(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
MediumBullet Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, question 20.
MediumBullet Attach to Form 990.
MediumBullet Go to for instructions and the latest information.
OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public Inspection
Name of the organization
Virginia Gay Hospital Inc
Employer identification number

Part I
Financial Assistance and Certain Other Community Benefits at Cost
Did the organization have a financial assistance policy during the tax year? If "No," skip to question 6a . . . .
If "Yes," was it a written policy? ......................
If the organization had multiple hospital facilities, indicate which of the following best describes application of the financial assistance policy to its various hospital facilities during the tax year.
Answer the following based on the financial assistance eligibility criteria that applied to the largest number of the organization's patients during the tax year.
Did the organization use Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) as a factor in determining eligibility for providing free care?
If "Yes," indicate which of the following was the FPG family income limit for eligibility for free care:
Did the organization use FPG as a factor in determining eligibility for providing discounted care? If "Yes," indicate
which of the following was the family income limit for eligibility for discounted care: . . . . . . . .
If the organization used factors other than FPG in determining eligibility, describe in Part VI the criteria used for determining eligibility for free or discounted care. Include in the description whether the organization used an asset test or other threshold, regardless of income, as a factor in determining eligibility for free or discounted care.
Did the organization's financial assistance policy that applied to the largest number of its patients during the tax year provide for free or discounted care to the "medically indigent"? . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Did the organization budget amounts for free or discounted care provided under its financial assistance policy during
the tax year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



If "Yes," did the organization's financial assistance expenses exceed the budgeted amount? . . . . . .
If "Yes" to line 5b, as a result of budget considerations, was the organization unable to provide free or discountedcare to a patient who was eligibile for free or discounted care? . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Did the organization prepare a community benefit report during the tax year? . . . . . . . . .
If "Yes," did the organization make it available to the public? . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Complete the following table using the worksheets provided in the Schedule H instructions. Do not submit these worksheets with the Schedule H.
Financial Assistance and Certain Other Community Benefits at Cost
Financial Assistance and
Government Programs
(a) Number of activities or programs (optional) (b) Persons served (optional) (c) Total community benefit expense (d) Direct offsetting revenue (e) Net community benefit expense (f) Percent of total expense
a Financial Assistance at cost
(from Worksheet 1) . . .
    56,000   56,000 0.190 %
b Medicaid (from Worksheet 3, column a) . . . . .     3,450,386 2,544,837 905,549 3.020 %
c Costs of other means-tested government programs (from Worksheet 3, column b) . .            
d Total Financial Assistance and Means-Tested Government Programs . . . . .     3,506,386 2,544,837 961,549 3.210 %
Other Benefits
e Community health improvement services and community benefit operations (from Worksheet 4).            
f Health professions education (from Worksheet 5) . . .            
g Subsidized health services (from Worksheet 6) . . . .     9,102,431 6,516,582 2,585,849 8.630 %
h Research (from Worksheet 7) .            
i Cash and in-kind contributions for community benefit (from Worksheet 8) . . . .            
j Total. Other Benefits . .     9,102,431 6,516,582 2,585,849 8.630 %
k Total. Add lines 7d and 7j .     12,608,817 9,061,419 3,547,398 11.840 %
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat. No. 50192T Schedule H (Form 990) 2019
Schedule H (Form 990) 2019
Part II
Community Building Activities Complete this table if the organization conducted any community building activities during the tax year, and describe in Part VI how its community building activities promoted the health of the communities it serves.
(a) Number of activities or programs (optional) (b) Persons served (optional) (c) Total community building expense (d) Direct offsetting
(e) Net community building expense (f) Percent of total expense
1 Physical improvements and housing            
2 Economic development            
3 Community support            
4 Environmental improvements            
5 Leadership development and
training for community members
6 Coalition building            
7 Community health improvement advocacy            
8 Workforce development            
9 Other            
10 Total            
Part III
Bad Debt, Medicare, & Collection Practices
Section A. Bad Debt Expense
Did the organization report bad debt expense in accordance with Healthcare Financial Management Association Statement No. 15? ..........................
Enter the amount of the organization's bad debt expense. Explain in Part VI the methodology used by the organization to estimate this amount. ......
Enter the estimated amount of the organization's bad debt expense attributable to patients eligible under the organization's financial assistance policy. Explain in Part VI the methodology used by the organization to estimate this amount and the rationale, if any, for including this portion of bad debt as community benefit. ......
Provide in Part VI the text of the footnote to the organization’s financial statements that describes bad debt expense or the page number on which this footnote is contained in the attached financial statements.
Section B. Medicare
Enter total revenue received from Medicare (including DSH and IME).....
Enter Medicare allowable costs of care relating to payments on line 5.....
Subtract line 6 from line 5. This is the surplus (or shortfall)........
Describe in Part VI the extent to which any shortfall reported in line 7 should be treated as community benefit.Also describe in Part VI the costing methodology or source used to determine the amount reported on line 6.Check the box that describes the method used:
Section C. Collection Practices
Did the organization have a written debt collection policy during the tax year? ..........
If "Yes," did the organization’s collection policy that applied to the largest number of its patients during the tax year
contain provisions on the collection practices to be followed for patients who are known to qualify for financial assistance? Describe in Part VI .........................



Part IV
Management Companies and Joint Ventures(owned 10% or more by officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and physicians—see instructions)
(a) Name of entity (b) Description of primary
activity of entity
(c) Organization's
profit % or stock
ownership %
(d) Officers, directors,
trustees, or key
employees' profit %
or stock ownership %
(e) Physicians'
profit % or stock
ownership %
Schedule H (Form 990) 2019
Schedule H (Form 990) 2019
Part VFacility Information
Section A. Hospital Facilities
(list in order of size from largest to smallest—see instructions)How many hospital facilities did the organization operate during the tax year?1Name, address, primary website address, and state license number (and if a group return, the name and EIN of the subordinate hospital organization that operates the hospital facility)
Licensed Hospital General-Medical-Surgical Children's Hospital Teaching Hospital Critical Hospital ResearchGrp Facility ER-24Hours ER-Other Other (describe) Facility reporting group
1 Virginia Gay Hospital Inc
502 N 9th Avenue
X X     X   X   4 provider based rural health clinics  
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Part VFacility Information (continued)

Section B. Facility Policies and Practices

(Complete a separate Section B for each of the hospital facilities or facility reporting groups listed in Part V, Section A)
Virginia Gay Hospital Inc
Name of hospital facility or letter of facility reporting group  
Line number of hospital facility, or line numbers of hospital facilities in a facility
reporting group (from Part V, Section A):
Yes No
Community Health Needs Assessment
1 Was the hospital facility first licensed, registered, or similarly recognized by a state as a hospital facility in the current tax year or the immediately preceding tax year?........................ 1   No
2 Was the hospital facility acquired or placed into service as a tax-exempt hospital in the current tax year or the immediately preceding tax year? If “Yes,” provide details of the acquisition in Section C............... 2   No
3 During the tax year or either of the two immediately preceding tax years, did the hospital facility conduct a community health needs assessment (CHNA)? If "No," skip to line 12...................... 3 Yes  
If "Yes," indicate what the CHNA report describes (check all that apply):
4 Indicate the tax year the hospital facility last conducted a CHNA: 20 18
5 In conducting its most recent CHNA, did the hospital facility take into account input from persons who represent the broad interests of the community served by the hospital facility, including those with special knowledge of or expertise in public health? If "Yes," describe in Section C how the hospital facility took into account input from persons who represent the community, and identify the persons the hospital facility consulted ................. 5 Yes  
6 a Was the hospital facility’s CHNA conducted with one or more other hospital facilities? If "Yes," list the other hospital facilities in Section C.................................. 6a   No
b Was the hospital facility’s CHNA conducted with one or more organizations other than hospital facilities?” If “Yes,” list the other organizations in Section C. ............................ 6b   No
7 Did the hospital facility make its CHNA report widely available to the public?.............. 7 Yes  
If "Yes," indicate how the CHNA report was made widely available (check all that apply):
8 Did the hospital facility adopt an implementation strategy to meet the significant community health needs
identified through its most recently conducted CHNA? If "No," skip to line 11. ..............
8 Yes  
9 Indicate the tax year the hospital facility last adopted an implementation strategy: 20 18
10 Is the hospital facility's most recently adopted implementation strategy posted on a website?......... 10 Yes  
a If "Yes" (list url): See Part V Supplemental Info
b If "No," is the hospital facility’s most recently adopted implementation strategy attached to this return? ...... 10b    
11 Describe in Section C how the hospital facility is addressing the significant needs identified in its most recently conducted CHNA and any such needs that are not being addressed together with the reasons why such needs are not being addressed.
12a Did the organization incur an excise tax under section 4959 for the hospital facility's failure to conduct a CHNA as required by section 501(r)(3)?............................... 12a   No
b If "Yes" on line 12a, did the organization file Form 4720 to report the section 4959 excise tax?........ 12b    
c If "Yes" on line 12b, what is the total amount of section 4959 excise tax the organization reported on Form 4720 for all of its hospital facilities? $  

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Part VFacility Information (continued)

Financial Assistance Policy (FAP)
Virginia Gay Hospital Inc
Name of hospital facility or letter of facility reporting group  
Yes No
Did the hospital facility have in place during the tax year a written financial assistance policy that:
13 Explained eligibility criteria for financial assistance, and whether such assistance included free or discounted care? 13 Yes  
If “Yes,” indicate the eligibility criteria explained in the FAP:
14 Explained the basis for calculating amounts charged to patients?................. 14 Yes  
15 Explained the method for applying for financial assistance?................... 15 Yes  
If “Yes,” indicate how the hospital facility’s FAP or FAP application form (including accompanying instructions) explained the method for applying for financial assistance (check all that apply):
16 Was widely publicized within the community served by the hospital facility?........ 16 Yes  
If "Yes," indicate how the hospital facility publicized the policy (check all that apply):
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Part VFacility Information (continued)

Billing and Collections
Virginia Gay Hospital Inc
Name of hospital facility or letter of facility reporting group  
Yes No
17 Did the hospital facility have in place during the tax year a separate billing and collections policy, or a written financial assistance policy (FAP) that explained all of the actions the hospital facility or other authorized party may take upon nonpayment?.................................. 17 Yes  
18 Check all of the following actions against an individual that were permitted under the hospital facility's policies during the tax year before making reasonable efforts to determine the individual’s eligibility under the facility’s FAP:
19 Did the hospital facility or other authorized party perform any of the following actions during the tax year before making reasonable efforts to determine the individual’s eligibility under the facility’s FAP?............ 19   No
If "Yes," check all actions in which the hospital facility or a third party engaged:
20 Indicate which efforts the hospital facility or other authorized party made before initiating any of the actions listed (whether or not checked) in line 19. (check all that apply):
Policy Relating to Emergency Medical Care
21 Did the hospital facility have in place during the tax year a written policy relating to emergency medical care that required the hospital facility to provide, without discrimination, care for emergency medical conditions to individuals regardless of their eligibility under the hospital facility’s financial assistance policy?.................. 21 Yes  
If "No," indicate why:
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Part VFacility Information (continued)

Charges to Individuals Eligible for Assistance Under the FAP (FAP-Eligible Individuals)
Virginia Gay Hospital Inc
Name of hospital facility or letter of facility reporting group  
Yes No
22 Indicate how the hospital facility determined, during the tax year, the maximum amounts that can be charged to FAP-eligible individuals for emergency or other medically necessary care.
23 During the tax year, did the hospital facility charge any FAP-eligible individual to whom the hospital facility provided emergency or other medically necessary services more than the amounts generally billed to individuals who had insurance covering such care? ............................... 23   No
If "Yes," explain in Section C.
24 During the tax year, did the hospital facility charge any FAP-eligible individual an amount equal to the gross charge for any service provided to that individual? ........................... 24   No
If "Yes," explain in Section C.
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Part V
Facility Information (continued)
Section C. Supplemental Information for Part V, Section B. Provide descriptions required for Part V, Section B, lines 2, 3j, 5, 6a, 6b, 7d, 11, 13b, 13h, 15e, 16j, 18e, 19e, 20a, 20b, 20c, 20d, 20e, 21c, 21d, 23, and 24. If applicable, provide separate descriptions for each hospital facility in a facility reporting group, designated by facility reporting group letter and hospital facility line number from Part V, Section A (“A, 1,” “A, 4,” “B, 2,” “B, 3,” etc.) and name of hospital facility.
Form and Line Reference Explanation
Virginia Gay Hospital, Inc. Part V, Section B, Line 5: -A strategic planning session for fiscal year 2019 was held on 2/22/19. Key members of VGH including but not limited to senior management, members of the VGH Board of Directors, and medical providers discussed the future needs and actions of the organization to ensure our service area's health needs continued to be met. - Senior management meets two to four times per month to discuss the current and future needs for our service area and the actions necessary to meet the needs of our communities served.- Obtaining input from key stakeholders was another crucial step in the assessment process. These stakeholders were drawn from private and public organizations that serve people in the Benton County area and were invited to identify the top health issues confronting the populations they served. The health issues these various groups and individuals identified reflected the overarching theme of social determinants/health equity. Analysis of the input received was completed to help determine the priority health needs. - Meetings were held to discuss the following Public Health topics to help assess and prioritize the community health needs: -Promotion of Healthy Living-Prevent Injuries/Violence -Protect Against Environmental Hazards -Prevent Epidemics/Spread of Disease-Prepare for, Respond to/Recover from Public Health Emergencies -Strengthen the Health Infrastructure. Discussions, correspondence, strategizing, and implementation continue amongst members of the above groups to address the identified health needs and concerns.- VGH engaged several tactics to ensure different members of our community were contacted, including those knowledgeable of health care needs of vulnerable populations. This was completed through personal interviews, emails, surveys, and meetings that occurred between the Fall of 2018 to Spring of 2019. The following community partners were involved in the CHNA process:-Virginia Gay Hospital, Clinics, Home Health, and Nursing & Rehab-VGH Board of Directors-Benton County Board of Supervisors-Benton County Board of Health -Benton County Public Health -Benton County Environmental Health -Benton County Emergency Management -Benton County Disaster Recovery Coalition -Benton County Coalition -Benton County Social Services
Virginia Gay Hospital, Inc. Part V, Section B, Line 11: Highest Priority Health NeedsFollowing collection of statistical data and community input, each health indicator was analyzed by comparing it to the state rates to determine our county's priority health concerns. The data was then presented to the hospital staff who discussed the burden, scope, severity, and urgency of the health needs identified. It was determined that Obesity, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse were the top three health priorities in Benton County. 1.ObesityGoal: Increase healthy behaviors among residents of Benton County; Decrease Benton county adult obesity rate by 1%. Actions Completed:-Continued improvement and expansion of Community Youth Gardens which are volunteer led programs encouraging youth to try new foods and encourage healthy eating. -Vinton has developed community gardens that are open to the public to grow produce. There are 39 raised plots. -ISU Extension-Horizons assist low-income families with promotion of fresh vegetable consumption. -Development and expansion of the Farm to School program within the school districts in Benton County. -HACAP Mobile Food Pantry promoting consumption of fresh produce and protein. Volunteers also provide education on how to combine foods for meals/recipes. -Abbe Center for Mental Health providers starting to assess client BMI and provide nutritional information at their appointments. -VGH Weight Loss/Weight Management program developed with the dietician. -VGH and Clinics tracking patient BMI. Screenings and follow-up plans are also being tracked. -Expansion of the trail system in Vinton has been extended for walking and bikes. -Expansion of the fitness center at the Vinton Rec Center completed, and can be used free of charge. -VGH promotion of healthy food choices and physical activities through news articles and local media.-Vinton-Shellsburg Community School District has an active Farm-to-School Chapter that is working to increase locally sourced food options within their meal program and also increase the number of scratch recipes they use on the menu.-VGH Diabetes prevention program 2019, 2020. Telehealth Appointments began April 2020, COVID-19 Proclamation of Disaster Emergency signed March 2020.2.Mental HealthGoal 1: Reduce intentional injuries among Benton County residents; reduce percent of Benton County students who have in the past 12 months seriously considered suicide by 1%. Actions Completed:-Community events held to provide information, resources and support in relation to suicide prevention. -VGH implementation of depression screenings on every patient that is 12 years or older. -An Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training was held in Benton County, 10 people attended. -HACAP 1st Five program offered the ACES training to Virginia Gay Hospital staff and at various locations throughout the county. -ASAC has provided ACES training for the Vinton Police Department, Belle Plaine Police Department, and the Benton County Sheriff's Department. -Vinton-Shellsburg Community School Districts have offered and will continue to offer Trauma Informed training and ACES training. During the 2019-20 school year they will offer mental health first aide to all teachers and administrators along with suicide awareness. -Active work by multiple community partners on Senate File (SF504).-Depression Screenings now being completed at WIC clinics. Goal 2: Increase mental health services for Benton County residentsActions Completed:-Space developed for a new behavioral health specialists at Vinton Family Medical Clinic.-Promotion of the mental health services available in Benton County. -VGH looking into a potential partnership with the Abbe Center for Mental Health to provide mental health services at VGH.-Benton County Rural Access Center November 2019-Mental health services at VGH began Telehealth Appointments April 2020, COVID-19 Proclamation of Disaster Emergency signed March 2020.3.Substance AbuseGoal 1: Decrease substance abuse among Benton County Youth; Decrease the percentage of 11th graders who reported it was "easy/very easy" to have access to alcohol by 3%. Actions Completed: -Increased retailer alcohol sales compliance checks through partnerships with law enforcement.-Provided education and training to Benton County businesses who have liquor licenses, including TIPS trainings as completed by ASAC.-Ben Cort Community Event October 2020Goal 2: Decrease prescription drug abuse among Benton County residents; increase the number of pounds of prescription medications collected through drop boxes from 350 pounds to 400 pounds. Actions Completed:-Provided information to the community on Count, Lock-Up, Dispose campaign through various forms of media and sustainable locations. - Benton County Health fair 2019: Approximately 530 in attendance. Attendees spent 1 hours engaging with booths & Activities. 60 Exhibitor Booths - Benton County Public Health performed 55 Blood Pressure Checks along with distributing community resources and nutritional education, 575 Red Cross Bags distributed in partnership with the Benton County Disaster Relief Coalition. - Benton County "Drive Through" Health Fair 2020: 30 exhibitors, 500 kits/bags given to participants. Public Health provided 500 Hand Hygiene educational fliers/activity books with stickers and tattoos. These were distributed at our VGH clinics in Atkins, Van Horne, Urbana, and Vinton.-Posters/fliers distributed to the health care locations throughout the county, including medical clinics and pharmacies. -Promoted Take Back Days for prescription medications.
Virginia Gay Hospital, Inc. Part V, Section B, Line 16j: A summary of the policy and financial assistance information is posted in the emergency, admitting and waiting rooms, admissions and business offices, included with patient bills and information is available on our website.
Schedule H, Part V, Section B, Line 7a and 10a: CHNA and Implementation Strategy:
Part V, Section B, Line 11 continued: Results:-2015: 350 pounds-September 2016-April 2017: 99 pounds-2017: 250 pounds-2018: 100 pounds-2019: 220 pounds-2020: 186 pounds
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Part VFacility Information (continued)

Section D. Other Health Care Facilities That Are Not Licensed, Registered, or Similarly Recognized as a Hospital Facility
(list in order of size, from largest to smallest)
How many non-hospital health care facilities did the organization operate during the tax year?2
Name and address Type of Facility (describe)
1 1 - Virginia Gay Nursing & Rehab
502 N 9th Avenue
Intermediate care facility
2 2 - Virginia Gay Hosp Home Health Agency
502 N 9th Avenue
Skilled nursing care, PT, OT, ST, home health aide, homemaker services
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Part VI
Supplemental Information
Provide the following information.
1 Required descriptions. Provide the descriptions required for Part I, lines 3c, 6a, and 7; Part II and Part III, lines 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9b.
2 Needs assessment. Describe how the organization assesses the health care needs of the communities it serves, in addition to any CHNAs reported in Part V, Section B.
3 Patient education of eligibility for assistance. Describe how the organization informs and educates patients and persons who may be billed for patient care about their eligibility for assistance under federal, state, or local government programs or under the organization’s financial assistance policy.
4 Community information. Describe the community the organization serves, taking into account the geographic area and demographic constituents it serves.
5 Promotion of community health. Provide any other information important to describing how the organization’s hospital facilities or other health care facilities further its exempt purpose by promoting the health of the community (e.g., open medical staff, community board, use of surplus funds, etc.).
6 Affiliated health care system. If the organization is part of an affiliated health care system, describe the respective roles of the organization and its affiliates in promoting the health of the communities served.
7 State filing of community benefit report. If applicable, identify all states with which the organization, or a related organization, files a community benefit report.
Form and Line Reference Explanation
Part I, Line 6a: The community benefit report is available upon request.
Part I, Line 7: Charity care expense was converted to cost on line 7a based on an overall cost-to-charge ratio which addresses all patient segments. Unreimbursed Medicaid on line 7b was calculated using the costing methods to prepare the cost reports. The cost for subsidized health services on line 7g was determined using the Medicare cost report.
Part III, Line 2: The amount on line 2 represents implicit price concessions. The Organization determines its estimate of implicit price concession based on its historical collection experience with this class of patients.
Part III, Line 3: Virginia Gay Hospital used the percentage of applications denied due to lack of information.
Part III, Line 4: The footnote to the Organization's financial statements can be found on pages 17 and 18 of the attached audited financial statements.
Part III, Line 8: There was a Medicare shortfall for the fiscal year. Even at a loss the Hospital continues to provide services to these patients because access to healthcare and individual's health is important. Therefore, the Hospital considers the Medicare shortfall a community benefit.Total revenue received from Medicare is the gross reimbursement plus settlement. Both total revenue received from Medicare and the Medicare allowable costs are reported from the Medicare Cost Report. The Medicare Cost Report is completed based on the rules and regulations set forth by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.Hospital services reimbursed on a fee schedule are not included in the Medicare calculation per the 990 instructions. Had this been reported the total loss from Medicare services would have been $384,928.Medicare fee schedule revenue $ 178,005Medicare estimated costs of care relating to payments (562,933)Net (Shortage) $ (384,928)
Part III, Line 9b: Statements are sent out every 30 days. Up to four statements are sent. Accounts are sent to collections at 121 days, with all collection practices adhering to 501(r) guidelines. If an approved application is received between 122-240 days the account is cancelled from the collection agency.
Part VI, Line 2: The Hospital provides staff to attend Community Coalitions and Advisory Committees which are focused on specific populations and/or community health issues. Examples of the committees include but are not limited to: the Benton County (Provider) Coalition, the Benton County Disaster Recovery Coalition, Above The Influence (substance abuse) Coalition and the Benton County Wellness Coalition. These coalitions meet regularly throughout the year, gather/assess data to identify problems, and work towards resolution of the identified problems. Virginia Gay Hospital's staff participates in the community needs assessment process for public health. The target area for the 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is Benton County, Iowa. Special attention was paid to recruiting diverse subsets of the population to help accurately identify the most critical issues in the area. Following the collection of all the statistical data, each health indicator was analyzed by comparing it regionally, to the state average rate, and national rates to determine the community's priority health concerns. Obesity, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse were identified as the highest priority health needs in Benton County. The CHNA and implementation strategy are posted on our website and can be viewed in their entirety at .
Part VI, Line 3: Virginia Gay Hospital is committed to providing charity care to persons who have healthcare needs and are uninsured, underinsured, ineligible for a government program, or otherwise unable to pay for medically necessary care based on their individual financial situation. Virginia Gay Hospital strives to ensure that the financial capacity of people who need health care services does not prevent them from seeking or receiving care. Patients are expected to cooperate with Virginia Gay Hospital's procedures for obtaining charity care or other forms of payment of financial assistance, to contribute to the cost of their care based on their individual ability to pay. The charity care policy includes all departments of the facility, including Vinton Family Medical Clinic, Urbana Family Medical Clinic, Van Horne Family Medical Clinic, Atkins Family Medical Clinic and the Nursing and Rehab. The Virginia Gay Hospital Home Health Agency has a separate financial assistance procedure, due to their Public Health role in the community. VGH has a commitment to establish/maintain effective partnerships throughout the county and work with all entities that influence community health. To improve and strengthen the local planning process multiple community partners have been involved in the CHNA process. Notification about charity care is available by the publication of notices in patient bills, posting of notices in the emergency rooms, admitting and registration departments, the Business Office, and other public places the Hospital may elect. Information is also included on the facility website, and in the patient information packets. A request for charity may be made by the patient or a family member, close friend or associate of the patient, subject to the applicable privacy laws.
Part VI, Line 4: The community VGH serves, as defined for the CHNA, is based on the primary service area of our hospital. The major service area is Benton County, serving an estimated population of nearly 26,000 with an area of 716.27 square miles. VGH also services several other counties and states. Per the Iowa Hospital Association Dimensions Program (2018) 82.88% of the 4,118 outpatient visits, were from residents of Benton County and of the 339 VGH inpatient discharges, 88.2% were Benton County residents. Unique to Benton County population is the presence of an AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) training campus. AmeriCorps NCCC strengthens communities and develops leaders through direct, team-based national and community service. In partnership with non-profits secular and faith based local municipalities, state governments, federal government, national and state parks, Indian tribes, and schools, members complete service projects throughout the region they are assigned. AmeriCorps NCCC is a full-time, team-based residential program for men and women age 18-24.The closest hospitals are located 37 miles away in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Virginia Gay Hospital currently operates four separate clinics; one clinic is located on the hospital campus in Vinton, another located in the rural town of Van Horne, Iowa which is 15 miles from Vinton, another located in the rural community of Urbana, 13 miles from Vinton, and the other located in the rural community of Atkins which is 19 miles from Vinton. The Hospital and clinics serve a large number of Medicare and Medicaid patients.The median household income for Benton County was $77,815. The 2019 unemployment rate was 3.2%. Construction, agriculture and electrical equipment are the most common industries.
Part VI, Line 5: Virginia Gay Hospital is proudly recognized as having one of the lowest costs per stay rates in the state of Iowa. The Hospital offers twenty-five beds in an acute care setting with state of the art technology and professional services. Virginia Gay Hospital also offers 24 hour acute care, short term skilled nursing services, radiology, respiratory care, cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, laboratory services, surgical services, outpatient clinics and emergency care. In addition, our staff has contributed multiple hours providing uncompensated time in areas such as family/parenting/sibling education, medical expertise for the schools' athletic teams, health fairs, information and referrals to community services, safety classes, sports physicals and many other uncompensated services.Requirements of the IRS community benefit standard for tax-exempt organizations are integral to the Hospital's larger charitable mission of improving health and quality of life. Specifically, Virginia Gay Hospital is governed by an independent board including community leaders, physicians, consumer representatives, business experts and clinical healthcare experts who reside in our primary service area. The Board has a history of commitment to acting with the highest integrity and has been proactively evaluating opportunities to voluntarily adopt governance best practices to ensure the organization continues to operate with the highest of integrity for the benefit of the community.To meet the needs of our community, the Hospital extends privileges to medical staff that are qualified through licensure in the state of Iowa.Excess funds are reinvested and used for patient care and facility upgrades.Virginia Gay's Home Health Agency offers a variety of services to all ages in the rural population of Benton County; Including Skilled nursing, Home Care Aide and HomeMaking services. The Hospital also offers such services as skilled and non-skilled service home care, blood pressure checks, and group teaching classes such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Advanced Life Support (ALS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS).In addition, Virginia Gay Hospital, through its integrated network of providers, provides non-emergency services to the community it serves. It makes these services accessible to the community through participation in government programs like Medicare and Medicaid and by offering assistance through their Financial assistance program.Virginia Gay Hospital's Financial Assistance Policy provides discounted and free services to patients who lack the resources to be fully responsible for the health care they receive. The Financial Assistance Policy is designed to ensure the entire community served by the Hospital has access to needed healthcare services.Virginia Gay Hospital takes its mission to improve the health and quality of life of the people it serves a step further by reaching out to meet the broad health needs of the community. It strives to identify community needs beyond basic healthcare, respond to them, aiming to make a positive, life-enhancing difference in the community.Contributing to Community Education: The nursing staff and Home Health Agency nurses participate in county wide community health fairs. These events provide information and guidelines to those in need of Medical information.Preventive Care a Priority: The Hospital has taken steps to enhance preventive care for people of all ages by ensuring that those who come here for preventive care receive the screenings and recommendations appropriate to their personal and family history.
Schedule H (Form 990) 2019
Additional Data

Software ID:  
Software Version: