(Form 990)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
St Andrews Society of the State of
New York
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part VI, Line 6: Explanation of Classes of Members or Shareholder The members are divided into classes which include regular members, life members, and honorary members. The Board of Managers may decide to add additional classes if deemed necessary. Any member of the Society is eligible got any other class of membership (except honorary membership) by qualification for such class and election to the Board of Managers.Honorary members do not have voting rights.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 11b: Form 990 Review Process The Society has a formal audit committee which reviews the audit and form 990 and presents a report to the membership at the semi annual meeting before the form 990 is mailed. The audit and form 990 are also reviewed and accepted by the Board of Managers.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 12c: Explanation of Monitoring and Enforcement of Conflicts The organization has a board approved conflicts of interest policy. Each board member must fill out an annual declaration stating they had no conflicts or identifying the nature of their interested party transactions. A copy of the policy is indvidually signed by every member of the board of managers on an annual basis.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 15a: Compensation Review & Approval Process - CEO, Top Management Each year, the executive committee reviews comparable salaries based on a recognized study and reviews the performance of management to determine if the existing salary falls within these ranges. After a deliberation of this matter, a new proposed salary and benefit package is voted on. The minutes of the board of directors reflect the nature of this process. Compensation is determined after a review by the Executive Committee and final approval is granted by the Board of Managers.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 15b: Compensation Review and Approval Process for Officers and Key Employees Each year, the executive committee reviews comparable salaries based on a recognized study and reviews the performance of management to determine if the existing salary falls within these ranges. After a deliberation of this matter, a new proposed salary and benefit package is voted on. The minutes of the board of directors reflect the nature of this process. Compensation is determined after a review by the Executive Committee and final approval is granted by the Board of Managers.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 19: Other Organization Documents Publicly Available Available upon request.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990) 2021

Additional Data

Software ID: 21013475
Software Version: 2021v4.0