Officer and submitted to the Committee. The Committee meets independently to review the performance of the President, meets with the President to obtain his input, and then recommends compensation levels. It then submits its report to the entire Board of Directors which meets in executive session to review the process and the recommendations. The Committee also reviews the compensation of the highest level employees and provides input to the President in setting their compensation. Contemporaneous substantiation of the deliberation and decision is recorded.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 Copies of the IRS Form 990 and the nonprofit status determination documents are available for public inspection at the corporate office by appointment.
Form 990, Part IX, line 11g Professional Fees: Program service expenses 6,198,802. Management and general expenses 1,082,958. Fundraising expenses 29,004. Total expenses 7,310,764.
Form 990, Part X, Line 10: Land, Buildings, and Equipment Section 1.263(a)-3(n) Election: Easter Seals New Hampshire, Inc. 555 Auburn Street Manchester, NH 03103 EIN: 02-0272825 Section 1.263(a)-3(n) Election: Easter Seals New Hampshire, Inc. is electing to capitalize repair and maintenance costs under Regulation Section 1.263(a)-3(n).
Form 990, Part XI, line 9: Change in Fair Value of Interest Rate Swap -242,082. Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Beneficial Interest in Trust Held by Others 21,320.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2019

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