Return Reference | Explanation |
Officer directors etc family relationship Part VI line 2 | President and Vice-President have a family relationship. |
Form 990 governing body review Part VI line 11 | The 990 was not provided to the board before being filed, but is available for viewing later on. There is constant communication about the operations towards the fulfillment of the companys objectives. |
Form 990 availability to public Part VI line 18 | Many students come to the ministry using the free program and classes available on the website. As they want to move forward in their walk with Christ, continue to grow spiritually and obtain a degree from the school, they pay a small tuition fee. This is where the ministry receives the majority of the funding. Since we have not received any donations over the past couple years, we feel it is best to only offer the 990 only upon request. |
Governing documents etc available to public Part VI line 19 | The policy and procedure policies regarding the school, who we are and how we function is clearly written on the website and is available for all the students. |
List of other expenses Part IX line 24e | See overflow statement for listing of expenses |
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