Return Reference | Explanation |
Part VI, Section B, Line 11b | The Form 990 is prepared by SLS' Finance Manager. It is then sent for review to the Audit Manager of the auditing firm who has prepared the annual audited financial statements. The Finance Manager then provides a draft of the form to each member of SLS' Finance & Audit Committee for their review. If any changes need to be made from these reviews the Finance Manager will make those changes on the form and then submit the form electronically to IRS as per instructions. |
Part VI, Section B, Line 12c | Should a conflict of interest arise from any member of our Board of Directors a signed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement will be completed and signed by that board member and the statement will be forwarded to the Executive Director and Board President for review. Steps will be put in place to ensure that the board member with a conflict will abstain from any voting that could be construed as violating that conflict of interest. |
Part VI, Section B, Line 15 | | Name of the Person:, The process used to establish compensation of the person who served in:|, The year in which this process was last undertaken:| Janice J Chiaretto, The salary of SLS' Executive Director is set by the Board of Directors after consideration of work performance and review of salaries of comparable positions from other legal services programs and not-for-profit agencies. The deliberations and decisions are substantiated in the meeting minutes of the Executive Session of the Board. Salaries for other exempt employees are determined by the Executive Director. Comparability data and experience levels are used to determine salary levels., 2020| |
Part VI, Section C, Line 19 | Governing documents and SLS' Conflicts of Interest Policy are available upon request. Financial statements are provided to current funders semi-annually or annually as applicable and to potential funders upon request. Audited financial statements are also available upon request. SLS' Form 990 is available on Guidestar at |
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