Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 5 |
The organization became aware of a significant diversion of its assets occurring in the current and prior tax periods. During the current tax period, the Board members and officers became aware that the lessor of the organization's real property (who is a former officer's spouse) had used some of the organization's funds for unauthorized personal purposes, including improvements to other properties and for other unrelated ventures. Additional misuse of the organization's funds and other assets, including the harvesting and selling of timber from the organization's property, are also believed to have occurred during the tenure of the former officer by her spouse. Upon becoming aware of these activities, the Board investigated and determined there was credible evidence of misappropriation and that the amounts at issue were in excess of $60,000. The organization demanded the return of the misappropriated funds, including proceeds from diverted assets. This eventually led to a lawsuit filed by the organization to recover the misappropriated funds. The offending parties disputed the above facts in this case, but a resolution has been reached to fully resolve the dispute and to make the organization whole, and, as a result, the lawsuit is expected to be dismissed shortly. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11b |
The return is reviewed by the Board prior to filing the return. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c |
Interested person may make a presentation to the governing body regarding potential conflict. A disinterested party is appointed to investigate and report to the governing board their finding and recommendations. Board will then act. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15b |
Increase in compensation for key employees is reviewed by a third party firm that is approved by board. The recommendations from the third party firm is then reviewed by board and approved prior to implementation of the increase in compensation. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 18 |
All documents are made available to the public upon request. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 |
All documents are made available to the public upon request. |
Form 990, Part IX, line 11g |
Architect Fees: Program service expenses 1,646. Management and general expenses 0. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 1,646. Security Services: Program service expenses 156,261. Management and general expenses 0. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 156,261. HR Fees: Program service expenses 413. Management and general expenses 0. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 413. |