Beginning in January 2021, Beacon Health System undertook completing a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). Our approach utilizes both quantitative data (secondary data, key informant survey) and qualitative data (focus groups, open-ended responses). Once the results of the survey were determined, a qualitative approach was used to gather richer insight into the main issues faced by the community. Therefore, the methodology followed for this needs assessment consists of three steps: 1) Identify needs; 2) Analyze the links between the needs and the information required to make decisions; 3) Make recommendations that guide decision-making. The data collection and analysis process started in January 2021 and concluded in November 2021. The key findings were consolidated in one report which provided a snapshot of the three-county overall health status. The Key Informant Survey collected information from February 2021 through May 2021. Focus Groups launched in August 2021 and concluded in October 2021. This assessment focused on creating a better understanding of the health needs of the Beacon Community (Elkhart, LaPorte, Marshall, and St. Joseph counties) and the response necessary to address the need. Data was collected through secondary data collection, a key informant survey, and community focus groups on a variety of topics centered on health indicators and social determinants of health. The goal of the CHNA is to provide Beacon Health System with a clear picture of Elkhart, LaPorte, Marshall, and St. Joseph County, which constitutes the service areas of Elkhart General Hospital, Memorial Hospital of South Bend, and Community Hospital of Bremen. The findings from the assessment will be used by Beacon Health System to prioritize health issues in the community. The research took the following approach to better understand the community health needs: Key Informant Survey - A survey was provided to community leaders and those knowledgeable about the communities' health issues. The list of key informants was developed by Beacon Community Impact staff along with input from a variety of key stakeholders. Two hundred and seven completed responses were collected and analyzed. Secondary Data Research - information related to the current state of the communities' economic, social and health status published by established sources. Data, when possible, was collected for a three-year period in order to establish a trend. Over 1,000 data points were collected and analyzed, encompassing more than 80 best practice indicators. Data from Beacon Health System's electronic health record (EHR) were also used as a secondary data source. The secondary data reviewed so far has all been aggregated at the county level, and does not reveal when there are differences in indicators based on race, ethnicity, age, neighborhood, or socio-economic status. When stratified by these categories, publically available sources and data from Beacon's electronic health record (EHR) from late 2020 - early 2021, demonstrate disparities in both health outcomes and social determinants of health. Community Focus Groups - groups of 3 - 18 individuals were engaged in conversations about the current health needs of the community. Beacon Community Impact utilized Stanford's Focus Group Guide and conducted three focus groups per county (Elkhart, Marshall, and St. Joseph). Staff conducted at least two English and one Spanish focus group per county. Each focus group was recorded for continuity. Focus group recordings were transcribed and de-identified using a professional transcription service and qualitative research software tools were utilized to analyze the transcripts for common themes. Staff then engaged in an interrater reliability check to ensure accuracy of identified themes. For the purpose of the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), the community served is defined as those persons residing in Elkhart and St Joseph Counties, who were program participants. Beacon Community Impact makes a special effort to focus on populations with the highest unmet needs, specifically those persons who are known as vulnerable, through chronic diseases, lower-income and poverty, members of a minority population and/or the uninsured. Stakeholders in the community participated and represented a broad knowledge of interests, including public health, and minority, cultural, and underserved populations. Through the following organizations Beacon ensured that under-represented populations (Medically Underserved, Low-Income, and Minority Populations) were engaged in the consultation process, actively reaching out to them, ensuring that needs and perceptions from a wide range of demographic and socioeconomic groups were taken into consideration in the definition of top community health issues. The following organizations helped increase the reach of the survey, hence solicited in order for Beacon to take into account input received from persons who represent the broad interests of the community it serves: AIDS Ministries, American Cancer Society, American University Beirut, Baugo Community Schools, Beacon Cancer Care, Beacon Community Impact, Beacon Health System, Pokagon Health Services, IU School of Medicine - South Bend, Beacon Medical Group, Beacon Pediatric Specialty, Beacon - North Central Indiana Sickle Cell Initiative, Big Brothers Big Sisters Southern Lake Michigan, Region, Bowen Center, Boys & Girls Club of St. Joseph County, Bremen Public Schools, CAPS, Catholic Charities, Center for Civic Innovation, Center for Healing & Hope, Center for the Homeless, Child and Parent Services, Inc., City of South Bend, Community Hospital of Bremen, Crossroads United Way, Cultivate Food Rescue, David's Courage, Division of Family Resources, Elkhart Community Schools, Elkhart County Health Department, Elkhart Education Foundation, Elkhart General Hospital, enFocus, Inc., Goodwill Industries of Michiana, Inc., Goshen Family Physicians, Greenspire Solutions, Harper Cancer Research Institute, Health Improvement Alliance of St. Joseph County, Healthlinc, HealthMarkets, Horizon Education Alliance, Elkhart City Council, Imani Unidad, Indiana University Indiana University South Bend, Indiana University South Bend - Elkhart Center, Ivy Tech Community College, Junior Achievement, La Casa de Amistad, Marshall County Project HOPE, Marshall County, Board of Health, Marshall County Community Foundation, Memorial Hospital of South Bend, Mental Health Awareness of Michiana, Michiana Area Council of Governments, Michiana Health Information, Network/Indiana Health Information Exchange, Middlebury Community Schools, Minority Health, Coalition Elkhart County, Near Northwest Neighborhood, Northern Indiana Hispanic Health Coalition, Oaklawn Psychiatric Center, OI, Partnership for Drug-Free St. Joseph County, Purdue Extension - St. Joseph County, REAL Services, Reins of Life, Inc., Ribbon of Hope, Inc., River Bend Cancer Services, Robinson Community Learning Center, Saint Joseph Health System, School City of Mishawaka, Shaw Center for Children and Families at the University of Notre Dame, SJC Cares, Smoke Free St. Joe, South Bend Adult Education, South Bend Common Council, South Bend Community School Corporation, South Bend Elkhart Regional Partnership, South Bend Heritage Foundation, South Bend Regional Chamber, Spiritual & Personal Adjustments - Women's Ministry Homes, St. Joseph County Department of Health, St. Joseph County Public Library, St. Vincent de Paul Society, The Community Foundation of Elkhart County, The Jewish Community, The LGBTQ Center, The Michiana Athletic and Recreation Association, United Health Services Suicide Prevention Center, United Way of LaPorte County, United Way of Marshall County, United Way of St. Joseph County, Unity Gardens Inc., University of Notre Dame, Upper Room Recovery Community, WIC, YMCA of Greater Michiana, Youth Service Bureau of St. Joseph County, YWCA North Central Indiana. The assessment process identified two health priorities that can be streamlined into the essential components of Beacon Health System's mission. Priority Areas - Healthcare Access (Health Literacy) and Mental Health provide a framework for the alignment of intervention strategies with BHS mission and values that aim for 1) providing information and enhance skills to patients/practitioners/community; 2) improving equitable access to health and wellness; 3) leveraging incentives for long-term behavioral change; and 4) improving and strengthening the social and healthcare systems in the three-county area. PART V, SECTION B, LINE 6A ELKHART GENERAL HOSPITAL CONDUCTED THE 2021 ELKHART COUNTY CHNA WITH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF SOUTH BEND, A BEACON HEALTH SYSTEM PARTNER; and Community Hospital of Bremen. Part V, Section B, Line 7D The Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) was made widely available to the community through posting on the EGH website at and through email transmissio