(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
The Charlotte Hungerford Hospital
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 6 The Charlotte Hungerford Hospital is organized as a non-stock not-for-profit entity. Hartford HealthCare Corporation is the sole member.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7a The sole member of the organization has the authority to approve/remove members of the governing body.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7b The sole member of the organization has the right to review, approve, disapprove and deny significant transactions such as mergers, acquisitions, dissolutions etc.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11b The Form 990 was prepared by Hartford HealthCare's Tax Department. It was then reviewed by an independent accounting firm. It was then forwarded to the VP of Finance for review. The final Form was provided to the entire Board prior to submission to the Internal Revenue Services (IRS). Once the entire review process was completed, the Form was signed by the VP of Finance and then filed with the IRS.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c The hospital's board has adopted the policy of the member, Hartford HealthCare Corporation (HHC). HHC's Conflict of Interest Policy (Policy) requires all covered individuals, including board members and officers, to provide a disclosure of relationships that create or have the appearance of creating a conflict of interest or commitment. The Policy requires updates if changes in circumstances arise during the year that either (a) create a new potential conflict of interest or commitment or (b) change or eliminate a conflict of interest or commitment previously disclosed. Conflict of interest disclosure statements are maintained by the HHC Office of Compliance and Integrity (OCI). Employee disclosures are reviewed by OCI in collaboration with the Covered Individuals' supervisor when deemed appropriate, to determine if there is a potential conflict. Oversight review of employee disclosures is provided by the HHC Conflict of Interest Committee. The Conflict of Interest Committee assesses and may recommend the conflicting interest either be (a) eliminated for continued relationship with HHC/HHC Affiliate, or, (b) managed through a management plan. Oversight review of physician disclosures is provided by the HHC Physician Conflict Resolution Committee. The Physician Conflict Resolution Committee assesses and may recommend the conflicting interest either be (a) eliminated for continued relationship with HHC/HHC Affiliate, or, (b) managed through a management plan. Board member disclosures are reported to the HHC Nominating and Governance Committee for determinations of conflicts and the management of them, where applicable.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15 The Independent Executive Compensation Committee (Committee) of the Board of Directors of Hartford HealthCare hires an outside consultant, Human Resources and Compensation Consulting Practice of Gallagher, to determine best practices in governing executive compensation for the President & CEO and Senior Executives of Hartford HealthCare Corporation. All compensation reported on this tax return follows Hartford HealthCare's compensation policy as outlined below: -The use of Independent Executive Compensation Committee (Committee) of the Board of Directors of Hartford HealthCare established and regularly reviews Executive Compensation Philosophy; -The Committee regularly reviews scope and depth of positions taking into account complexity and the financial impact and accountability of all "disqualified persons; - National peer group are selected for comparative purpose based on organizational size, operating revenue, geography and other relevant factors; - Analysis of current total compensation versus market performed by independent third party compensation consulting firm, reviewed by the committee; - Recommendations are made based on market data analysis to ensure appropriate competitive positioning within parameters of compensation philosophy; - President & CEO compensation determined by Committee is based on comparative market information and organizational performance and is approved by the HHC Board; - All changes are reviewed and approved by Executive Compensation Committee; The compensation determination process for the President & CEO and other Senior Executives is reviewed on an annual basis.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 18 The Hospital's Form 990, 990T, Form 1023 and its attachments are available upon request.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 The Hospital's Financial Statements, Governing Documents and the Conflict of Interest Policy are available for inspection upon request at the Hospital's address.
Form 990, Part IX, line 11g Medical Professional Fees: Program service expenses 21,698,211. Management and general expenses 0. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 21,698,211.
Form 990, Part XI, line 9: Change in Pension and Post-Retirement Funding Obligation -2,070,176. Transfer to Affiliated Entity -3,106,106. Net Unrestricted Other Changes in Joint Ventures -331,634. Other Investment (JV) -191,251.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2019

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