Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 3E
The significant health needs are a prioritized description of the significant health needs of the community and identified through the CHNA.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 5 Facility A, 1
Facility A, 1 - Methodist Mansfield Medical Center. In addition to analyzing quantitative data, two (2) focus groups with a total of 19 participants, as well as five (5) key informant interviews, were conducted July 2018 through March 2019 to take into account the input of persons representing the broad interests of the community served. In the focus group sessions and interviews, participants identified and discussed the factors that contribute to the current health status of the community, and then identified the greatest barriers and strengths that contribute to the overall health of the community. Participation in the qualitative assessment was included from at least one state, local, or regional governmental public health department (or equivalent department or agency) with knowledge, information, or expertise relevant to the health needs of the community, as well as individuals or organizations who served and/or represented the interests of medically underserved, low-income and minority populations in the community. Participation from community leaders/groups, public health organizations, other healthcare organizations, and other healthcare providers ensured that the input received represented the broad interests of the community served. A list of the organizations providing input is listed below. Representing medically underserved and low-income, and/or minority populations: Area Agency on Aging/United Way of Tarrant County; Arlington Life Shelter; GRACE; Mount Olive Baptist Church; My Health My Resources (MHMR) of Tarrant County; North Texas Area Community Health Centers; Project Access Tarrant County; Texas Rehabilitation Hospital of Fort Worth; Union Gospel Mission; United Way of Tarrant County; Cancer Care Services; Metrocare; Fort Worth Independent School District; Texas Christian University and Red Cross. Representing low-income and minority populations: Eastside Ministries; Fort Worth Housing Solutions Representing low-income populations: Salvation Army; Tarrant Area Food Bank; Tarrant County Homeless Coalition All Others: Epidemiology Associates; JPS Health; Tarrant County Public Health
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 5 Facility A, 2
Facility A, 2 - METHODIST RICHARDSON MEDICAL CENTER. In addition to analyzing quantitative data, three (3) focus groups with a total of 33 participants, as well as eight (8) key informant interviews, were conducted July 2018 through March 2019 to take into account the input of persons representing the broad interests of the community served. In the focus group sessions and interviews, participants identified and discussed the factors that contribute to the current health status of the community, and then identified the greatest barriers and strengths that contribute to the overall health of the community. Participation in the qualitative assessment was included from at least one state, local, or regional governmental public health department (or equivalent department or agency) with knowledge, information, or expertise relevant to the health needs of the community, as well as individuals or organizations who served and/or represented the interests of medically underserved, low-income and minority populations in the community. Participation from community leaders/groups, public health organizations, other healthcare organizations, and other healthcare providers ensured that the input received represented the broad interests of the community served. A list of the organizations providing input is listed below. Representing medically underserved and low-income, and/or minority populations: Agape Clinic; Bridge Breast Network; City of Plano; CitySquare; Community Lifeline Center; Cornerstone Baptist Church; D/FW Hindu Temple Society; Dallas Area Interfaith; Family Promise of Irving; Frisco Family Services; Genesis Women's Shelter & Support; Hope Clinic; Hope Clinic of McKinney; Los Barrios Unidos Community Clinic; Many Helping Hands Ministry; McKinney City Council; Office of the County Judge - Dallas County; Plano Fire-Rescue; Society of St. Vincent de Paul of North Texas; Texas Muslim Women's Foundation; United Way Metropolitan Dallas; Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas; YMCA; Cancer Care Services; Metrocare; PCI ProComp Solutions, LLC; University of Texas-Dallas; Assistance Center of Collin County; Methodist Golden Cross Academic Clinic; The Visiting Nurse Association of North Texas (VNA). Representing low-income populations: Goodwill Industries of Dallas; Legal Aid of Northwest Texas; LifePath Systems; North Texas Food Bank; Project Access-Collin County; Sharing Life Community Outreach Inc; The Samaritan Inn; Veterans Center of North Texas; Dallas County Health and Human Services All Others: Community Council
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 6a Facility A, 1
Facility A, 1 - ALL FACILITIES IN REPORTING GROUP A. Methodist Richardson Medical Center (MRMC) operates a 443 licensed bed hospital across two campuses. Mansfield Medical Center (MMMC) IS a 262 licensed bed hospital. Both serve different areas in the DFW metroplex.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 11 Facility A, 1
Facility A, 1 - Methodist Mansfield Medical Center. Through the prioritization process, the following five significant needs were selected to be addressed via the Methodist Mansfield CHNA Implementation Strategy: Atrial Fibrillation; Obesity; Diabetes; Opioid Addiction; Cancer. The following programs/activities are how the hospital facility is addressing the selected significant needs in its most recently conducted CHNA: ATRIAL FIBRILLATION Grow cryo-ablation services; Enhance EP program; Pursue partnerships with cardiologist group, local EMS and fire depts. and CareFlite; Evaluate new technologies; Explore anticoagulation clinic; Add patient navigator services; Partner with Fire department and EMS to offer A-Fib education events. OBESITY Add bariatric nutritional support; Offer workshops with bariatric navigator; City Health & Wellness Initiative partnership; Run with Heart event; Participate and sponsor area runs; Heart of the Community program; City of Mansfield partnership; Pursue comprehensive bariatric COE. DIABETES Tarrant County Diabetes Coalition partnership; Mansfield Mission Center partnership. OPIOID ADDICTION Establish IP opioid stewardship team; Continue to employ best practice ordering guidelines in the ED; Community education; Staff and provider education; Establish Methodist drug disposal program. CANCER Prettier in Pink promotion; Continue community education and awareness events; Walgreens partnership for cancer related beauty products; Comprehensive women's imaging with breast radiologist and breast navigator. The following identified significant needs are not being addressed through the implementation strategy: Mental Health (e.g.: Providers, Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia; Depression; Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders; Intentional Self-Harm; Suicide); Access to Care (e.g.: Transportation; Primary Care Providers); Social Determinants of Health (e.g.: Civilian-Veteran Population; Social Isolation); Maternal and Child Health (e.g.: First Trimester Entry into Prenatal Care); Preventable Hospitalizations (e.g.: Perforated Appendix Admissions); Injury and Death - Children (e.g.: Infant Mortality); Environment (e.g.: Food Insecurity). These other significant health needs were not chosen to be addressed for a combination of the following reasons: * The need was not well-aligned with organizational strengths. * There are not enough existing organizational resources to adequately address the need. * Implementation efforts would not impact as many community residents (magnitude) as those that were chosen.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 11 Facility A, 2
Facility A, 2 - METHODIST RICHARDSON MEDICAL CENTER. Through the prioritization process, the following three significant needs were selected to be addressed via the Methodist Richardson CHNA Implementation Strategy: Chronic Heart Failure, Cancer, Stroke The following programs/activities are how the hospital facility is addressing the selected significant needs in its most recently conducted CHNA: CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE Expand palliative care awareness and promotion of physician on staff through articles and lunch-n-learn events; Offer nutritional cooking classes ; Offer smoking cessation classes including vaping with 2 certified COPD instructors on staff; Officer exercise and activity classes; Sponsorship of Richardson's Corporate Challenge community-wide event; Sponsorship of annual Richardson ISD Spirit Run 10K and 5K fun runs; Sponsorship of Gobble Hobble Boys & Girls club event. STROKE Obtain comprehensive stroke designation; Offer stroke support group; Offer community education awareness events; Offer smoking cessation classes; Build rapid response process; Increase awareness of stroke rehab program; Offer navigation resources. CANCER Obtain COC re-accreditation; Expand screenings; Expand community education and awareness events; Offer smoking cessation classes; Promote low dose CT; Increase support groups; Expand research trials (access) & modality; Expand navigation resources with approximately 2 FTEs. The following identified significant needs are not being addressed through the implementation strategy: Health Behaviors (e.g.: Adolescent Behavioral Health); Social Determinants of Health (e.g.: Language Barriers (Non- English Speaking Households); Poverty (Adults/Children); Social Isolation); Mental Health (e.g.: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders; Depression); Environment (e.g.: Food Insecurity; Housing; Renter-occupied Housing; Homicides; Violent Crime Offenses); Health Behaviors - Substance Abuse e.g.: Drug Overdose Deaths - Opioids; Drug Poisoning Death Rate; Motor Vehicle Driving Deaths with Alcohol Involvement); Injury and Death - Children (e.g.: Child Mortality; Infant Mortality); Preventable Hospitalizations (e.g.: Adult and Pediatric Perforated Appendix Admission). These other significant health needs were not chosen to be addressed for a combination of the following reasons: * The need was not well-aligned with organizational strengths. * There are not enough existing organizational resources to adequately address the need. * Implementation efforts would not impact as many community residents (magnitude) as those that were chosen.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 13 Facility A, 1
Facility A, 1 - All Facilities. MHS will take into account the income level, family size, and amount of hospital charges in order to determine eligibility for the levels of financial assistance. In certain extraordinary cases where these factors may not accurately reflect the patient's ability to pay, MHS may take into account the earning status and potential of the patient and family, and frequency of their hospital and medical bills.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 20 Facility A, 1
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 3E
The significant health needs are a prioritized description of the significant health needs of the community and identified through the CHNA.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 5 Facility B, 1
Facility B, 1 - Methodist Dallas Medical Center, METHODIST CHARLTON MEDICAL CENTER, & METHODIST REHABILITATION HOSPITAL. In addition to analyzing quantitative data, two (2) focus groups with a total of 22 participants, as well as five (5) key informant interviews, were conducted July 2018 through March 2019 to take into account the input of persons representing the broad interests of the community served. In the focus group sessions and interviews, participants identified and discussed the factors that contribute to the current health status of the community, and then identified the greatest barriers and strengths that contribute to the overall health of the community. Participation in the qualitative assessment was included from at least one state, local, or regional governmental public health department (or equivalent department or agency) with knowledge, information, or expertise relevant to the health needs of the community, as well as individuals or organizations who served and/or represented the interests of medically underserved, low-income and minority populations in the community. Participation from community leaders/groups, public health organizations, other healthcare organizations, and other healthcare providers ensured that the input received represented the broad interests of the community served. A list of the organizations providing input is listed below. Representing medically underserved, low-income, and/or minority populations: Agape Clinic; Bridge Breast Network; CitySquare; Cornerstone Baptist Church; Dallas Area Interfaith; Genesis Women's Shelter & Support; Hope Clinic; Los Barrios Unidos Community Clinic; Office of the County Judge - Dallas County; Society of St. Vincent de Paul of North Texas; United Way Metropolitan Dallas; Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas; YMCA; Cancer Care Services; Metrocare; Methodist Golden Cross Academic Clinic; The Visiting Nurse Association of North Texas (VNA); and D/FW Hindu Temple Society. Representing medically underserved and low-income populations: Family Promise of Irving; Many Helping Hands Ministry Representing low-income populations: Goodwill Industries of Dallas; Legal Aid of Northwest Texas; North Texas Food Bank; Sharing Life Community Outreach Inc; Dallas County Health and Human Services All Others: Community Council
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 6a Facility B, 1
Facility B, 1 - All Facilities in Reporting Group B. METHODIST DALLAS MEDICAL CENTER, METHODIST CHARLTON MEDICAL CENTER, and METHODIST REHABILITATION HOSPITAL are acute care hospitals serving Dallas county. The aforementioned hospitals conduct a single CHNA.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 11 Facility B, 1
Facility B, 1 - Methodist Dallas Medical Center. Through the prioritization process, the following four significant needs were selected to be addressed via the Methodist Charlton, Methodist Dallas, and Methodist Rehabilitation joint CHNA Implementation Strategy: Hypertension; Stroke; Diabetes; HIV. The following programs/activities are how the hospital facility is addressing the selected significant needs in its most recently conducted CHNA: HYPERTENSION / DIABETES Offer support groups, healthy cooking classes/demos with health fair or at local recreation centers; Collaborate with population subgroups from different neighborhoods in surrounding Oak Cliff and West Dallas community to host health pop-up events; Expand existing programs/screenings by the Methodist Faith Community Nursing program to additional churches in the community; Include education on diabetes and hypertension in discharge instructions; Add hypertension screenings to mobile mammography unit. STROKE Promote F.A.S.T (education) in Methodist Family Health Centers; Offer support group for families of stroke victims HIV Added HIV specialists; Work with PCPs to communicate the importance of HIV testing; support HIV advocacy groups with sponsorships and engage people at events by bringing team members from Infectious Disease and pharmacy. The following identified significant needs are not being addressed by any of the three facilities through the joint implementation strategy: Mental Health (e.g.: Providers, Frequent Mental Distress; Intentional Self-Harm; Suicide); Environment (e.g.: Food Insecurity; Housing); Social Determinants of Health (e.g.: Poverty (Adults and Children); Language Barriers); Access to Care (e.g.: Uninsured Adults and Children; Transportation); Injury and Death - Children (e.g.: Infant and Child Mortality); Health Behaviors - Substance Abuse (e.g.: Drug Overdose Deaths - Opioids; Drug Poisoning Deaths; Motor Vehicle Driving Deaths with Alcohol Involvement); Preventable Hospitalizations (e.g.: Adult and Pediatric Perforated Appendix Admissions) These other significant health needs were not chosen to be addressed for a combination of the following reasons: * The need was not well-aligned with organizational strengths. * There are not enough existing organizational resources to adequately address the need. * Implementation efforts would not impact as many community residents (magnitude) as those that were chosen.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 11 Facility B, 2
Facility B, 2 - Methodist Charlton Medical Center. Through the prioritization process, the following four significant needs were selected to be addressed via the Methodist Charlton, Methodist Dallas, and Methodist Rehabilitation joint CHNA Implementation Strategy: Hypertension; Stroke; Diabetes; HIV. The following programs/activities are how the hospital facility is addressing the selected significant needs in its most recently conducted CHNA: HYPERTENSION / DIABETES / STROKE Enhance education through retail pharmacy; Enhance support groups with expanded topics and membership; Establish an IV infusion program; Continue to grow Cardiomems program; Collaborate with the Best Southwest Partnership to provide enhanced educational opportunities and screening options, information regarding stroke warning signs, sponsor and promote community fitness programs, address costs for diabetes control and testing supplies, and promote diabetes self-management classes; Provide ongoing lunch-n-learn events; Launch new standing section of the ongoing SHINE newsletter dedicated to these topics; Increase reach of education opportunities through use of social mediums such as social platforms, website, video education and email publications; Monthly Heart Health and Diabetes workshops; Produce Heart to Heart community event. HIV is one of the needs selected by the three facilities in the joint CHNA. However, HIV is being addressed by Methodist Dallas Medical Center in the three facilities' joint implementation strategy and not by Methodist Charlton. The following identified significant needs are not being addressed by any of the three facilities through the joint implementation strategy: Mental Health (e.g.: Providers, Frequent Mental Distress; Intentional Self-Harm; Suicide); Environment (e.g.: Food Insecurity; Housing); Social Determinants of Health (e.g.: Poverty (Adults and Children); Language Barriers); Access to Care (e.g.: Uninsured Adults and Children; Transportation); Injury and Death - Children (e.g.: Infant and Child Mortality); Health Behaviors - Substance Abuse (e.g.: Drug Overdose Deaths - Opioids; Drug Poisoning Deaths; Motor Vehicle Driving Deaths with Alcohol Involvement); Preventable Hospitalizations (e.g.: Adult and Pediatric Perforated Appendix Admissions). These other significant health needs were not chosen to be addressed for a combination of the following reasons: * The need was not well-aligned with organizational strengths. * There are not enough existing organizational resources to adequately address the need. * Implementation efforts would not impact as many community residents (magnitude) as those that were chosen.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 11 Facility B, 3
Facility B, 3 - Methodist Rehabilitation Hospital. Through the prioritization process, the following four significant needs were selected to be addressed via the Methodist Charlton, Methodist Dallas, and Methodist Rehabilitation joint CHNA Implementation Strategy: Hypertension; Stroke; Diabetes; HIV. The following programs/activities are how the hospital facility is addressing the selected significant needs in its most recently conducted CHNA: STROKE Provider education about rehab services; Stroke support group; Patient education. Hypertension, Diabetes and HIV are needs selected by the three facilities in the joint CHNA. However, HIV is being addressed by Methodist Dallas Medical Center and Hypertension and Diabetes are both being addressed by Methodist Dallas and Methodist Charlton Medical Centers in the three facilities' joint implementation strategy and not by Methodist Rehabilitation Hospital. The following identified significant needs are not being addressed by any of the three facilities through the joint implementation strategy: Mental Health (e.g.: Providers, Frequent Mental Distress; Intentional Self-Harm; Suicide); Environment (e.g.: Food Insecurity; Housing); Social Determinants of Health (e.g.: Poverty (Adults and Children); Language Barriers); Access to Care (e.g.: Uninsured Adults and Children; Transportation); Injury and Death - Children (e.g.: Infant and Child Mortality); Health Behaviors - Substance Abuse (e.g.: Drug Overdose Deaths - Opioids; Drug Poisoning Deaths; Motor Vehicle Driving Deaths with Alcohol Involvement); Preventable Hospitalizations (e.g.: Adult and Pediatric Perforated Appendix Admissions). These other significant health needs were not chosen to be addressed for a combination of the following reasons: * The need was not well-aligned with organizational strengths. * There are not enough existing organizational resources to adequately address the need. * Implementation efforts would not impact as many community residents (magnitude) as those that were chosen.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 13 Facility B, 1
Facility B, 1 - METHODIST DALLAS MEDICAL CENTER, METHODIST CHARLTON MEDICAL CENTER, & METHODIST REHABILITATION HOSPITAL. MHS will take into account the income level, family size, and amount of hospital charges in order to determine eligibility for the levels of financial assistance. In certain extraordinary cases where these factors may not accurately reflect the patient's ability to pay, MHS may take into account the earning status and potential of the patient and family, and frequency of their hospital and medical bills.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 20 Facility B, 1
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 3E
The significant health needs are a prioritized description of the significant health needs of the community and identified through the CHNA.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 5 Facility C, 1
Facility C, 1 - Methodist McKinney Hospital. In addition to analyzing quantitative data, one (1) focus groups with a total of 11 participants, as well as five (5) key informant interviews, were conducted July 2018 through March 2019 to take into account the input of persons representing the broad interests of the community served. In the focus group sessions and interviews, participants identified and discussed the factors that contribute to the current health status of the community, and then identified the greatest barriers and strengths that contribute to the overall health of the community. Participation in the qualitative assessment was included from at least one state, local, or regional governmental public health department (or equivalent department or agency) with knowledge, information, or expertise relevant to the health needs of the community, as well as individuals or organizations who served and/or represented the interests of medically underserved, low-income and minority populations in the community. Although input was solicited from the Collin County Public Health Department they did not participate in the focus groups or interviews. However, other sources of input for the public health perspective were obtained and are marked in the report. Participation from community leaders/groups, organizations with public health perspective, other healthcare organizations, and other healthcare providers ensured that the input received represented the broad interests of the community served. A list of the organizations providing input is listed below. Representing medically underserved and low-income, and/or minority populations: City of Plano; Community Lifeline Center; Frisco Family Services; Hope Clinic of McKinney; McKinney City Council; Plano Fire-Rescue); Texas Muslim Women's Foundation; Cancer Care Services; Metrocare; PCI ProComp Solutions, LLC; University of Texas - Dallas; Assistance Center of Collin County. Representing low-income populations: LifePath Systems; Project Access-Collin County; The Samaritan Inn; Veterans Center of North Texas.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 11 Facility C, 1
Facility C, 1 - Methodist McKinney Hospital. Through the prioritization process, the following two significant needs were selected to be addressed via the Methodist McKinney Hospital CHNA Implementation Strategy: Access to Care: Primary Care and Cost; Coordination of Services/ Care. The following programs/activities are how the hospital facility is addressing the selected significant needs in its most recently conducted CHNA: ACCESS TO CARE: PRIMARY CARE AND COST Coordination of Services/Care; PCP Recruitment > PCPs/Non-physician PCPs; Medical Office Development > PCPs/Non-physician PCPs; Increase Charitable care allowances; Joint education classes; Greater Therapy Center partnership; Collin College - Scholarships for Nursing students; McKinney Community Health Clinic; COE Total Joint / Patient Portal Research. COORDINATION OF SERVICES/CARE Provide nurse navigation services The following identified significant needs are not being addressed through the implementation strategy: Health Behaviors - Substance Abuse (e.g.: Motor Vehicle Accidents with Alcohol involved); Preventable Hospitalizations (e.g.: Adult and Pediatric Perforated Appendix Admissions); Social Determinants of Health (e.g.: Social Isolation); Cancer (e.g.: Cancer Incidence - Breast); Mental Health (e.g.: Providers, Intentional Self-Harm; Suicide) These other significant health needs were not chosen to be addressed for a combination of the following reasons: * The need was not well-aligned with organizational strengths. * There are not enough existing organizational resources to adequately address the need. * Implementation efforts would not impact as many community residents (magnitude) as those that were chosen.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 13 Facility C, 1
Facility C, 1 - METHODIST MCKINNEY HOSPITAL. MHS will take into account the income level, family size, and amount of hospital charges in order to determine eligibility for the levels of financial assistance. In certain extraordinary cases where these factors may not accurately reflect the patient's ability to pay, MHS may take into account the earning status and potential of the patient and family, and frequency of their hospital and medical bills.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 20 Facility C, 1
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 3E
The significant health needs are a prioritized description of the significant health needs of the community and identified through the CHNA.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 5 Facility D, 1
Facility D, 1 - Methodist Hospital of Surgery. In addition to analyzing quantitative data, four (4) focus groups with a total of 45 participants, as well as ten (10) key informant interviews, were conducted July 2018 through March 2019 to take into account the input of persons representing the broad interests of the community served. In the focus group sessions and interviews, participants identified and discussed the factors that contribute to the current health status of the community, and then identified the greatest barriers and strengths that contribute to the overall health of the community. Participation in the qualitative assessment was included from at least one state, local, or regional governmental public health department (or equivalent department or agency) with knowledge, information, or expertise relevant to the health needs of the community, as well as individuals or organizations who served and/or represented the interests of medically underserved, low-income and minority populations in the community. Participation from community leaders/groups, public health organizations, other healthcare organizations, and other healthcare providers ensured that the input received represented the broad interests of the community served. A list of the organizations providing input is listed below. Representing medically underserved and low-income, and/or minority populations: Agape Clinic; Bridge Breast Network; City of Plano; CitySquare; Community Lifeline Center; Cornerstone Baptist Church; Dallas Area Interfaith; Denton County Public Health; Family Promise of Irving; First Refuge Ministries; Frisco Family Services; Genesis Women's Shelter & Support; Giving Hope, Inc.; Goodwill Industries of Fort Worth; Health services of North Texas; Hope Clinic; Hope Clinic of McKinney; Los Barrios Unidos Community Clinic; Many Helping Hands Ministry; McKinney City Council; Office of the County Judge - Dallas County; Our Daily Bread; Plano Fire-Rescue; Society of St. Vincent de Paul of North Texas; United Way; United Way Metropolitan Dallas; University of North Texas; Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas; YMCA; Cancer Care Services; Metrocare; PCI ProComp Solutions, LLC; University of Texas - Dallas; Assistance Center of Collin County; Denton County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA); Methodist Golden Cross Academic Clinic; The Visiting Nurse Association of North Texas (VNA). Representing low-income and minority populations: City of Denton; D/FW Hindu Temple Society; Refuge for Women North Texas; Texas Muslim Women's Foundation Representing low-income populations: Denton Community Food Center; Goodwill Industries of Dallas; Legal Aid of Northwest Texas; LifePath Systems; North Texas Food Bank; Project Access-Collin County; Serve Denton; Sharing Life Community Outreach Inc; The Samaritan Inn; Veterans Center of North Texas; Dallas County Health and Human Services; Denton County Food Center All Others: Community Council
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 11 Facility D, 1
Facility D, 1 - Methodist Hospital for Surgery. Through the prioritization process, the following two significant needs were selected to be addressed via the Methodist Hospital for Surgery CHNA Implementation Strategy: Poverty, Food Insecurity The following programs/activities are how the hospital facility is addressing the selected significant needs in its most recently conducted CHNA: POVERTY / FOOD INSECURITY Metrocrest Services - Food Pantry (Leadership and management volunteer in person quarterly at food distribution center and/or pantry); Leverage employees for volunteer opportunities; Assist Metrocrest Services back to school programs that may include backpacks for school age children; Contribute to summer food program; R L Turner High School Bio Med Academy (Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD) (Provide education to academy students who are pursuing a career in healthcare); R L Turner High School Bio Med Academy (Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD) (Recruit academy students to MHFS volunteer and JR volunteer program who are pursuing a career in healthcare). The following identified significant needs are not being addressed through the implementation strategy: Health Behaviors - Substance Abuse (e.g.: Alcohol Abuse; Motor Vehicle Accidents with Alcohol involved; Drug Overdose Deaths - Opioids); Chronic Conditions (e.g.: Diabetes; Heart Disease); Access to Care (e.g.: Uninsured (Adults and Children); Transportation; Primary Care Providers); Cancer (e.g.: Cancer Incidence - Breast, Prostate); Mental Health (e.g.: Providers, Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia; Depression; Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders; Intentional Self-Harm; Suicide); Preventable Hospitalizations (e.g.: Adult and Pediatric Perforated Appendix Admissions); Injury and Death - Children (e.g.: Infant and Child Mortality). These other significant health needs were not chosen to be addressed for a combination of the following reasons: * The need was not well-aligned with organizational strengths. * There are not enough existing organizational resources to adequately address the need. * Implementation efforts would not impact as many community residents (magnitude) as those that were chosen.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 13 Facility D, 1
Facility D, 1 - METHODIST HOSPITAL FOR SURGERY. MHS will take into account the income level, family size, and amount of hospital charges in order to determine eligibility for the levels of financial assistance. In certain extraordinary cases where these factors may not accurately reflect the patient's ability to pay, MHS may take into account the earning status and potential of the patient and family, and frequency of their hospital and medical bills.