(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

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OMB No. 1545-0047
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PART I, LINE 1 AND PART III, LINES 1 AND 4A: writers guild of america, west, inc. ("wgaw") is a labor union incorporated in the state of california, which exists for the purpose of negotiating the terms and conditions of employment of writers in the motion picture, television and new media industries. wgaw represents writers with respect to the collection and distribution of residuals, foreign levies or other payments attributable to the exploitation of their work. wgaw is affiliated with writers guild of america, east, inc. ("wgae"), as well as with international writers' organizations throughout the world. WGAW'S HEADQUARTERS IS LOCATED AT 7000 WEST THIRD STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048. part vi, lines 6-7: writers guild of america, west, inc. is a labor organization governed by its constitution and by-laws ("constitution"). current members in good standing are required to pay full dues and are eligible to vote in guild elections and run for guild office. the governing body of the guild is its board of directors ("board"), consisting of three officers (president, vice president and secretary-treasurer) and 16 at-large board members. the officers and board members are directly elected for two-year terms by vote of current members in good standing. part vi, line 8b: the guild does not have any committees with authority to act on behalf of the governing body. part vi, line 11b: the guild's form 990 is reviewed by a five-member membership and finance committee, a constitutional oversight body chaired by the guild's secretary-treasurer, which in turn makes the form available for review by the entire 19-member board. part vi, line 12c: employees and members of the board of directors are subject to the provisions of title ii of the labor management reporting and disclosure act, 29 u.s.c. section 432, which requires, inter alia, annual reports of interests that could raise conflicts of interest. in the event of a conflict or potential conflict, employees and board members are instructed to notify the guild's general counsel or human resources manager. part vi, lines 15a and 15b: the members of the guild's governing body, the board of directors, serve without compensation from the guild. the board determines the compensation of the executive director. the executive director has ultimate authority for determining the compensation of other guild staff. part vi, line 19: the guild's constitution is available on its website, the guild's annual report is available on its website and mailed to all current members. the conflict of interest policy is available on request.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2020

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