(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on
Form 990 or 990-EZ or to provide any additional information.
MediumBullet Attach to Form 990 or 990-EZ.
MediumBullet Go to for the latest information.
OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Orange County Humane Society
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part VI, Line 11b: Form 990 Review Process No review was or will be conducted.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 19: Other Organization Documents Publicly Available No documents available to the public.
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Accounting: Column (A) - Total = $8450; Column (B) - Program Services = $8450; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Advertising: Column (A) - Total = $9417; Column (B) - Program Services = $9417; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Bank CardeFe: Column (A) - Total = $4128; Column (B) - Program Services = $4128; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Disposal: Column (A) - Total = $9090; Column (B) - Program Services = $9090; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Employee Relations: Column (A) - Total = $1050; Column (B) - Program Services = $1050; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses GARDNER: Column (A) - Total = $1700; Column (B) - Program Services = $1700; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses IMPROVMENTS: Column (A) - Total = $11285; Column (B) - Program Services = $11285; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses INSURANCE: Column (A) - Total = $9794; Column (B) - Program Services = $9794; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses LAB: Column (A) - Total = $16433; Column (B) - Program Services = $16433; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Licence: Column (A) - Total = $366; Column (B) - Program Services = $366; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses OUTSIDE SERVICE: Column (A) - Total = $2120; Column (B) - Program Services = $2120; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Pet Supply: Column (A) - Total = $28068; Column (B) - Program Services = $28068; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Professional Fees: Column (A) - Total = $10000; Column (B) - Program Services = $10000; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Property Tax: Column (A) - Total = $7263; Column (B) - Program Services = $7263; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Repairs: Column (A) - Total = $0; Column (B) - Program Services = $0; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses STORAGE: Column (A) - Total = $150; Column (B) - Program Services = $150; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
Form 990, Part IX, Line 24e: Other Expenses Utilities: Column (A) - Total = $33173; Column (B) - Program Services = $33173; Column (C) - Management & General = $0; Column (D) - Fundraising = $0
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2020

Additional Data

Software ID: 20011551
Software Version: 2020v4.0