(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
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co Huebner Dooley & McGinness PS
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Form 990, Part III, Line 4d: Other Program Services Description OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 4: Senior Associates are the "seconds-in-command" of member hospital's development departments or foundations. They collaborate to develop Woodmark's training programs aimed at advancing best fund-raising practices and growing the next generation of fund-raising leaders. OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 5: The annual Woodmark Forum is a meeting of 26 hospital chief development officers, now in its 32nd year. The purpose is to gather and share performance benchmarking metrics and best-practices to improve fund-raising outcomes. OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 6: Strategic planning occurs to ensure that the organization is making progress on its goals to lead in the development of philanthropy to improve health of children everywhere. OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 7: Children's Circle of Care is a donor education and recognition program. Now in it's 26th year, it is recognized as providing an innovative platform for influencing donors to make a lead gift annually to the children's hospital.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 6: Explanation of Classes of Members or Shareholder Members are limited to organizations described in Code Section 501(c)(3)or that is a Treaty Organization and that owns or operates or raises charitable contributions for tax-exempt organizations that own or operate freestanding children's hospitals.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 7a: How Members or Shareholders Elect Governing Body Members have an annual meeting to act on matters, when required, with respect to the removal of Directors, the filling of vacancies on the Board and election of new Board Members,amend the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws and determination of any other matters which the Board presents for action.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 11b: Form 990 Review Process The Form 990 is reviewed by the Chairman of the Board, the Treasurer and all Board members prior to filing.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 12c: Explanation of Monitoring and Enforcement of Conflicts Officers and directors of The Woodmark Group are required to disclose any benefits of direct or indirect financial interests that may result from the Organization's entering into a transaction or arrangement. After such disclosure the remaining board members determine if a conflict of interest exists and a decision is made whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement. If the board has reason to believe a member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, after the member is informed and given the opportunity to explain, the board may take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action based on its findings.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 15b: Compensation Review and Approval Process for Officers and Key Employees The full Board of Directors serves as a committe for an annual review of employee compensation. The review is benchmarked with the help of an independent compensation consultant.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 19: Other Organization Documents Publicly Available The organization makes its governing documents and financial statements available upon request.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2020

Additional Data

Software ID: 20011551
Software Version: 2020v4.0